Wu Rebellious Universe

414 triple compression

Something is wrong, something is wrong!

This strong feeling is spreading in Chu Nan's heart. With the influx of water power more and more crazily, it spreads to every corner of the body!

Chu Nan, who is less than 20 years old, is only a seven-foot man with a width of less than two feet. But now, Chu Nan, who has only sucked for nearly five minutes with suction, has soared to more than ten feet, and his body width also goes straight to six feet.

This is all caused by the water power.

Moreover, in the current situation, it is still the result of Chu Nan's desperate compression of the original force!

If it is not compressed and let the water force flowing into the body expand freely, I'm afraid that Chu Nan has swelled to compete with the iron bear.

The vitality in Chunan's body is comparable to the coral mysterious blue whale, which has lived for tens of thousands of thousands of feet in size. It is like the difference between the stream and the sea. The water in the stream will never happen at all; but the water in the sea continues to pour into the stream, and the problem will be big.

If it is light, it floods the stream and destroys the stream; if it is heavy, the stream collapses and no longer winding.

Here, the meridians are equivalent to streams, and water is like a force!

The coral black blue whale cooperated so closely to let Chu Nan absorb more hal power. The idea was to let Chu Nan's meridian burst and die. However, after absorbing so much yuan power in a short period of time, Chu Nan had nothing to do, which also surprised the coral basal blue whale very surprised. In addition, the speed of Fast, and squeezed the huge euttering power into Chu Nan's two hands.

The coral dark blue whale does not know that Chu Nan is different from ordinary people. For others, the meridian is equivalent to a stream; but for Chu Nan, the whole body is a stream, or a big stream, a stream big enough to be called a "river".

No matter how big the stream is, compared with the sea, even if it is nothing, there will always be a moment of explosion!

At this moment, Chu Nan's clothes have already cracked, and the blood is splashed like off-lined beads, almost to the verge of being bloated.

Others died of the bursting of the meridians, while Chu Nan died directly from the explosion of the body; this is like a balloon, after reaching the limit, and then pouring into the air, the end is a "bamp" sound, fragmented.

While supplying Chunan to absorb the power, the body did not stop getting bigger, and it continued. The "coo-dong" sound in the body had become a "boom", as if there was a waterfall flying straight down; Xiaolan and other Yuzhi coral insects struggled desperately in the source power full of attack, and the slender spikes stabbed everywhere Go, just hoping to be able to pierce the bright red blood, the little blue walked against the water and climbed to the abdomen of the coral dark blue whale, where there is the most fundamental support of the coral black blue whale.

"It can't go on like this! It must be changed!"

Chu Nan realized that it was not good. A large number of water elements that did not belong to Chu Nan were filled in the blood and flesh of the meridians. In each cell, the more water element power entered the body, the more blood and other elements in his body were rejected. The more it was squeezed out, it was the cold jade blue and blue fire king

Moreover, the more, the more difficult it is for Chu Nan to control. After all, these original forces are foreign and do not belong to his own cultivation. They can't be as close as they have cultivated, so they can be used freely.

Once Chu Nan can't control these water power, then the power flood will break out and swell his body!

Although the situation is critical, Chu Nan is also 120,000 points of solemnity, but in this solemnity, Chu Nan has a smile on the corners of his mouth, "Do you want me to explode? Just rely on you, you evil beast, can you?"

"I was worried that my body had become so strong that I could find enough Yuanli to open up the next few channels. Now, there is no need to be so troublesome. Although Shui Yuanli is not as powerful as Jin Yuanli, it is better!"

"Today, I will use your strength to refine the third layer of the "Grass and Tree Secret", the third layer of the "God's Change", the second layer of the "Life and Death Secret", the second, or even the third layer..." Chu Nan has already calculated the meridian map of these martial arts secrets, just waiting for enough strength to open

It's a pity that for a long time, it has been difficult to find a large amount of Yuanli. It is not often that kind of opportunity to kill the King of Wu to get the Yuan core.

Now, here comes the opportunity!

And it's right in front of you!

The coral mysterious blue whale will never know that Chu Nan's meridians are self-made, let alone the evil method of Chu Nan to practice martial arts. Otherwise, it will definitely regret it and die!

"Lend your strength to forge the tenth meridians!"

Chu Nan shouted, and the suction increased instead of decreasing. At the same time, the water element in each cell was forcibly forced out and compressed in the position of the early calculation. There were only two in Chu Nan's mind: "Compression!"

Compress, compress, compress, compress and then compress, keep compressing, continue to compress desperately!

The body is supported and expanded by the water force, which is definitely a painful process. Chu Nan has experienced all kinds of pains such as breaking tendons and bones, tearing the heart and lungs, viscera displacement, vascular bursting, etc. The stronger the body is, the more painful it is to be torn open!

And if you want to ask, what is the pain that is more painful than swelling?

That's compression!

It is supported alive, and then it is compressed desperately. The pain can never be borne by ordinary people!

Consant: The container of Chu Nan's body is constantly entering with Yuanli outside. He also needs to compress the container to make the body smaller, and the Yuanli can't be leaked at all. What will happen under these three-sided attack?

It is very likely to perish in pain!

In the past, Chu Nan's spinning force burst. If the compression at that time is said to be double compression, at this moment, Chu Nan's compression is definitely skipping "double compression" to "threefold compression"!

This triple compression has already exceeded the limit that Chu Nan can bear!

However, even with such pain, even if there is a possibility of extinction, Chu Nan's body has become smaller after all, but the blood in the pores has oozed more, and the muscles of his face are even more distorted.

Every moment of Chu Nan is like living like a year in purgatory. I don't know how long it took, Chu Nan compressed Yuanli to a certain extent, and his resolute eyes flashed in his eyes. He gritted his bloody teeth and said, "Be the third layer of my "Gras and Grass and Wood Secrets"!"


Chu Nan clearly heard the harsh sound from his body. The magnificent water power rushed past along the path calculated by Chu Nan. The originally strong body was broken in this power that was rubbed into Chu Nan's playful will. As soon as a crack was broken, it was followed by endless and flowing thousands of miles. Like a flood-like power, ferociously poured in...

That's it. After about five minutes, a bloody channel strang across Chu Nan's body!

The opening of the tenth meridians made the water power in Chu Nan's body empty, and his body returned to a normal state at the fastest speed. However, Chu Nan's reaction made his whole body tremble uncontrollably.

Without any hesitation, Chu Nan's hands, the suction reappeared, and the whirlpool rotated in this process. The speed once again broke through the limit. The coral black blue whale felt that the swallowing suction was more fierce than the front. At the same time, he was puzzled, and he was a little flustered. "What on earth After sucking so much power from me, not only did the meridians burst, but the more I sucked more and more..."

How much power did Chu Nan absorb?

Just look at the cracked Bingyan Island, half of which has been swallowed by the coral mysterious blue whale, and you will know that it is terrible. I'm afraid that Mo Laolai will get so much strength in the sudden land, and he can't support it for a long time.

At this time, Mr. Mo was standing in a hidden place and staring at the bottom. There was no sign of injury on his body. Shang Qingdong and the thin old man joined hands to kill together. Mr. Mo had been prepared for a long time. He originally wanted to wait for these people to kill each other almost before coming out to clean up the mess, After that, the situation exceeded his expectations. He also found Chu Nan at the first time. At the moment he saw it, Mr. Mo recognized him, and then his face was full of consteritonishment. Until now...

While Mo Lao stared at Chu Nan, he also found the abnormal reaction of the empty ancestor and Fu Zhen, and doubts rose in his heart.

When the thin old man was ready to brazenly take action against Fu Zhen, Fu Zhen threw out five charms and roared five times. The thin old man retreated again and again. Blood splashed in his mouth, and his chest was blown into a ball of flesh and blood. The thin old man who was blown up by the "fu" and Mo Lao Is it a magic weapon? It doesn't look like it, that's..."

Fu Zhen took out the charm again and said to the thin old man, "I still have a lot of such things. I don't know how many times you can resist it?" With that, the charm was thrown out again.

On the other side, in the fight between Wukong Laozu and Shang Qingdong, with the passage of time, the situation of Shang Qingdong became more and more dangerous.

Other people who can move are also handing over to decide the winner, so that they can rush to Shuiyuan Benjing to escape!

Ten minutes of wild suction, ten minutes of storage, ten minutes of compression, ten minutes of force impact...

After the process of expanding and becoming smaller, and then returning to a normal state, the eleventh meridian also appeared. The second layer of "The Secret of Life and Death" was successfully practiced!

At this time, the body of the coral mysterious blue whale is no longer getting bigger.

That is to say, the power of the coral blue whale swallowing ice has reached a balance with the water absorption force of Chu Nan. The real thing is how much it absorbs!

Moreover, Chu Nan's devouring is not over yet.

Chu Nan's hands went deep and began the third wild sucking!

Coral dark blue whale also felt a little bad, but it was still allowed Chu Nan to suck wildly and did not stop it.

Another round of repetition. When Chu Nan was trying to compress, there was a crackling crackling sound in his body. It seemed that there was something cracked... D