Wu Rebellious Universe

392 frozen, colorful light


After a group of strangers entered the secret room, they first exclaimed in unison, and then there was a "sneer" sound, and the cold air!

What they saw were sword marks on the ice wall, dense, one by one horizontal, and there was no sword mark on the ice; these can be seen by ordinary people.

And there are some, only the leader and the thin old man behind the leader can see it. They can see it. Specifically, they feel it. The shock in their eyes is even stronger, more than a hundred times stronger than the shock of their subordinates!

The leader and the thin old man not only saw the sword marks on the ice wall, but also felt that there were sword marks in this space. It can be said that the whole ice room was full of sword marks...

"Who waved the sword here? How many swords have been wielded to have such an effect?

The leader muttered, vaguely feeling that there was another meaning in the ice room. As for what it was, even he felt it.

After sighing a little, the leader coughed and pulled everyone's thoughts back. The leader pointed to the ice channel and said coldly, "Go inside!"

Immediately, more than 20 people walked in the front, one after another, and squeezed in.

The leader and the thin old man walked at the end. After the thin old man stepped into the ice channel, he didn't know what to think. He suddenly poked out the sharp thorns with his five fingers. After drawing a few shadows in the air, the ice channel was sealed.

As the leader walked, he looked at the traces in the ice duct and said, "These traces were left only a few days ago. Does it mean that this ice wall does not exist in the first place, but man-made?"

reading, the leader's eyebrows were deeply locked, "man-made? Where does this passage lead to? And who else did it?"

The thin old man also said, "The magic weapon in that man's hand is very sharp. At least I have never seen such a sharp magic weapon!"

Hearing this, the leader's eyes glowed.

When the thin old man blocked the ice road, the ice road was dark, but the first received a night pearl. The night pearl floated in the air, illuminating the road in front of them, and the thin old man stopped after blocking the ice road for a long time.

This group of mysterious people walked out of about three or four kilometers. Shang Qingdong took Tianyi's disciples to the ice room and sighed the same as the leaders. After sighing, he focused on the entrance of the ice channel. Although the ice channel was sealed, the place was obviously different from other places.

"There are still many people in front of us." Shang Qingdong's face was gloomy, "Which group of people did they find before us! Does this ice channel have anything to do with Shuiyuan Benjing?

After snorting coldly, Shang Qingdong scratched through the air with his finger. The hard ice blocking the entrance of the ice road broke apart. When the fog dissipated, Shang Qingdong saw that his hand was still blocked. He was angry and scratched his fingers repeatedly. In the confusion of his fingers, the blocked ice channel finally appeared unob

Shang Qingdong thought a little and said, "With my brother, you take 16 disciples and enter the ice channel with me to check what this ice channel is! In addition, Brother Wang, you take the remaining 38 disciples to firmly guard the ice channel and the ice room, and do not let anyone in. If you don't obey the order, you have to enter, no matter which sect you come, kill Yuan amnesty! Do you understand?"

"Understood, Brother Shang."

Shang Qingdong's party of 18 people walked into the ice channel.

That is, when Shang Qingdong pointed out to clear the blocked ice channel, the noise that came out along the ice wall and spread to the front. After the thin old man raised his eyebrows, his five fingertips spun around and blocked the ice channel all the way.

Neither of these two people knows that this ice channel was dug out by Chu Nan under the instructions of the black egg.

Not long after, the empty ancestor also touched the gap, but when he saw the disciples of Tianyi Sect waiting, he must not be able to break in alone. Even if he broke in, there was only a dead end.

Eye beads, after rotating twice, the empty ancestor quietly retreated. In just half an hour later, a message spread on Bingyan Island, "There is a gap under the ice cliff in the north, which may be related to Shuiyuan Benjing."

The people on Bingyan Island have been looking for so long, but they haven't found Shuiyuan Benjing. They are almost on the verge of collapse. Unexpectedly, at this time, there is news that there is Shuiyuan Benjing...

When they heard the news, they didn't say anything and ran to the ice cliff to the north.

The artifact sent Lv Yangming to take people there, Jianzhan sent, Wei Li of Tianjianmen also went, and the Miaoyin of Xuanbingmen also went. Originally, Shang Qingdong asked his men to catch two or three disciples of Xuanbingmen to torture, but because of that matter, Miaoyin restrained the disciples under the door and always kept them It was not easy to tear the face. He went straight to grab it. Then, there was news that someone else was looking for in the ice wall, and Tian Yizong also gave up this action.

Miaoyin didn't know about this. She was just thinking, "Where did he go?" How is it now? Is his injury serious? Nothing will happen, will it? What's his relationship with that person?

One question after another has been flashing in Miaoyin's mind. These days, she is not so much looking for Shuiyuan Benjing as looking for the news of Shuiyuan Benjing and looking for the trace of Chu Nan.

And Chu Nan, who was worried about the wonderful sound minute by minute, stopped at the passage of 500 meters down.

To be precise, it is frozen.

After the sword was stabbed out, Chu Nan just stopped to convey the power to the mixed element. At this moment, a huge, unimaginable cold air directly enveloped Chu Nan and froze him.

This kind of freezing is not like Miaoyin turning the disciples of Tianyi Sect into ice sculptures that day, but a solid state of freezing; this kind of freezing is dynamic, and those cold air directly seeped into Chu Nan's body, and then drilled out of Chu Nan's body; then the next cold air came in, continuous, continuous...

It's like a stream that keeps flowing, and Chu Nan is in the middle of this stream...

Chu Nan's body was frozen, maintaining the downward posture of holding dragon teeth; the power in Chu Nan's body was also frozen; every cell was frozen; even the whirlpool was frozen; and the will and mind were all frozen...

Everything in this space, as well as time, has been frozen.

If the defensive aperture of the mixed finger is still there at that moment, Chu Nan may still have a chance to resist, but it appeared so suddenly that Chu Nan did not respond, so that now, Chu Nan knows nothing and knows nothing.

If Chu Nan can't wake up in a very short time; then Chu Nan will be frozen like this all the time...

Until it freezes into an ice sculpture!

Until it freezes into part of the whole ice island!

Until it freezes into ice, pure ice!

However, how can Chu Nan, who has been frozen, check it out?

Unless there is a miracle.

The next moment, a miracle appeared with the jump of the black egg!

The black egg jumped into Chu Nan's frozen hand, and the colorful light flashed...

Chu Nan's body immediately moved.

The black egg continued to shine colorfully, and the colorful light surrounded Chu Nan. Slowly, Chu Nan's fingers moved one by one, and his eyebrows began to stir. The eye beads could also be rotate left and right, and the nose could also twitch. The two rows of teeth creaked, and the bones were also The sound of "tock-tock"...

Every cell in the body has also recovered.

The 216 whirlpools began to rotate slowly...

With the rotation of the whirlpool, the colorful light surrounding Chu Nan released from the black egg was also slowly sucked into Chu Nan's body. Chu Nan's body seems to gradually become colorful...

After a while, the black egg fell from the palm of Chu Nan's hand as if he had run out of strength and smashed a "dong", and Chu Nan happened to wake up. For the first time, he stimulated the defense of the mixed Yuan wrench, carried out the silent fire, and resisted the cold!

Then, Chu Nan picked up the black egg and released the colorful light of the black egg. The brightness of the egg was much darker. Chu Nan felt a sense of heartache when he saw it. He quickly poured out the top-quality yuan stone stored in a storage ring, and then put the black egg on it.

This is not enough. Chu Nan pierced his finger again, making the blood drip on the black egg...

With the infiltration of blood, and the top-quality stone disappeared, and the brightness of the black egg recovered again. Chu Nan was relieved and said, "I don't know what you are inside, what you are, and what kind of existence. Such a cold gas is of no use to you at all, and you still It saved my life..."

Thinking of the scene where he was frozen at that moment just now and there was no reaction, Chu Nan had a lingering palpitation. This kind of palpitation was that is, when he was besieged and killed by the three martial kings on the Piaoyun Mountain, he had never!

"Fortunately, fortunately..."

After this incident, Chu Nan has more expectations for the black egg. Before he comes out, he can have such a ability, so powerful; if it comes out, I don't know how powerful it is!

Because Yuanli is to provide the mixed-yuan wrench finger, and it also needs to maintain the fire of silence, Chu Nan's Yuanli consumption is even greater. He is also swallowing the elixir and refining the top grade Yuanshi. At the same time, he also thinks about what to do next.

Do you want to go deeper? Or go back?

If you want to go back, it is absolutely impossible for Chu Nan. How can you go back if you try your best to get to this point?

But if you continue, the difficulties encountered are absolutely incomparable, and if you are not careful, you will step into the hell of death.

"What should I do?"

When Chu Nan was thinking about it, the group of people walking in the ice channel dug by Chu Nan were in trouble; moreover, the trouble was not small! C