Wu Rebellious Universe

406 bold move

If the coral blue whale wants to swallow the water-colored beads, which are most likely to be the water-colored crystal, the speed of the water-colored beads is suddenly accelerated, rushing more quickly!

Although the body of the coral black blue whale is huge, the blood absorbed by a group of the most powerful Yuzhi coral insects such as the small blue is also not small, which has caused a lot of damage to it. It is no longer an existence that the coral black blue whale can ignore...

And the dragon teeth in Chu Nan's hand were pierced through the bone. For a long time, the uninjured body began to come from a burst of severe pain...

However, the coral mysterious blue whale did not pay attention to all this. Even if it wanted to pay attention to it, it could not do anything. It chased the water-colored beads with all its strength, but did not care about the quiet fire covered by a layer of water curtain.

It seems that the coral dark blue whale has been waiting for thousands or even tens of thousands of years for that water-colored bead.

In this way, how can it let the water-colored beads escape from the palm of the hand?


The loud shout of the coral dark blue whale far exceeded the sum of all the tsunamis in front of him. On the ice platform, the sea of fire jumped into the air. The speed of the momentum was unpredictable, just like something was exploding at the bottom of the sea of fire, and the martial kings floating in the air were the cold jade blue that Yan was shocked. Some of them were slow to react. They were in a low position, and they were in the most central part. They were drenched all over by Han Yu Lanyan. Suddenly, their faces were pale. Fortunately, they fell by and did not cause much damage to their lives.

The scene above, Chu Nan and others in the sea of fire, naturally will not know.

After the coral dark blue whale drank violently, the huge body suddenly accelerated. In a flash, there was a tendency to catch up with the water-colored beads, and the ability of the coral black blue whale was not limited to this. The sea of fire around, and the faint fire was still shrouded. The coral black blue whale jumped up, stirring up The wave...

This leap did not have any impact on the little blue, because the volume of the little blue is a Cangshan mountain compared with the coral dark blue whale, which is different from a small stone. However, the two wounds on the coral black blue whale have expanded a lot...

Moreover, Xiao Lan, just like its owner, is bold and fearless!

However, Xiaolan followed the wound, got into the flesh and blood of the coral blue whale, and sucked up the blood in it. With swallowing, Xiaolan's blood was thicker. Xiaolan's bold move has made the coral blue whale stalk like a stalk in the throat, but it can't be dealt with.

It doesn't count if Xiao Lan went in by herself. After the snoring sound came out, other transparent Yuzhi corals that were adsorbed in the wound also drilled in.

If it's just these, it won't have any impact on the coral dark blue whale, but in the back, below, there are also the overwhelming jade coral worms. After receiving the king's order, they are constantly rushing to the two wounds.

It's hard to imagine that if these Yuzhi coral worms, whether red or white or blue, all get into the flesh and blood of the coral blue whale, I'm afraid it's enough for the coral blue whale to eat a pot.

However, in this leap, Chu Nan is like experiencing a purgatory trip. If his body hadn't been strongly tempered again, I'm afraid that in this leap, Chu Nan's body would have fallen apart.

Even so, Chu Nan was not feeling well. He was gritting his teeth to stand it, but his eyes were staring at the quiet fire. Thinking about the previous picture of the fire kowtowing, a bold idea came to his mind: "If I swallow up this quiet fire, what will happen?"

After an instant, Chu Nan's eyes were full of persistence!

Besides, the coral dark blue whale after the leap jumped in front of the water-colored beads, and its mouth was extremely wide open. If the water-colored beads rushed up at the previous speed, it would be just right. The beads entered the whale's mouth and threw themselves into the net.

However, the water-colored beads suddenly made a sharp turn, shot into the distance, and went straight to the secluded fire. The coral dark blue whale was shocked and seemed to be a little afraid. While chasing, he encouraged and sucked deeply...

The suction generated by the coral mysterious blue whale is not small, which slows down the speed of the water-colored beads. The water-colored beads are also psychic. With its own sense of danger, it no longer runs directly to the secluded fire, but circles and slowly approaches the secluded fire in circles.

The water-colored beads hover, which greatly affects the suction of the coral dark blue whale, and its huge body is even more difficult to rotate.

But the coral black blue whale was determined to eat the water-colored beads, so it would not let go. It tried its best to destroy the rotation of the water-colored beads, and while trying to catch up. Although the water-colored beads were affected, it was much better than the previous one that it almost entered the whale's mouth.

In this way, the water-colored beads ran in front, and the coral blue whale chased behind, running and chasing. In the unconscious, it was centered on the secluded fire, circled, circled, and getting closer and closer to the secluded fire.

The coral blue whale did not panic. There was also a layer of water curtain on the quiet fire. Although it knew that the origin of the fire was not simple and powerful, it believed that its water curtain was enough to block the fire, because the fire was still newborn and had not fully grown!

Suddenly, the water-colored beads fell quickly and were falling into the secluded fire. The coral dark blue whale roared and broke through the sea of fire. The water-colored beads saw that the situation was not good and flew to the other side, while the coral dark blue whale passed by the secluded fire.

At the moment that passed, a sword stabbed the water curtain.

Of course, the sword is an epee. Chu Nan has been accumulating power for a long time. At this moment, all the power on the epee is attacking towards the center of the water curtain!

The water curtain was pierced immediately.

The quiet fire seized the opportunity and rushed out to converge with the water-colored beads.

However, at the moment when the epee pierced the water curtain, the epee went into the storage ring, and a big hand suddenly covered the faint fire, and the faint fire rushed out was just caught by Chu Nan.

Catched the faint fire in his hand, Chu Nan immediately felt that his whole body was frozen.

At the same time, the whirlpool in the body, which was already turning slowly, boldly rotated to the limit, and even broke through the limit. The colorful light absorbed from the black egg instantly followed the whirlpool to every corner of the body.

The feeling of being frozen disappeared.

Chu Nan had a false alarm.

At the same time, there was also a false alarm about the coral mysterious blue whale. When it saw Chu Nan piercing the water curtain, the panic in its eyes was exposed. Later, when it saw Chu Nan grabbing the quiet fire in his hand, the surprised look instantly turned into a sneer, sneer at Chu Nan's excessive power, Of.

However, the coral black blue whale also hopes that Chu Nan will drag the secluded fire for a while, wait for it to swallow the water-colored beads, and then turn around to clean up Chu Nan, as well as the group of jade coral insects that it usually eats.

The water-colored beads saw that the faint fire reached Chu Nan's hand, and Chu Nan was on the back of the coral mysterious blue whale. The water-colored beads could not, so he had to give up the idea of reunite the two and rushed up again.

Chu Nan got the quiet fire, but he was worried. Seeing the previous vision, Chu Nan knew that the fire was extraordinary, and also wrapped Shuiyuan Benjing in his arms. How could it be simple?

The storage ring definitely can't hold the quiet fire. Chu Nan tried it, and the storage ring directly became powder!

And Chu Nan did not have any container on his body to hold this extraordinary thing. The faint fire was still swaying, looking weak, but Chu Nan saw its ridicule from the faint fire.

Chu Nan's face was solemn, his eyebrows were deep locked, and he resisted the pressure and pain caused by the coral black blue whale chasing up. After a few breaths, Chu Nan thought of a container containing a faint fire in his mind!

However, after thinking of this container, Chu Nan's expression was thousands of times more solemn, tens of thousands of times, as solemn as the whole sky!

Because this container is not his thing, it's just his body!

After a moment, Chu Nan made a decision, nothing else, only the word "spelling" at the moment!

"I can refine my body like a refiner, and I can also use my body as a storage ring!" Chu Nan said something in his heart and said loudly to the faint fire, "Isn't it just a cold fire? I can swallow the dragon elixir, and I'm afraid I can't swallow your fire?"

After hearing this sentence, the quiet fire, which was still wavering, immediately settled down, as if it had been given a fixation method. This kind of strange thing bred by heaven and earth seems to have no life, but it is an existence that many ordinary people can't imagine.

Chu Nan did not sarcasm. He grabbed the quiet fire and slowly sent it to his mouth!

Seeing Chu Nan is not a lie, but playing for real. The secluded fire suddenly became scattered and extremely messy, and the whole sea of fire was boiling and anxious.

Chu Nan seemed to hear the anger of the quiet fire, heard it summoning thousands of cold jade blue fire, and heard his anxiety...

The pressure of the whole Yanhai Sea came from all directions to the south of Chu, as if to squeeze the south of Chu into pieces to save their king.

The pressure around hit, and the power was extremely powerful. The corners of Chu Nan's mouth were squeezed out of blood!

However, Chu Nan's hand was still grasped so tightly. His eyes and his mind were so firm that he had never wavered. He competed with the faint fire and slowly moved the faint fire to his mouth.

Under pressure, not only Chu Nan, but also the coral dark blue whale, because Chu Nan is tightly attached to the coral dark blue whale.

Immediately, the speed of the coral blue whale slowed down.

However, the water-colored beads are not affected, but rush out faster.

Seeing this, the coral blue whale was furious and roared repeatedly. While spitting blood, it rushed up.

Chu Nan's hand moved slowly. Although this quiet fire was only a newborn, it could not be underestimated. Chu Nan burned everything in his body crazily and fought desperately with the quiet fire!


Water-colored beads rushed out of the sea of fire!

The quiet fire is only a short distance away from Chu Nan's mouth!

For readers:

There will be another chapter later. D