Wu Rebellious Universe

399 blue, white, red

"Cutcholy" martial art is effective for Yuzhi coral worms, which really surprised Chu Nan and then ecstatic, "Is it effective for people? Is it effective for these weirdos? If so, that crazy idea can..."

The Yuzhi coral insects, which were shrouded in the "Cut" martial arts, stopped attacking. Chu Nan used heavy swords and continuously waved the "Cut Chou" martial arts. The Yuzhi corals floated in the sea of fire one after another, watching Chu Nan pass in front of them, but he didn't know what to do

In this way, after dozens of hours, Chu Nan's mind has expanded to within 20 meters. In a piece of blue, there is a strange color: white!

The white is so pure and dazzling.

This white light spot is also a Yuzhi coral worm, a unique Yuzhi coral worm.

Chu Nan looked carefully. The blue fire around the white monster insect was much stronger, the volume was slightly larger, and the sharper thorns were sharper...

This group of insects seems to be guarding the white monster, as if this white monster is the leader of this group of insects. Just like those leaders in human society, there are a large group of subordinates, but there are too many subordinates of the white monster.

It was getting closer and closer to the white monster. Chu Nan heard a stingling sound. The sound was not in his ears, but directly in the divine mind. The closer it was, the more harsh the "stingling" sound was. Other blue bugs jumped and boiled, and even the blue bugs shrouded in the "Cut" martial Start to struggle.

"Is this a white monster giving orders?" Chu Nan doubted and then said, "The thief captures the king first. I'd like to see what will happen if I kill you, a white monster!"

With one thought, Chu Nan went straight to the white monster insect and cut it off, buzzing sharply. Those blue Yuzhi coral insects suddenly fell into madness and crashed into Chu Nan, all of them looked like they were desperate and sacrificed their lives.

Seeing this, Chu Nan strengthened the idea in his heart. The defense of the mixed ring was opened to the maximum. One hand epee, the other hand dragon teeth, killed forward. These blue Yuzhi coral worms, in Chu Nan's "cut sorrow" martial arts, and the "ssss" sound of white jade coral worms, sometimes /P>

The more you go, the more crazy you will be. A small part of Yuzhi coral worms hit it, and you can't break the defense of the mixed-yuan wrench finger. However, it's a little difficult for a lot of people to hit it. After all, the mixed-yuan wrench finger is not omnipotent.

Chu Nan waved his sword against the white Zongzhi coral. Before he reached the white monster, he was offset by other blue jade corals with weak bodies. "It seems that such a situation can only cause damage to the white monster in front of the white monster."

The distance of 20 meters took several hours, and Chu Nan finally walked with difficulty.

Lock the white Yuzhi coral worm and cut it down in the fourth way. The white monster that originally stood still on the spot suddenly rushed into Chunan, faster than the speed of the epee falling!


With a sharp sound, Chu Nan immediately felt that the defensive aperture had been punctured.

Then, the slender spikes pierced Chu Nan's body again. Chu Nan immediately felt the blood all over his body rushing towards the spikes crazily.

The white Yuzhi coral is sucking the blood of Chunan!

"How dare you suck my blood?"

Chu Nan's face was solemn, his two fingers were quickly clamped away, and the fire of silence was released between his fingers. Although the fire of silence was no match for the cold jade blue fire, the high temperature of the silence still made the pure white jade coral worm, who was used to the cold, tremble uncomfortably.

Taking this opportunity, the dragon's teeth pierced the head of the white jade coral worm. Even if the white jade coral worm's body was extremely strong, it was defeated against the dragon's teeth; Chu Nan did not hesitate to put the white jade coral worm into the storage ring...

In addition, a few drops of white ** floated in the cold jade blue flame.

"These drops of white** should have flowed from the head of the white monster." Chu Nan recalled the whole process, "So what is this white **? Is it the same blood in the body as human beings?

Chu Nan had no way to know, but he took out a jade bottle from the storage ring and put the white ** in it.

Then, Chu Nan found that the dense blue monster in front of him suddenly became chaotic and no longer attacked Chu Nan. Instead, they attacked each other. When attacking, they were all spikes hitting each other...

After careful observation for a while, Chu Nan made a new discovery. He found that as long as the spike of a blue monster pierced into another blue monster, absorbing the blue ** inside, the blue monster that was sucked immediately died; and the one that sucked ** was changing, with purer color and volume. It's also getting bigger...

There are thousands of blue monsters that have been sucked continuously but have not yet died. The color has changed, and there are white spots on the body!

"They are devouring, devouring their companions' evolution, that drop of ** is their most important thing..."

Chu Nan was surprised by the scene in front of him. Compared with the group of self-killing robbers in Oolong Valley, Chu Nan did not take the opportunity to move forward, but observed and felt that he wanted to grasp a crucial thing.

In devouring each other, three relatively strong Yuzhi coral worms appeared, with white spots on their bodies, and the blue monster, which originally belonged to the pure white monster, was also divided into three camps, each of which was its master and fought against each other.

Especially the three newly evolved blue monsters, the fight is the most tragic...

Just as Chu Nan was about to take down the three blue bugs, all the blue bugs who were fighting fiercely stopped and turned to the rear together. Chu Nan looked at the inexplicable change and looked in the direction they turned around.

Chu Nan saw that there was another white monster bug in the distance, and there was a "smow" sound in his mind. He just killed each other and wanted to divide the Yuzhi coral worm, and launched an attack on Chu Nan again!


Chu Nan opened his mouth, "The world of these strange insects is also about strength, and the strong are respected, but it is much simpler than human society. There is no intrigue, no conspiracy, weak strength, and it is completely unconditionally executes the orders of the strong..."

To be honest, seeing this, Chu Nan has a lot of good impressions with these strange insects that have caused him a lot of trouble, and he likes them a little.

But if you like it, the spikes of the white monster can easily pierce the defensive aperture stimulated by the mixed finger. It doesn't matter if one or two white monsters, but if the number of white monsters reaches the number of blue monsters, Chu Nan's previous imagination Face, it will really happen to him.

Chu Nan took the initiative and stimulated the defensive aperture. The "Cutcholy" martial arts skills opened and closed, and cut off the white jade coral.

I don't know how long it took for Chu Nan to kill in front of the white monster, and the white monster launched a brazen attack like the previous one. This time, Chu Nan, who had learned from experience, had already taken precautions and took out the dragon scales to protect him!

The white monster came quickly, and the defense aperture was broken again. The sharp thorn suddenly stabbed on the dragon scales, but could not be stabbed in half of it. Then Chu Nan seized the opportunity and punctured his head. Several drops of pure white ** floated in the air. Chu Nan put it in the jade bottle, and the body

Next, the blue Yuzhi corals without the leader began a new round of self-killing. The whole sea of fire sounded a shrill buzzing sound, as if they were blowing battle slogans.


Another white Yuzhi coral worm arrived, the fight stopped, and the insects attacked Chu Nan!

Seeing this, Chu Nan smiled, ignored the other strange insects, and went straight ahead to kill the white strange insects...

In this way, he killed the white monster all the way and walked all the way in the direction previously guided by the black egg.

After walking for a few hours, about fifty or sixty white monsters were killed. After the white ** was filled with two jade bottles, Chu Nan had a new understanding. The further he went, the stronger the fighting power of the monster, especially those white bugs, which are larger in size and purer in color, and around the white monster behind, also There are a lot of blue and white strange insects...

With this understanding, watching the devouring of strange insects, Chu Nan walked forward.

Suddenly, he swallowed each other and stopped again. Chu Nan thought that there was a new white monster and didn't care about it, but when he looked forward, his face changed greatly...

What appeared in Chunan's vision was not a touch of white, but a pile of white. According to the volume, it is estimated that there are hundreds of them, and in addition to the white monsters, there are groups of blue and white monsters, the number of which is quite large. As for the blue monsters, let alone, there are everywhere!

What shocked Chu Nan most was the middle of the group of white monsters, and there was a red monster!

"Color represents strength. White is more powerful than blue, and red is definitely more powerful than white. White worms can pierce the defense of mixed fingers. What about red worms? What's the strength?"

If there were no dragon scales, Chu Nan really didn't know what to do. "The red monster should not be able to break the dragon scales!"

Chu Nan still insisted on going to the white monster.

His way must move forward.

Only by spelling can we find a way.

Although Chu Nan was still thinking, "Is there anything more advanced than the red monster?" Chu Nan's answer to himself was, "It's very likely - there is!"

While walking, Chu Nan's idea became clearer and clearer...C