Wu Rebellious Universe

474 Longevity Dan, Crazy Magic Dan

Xiaolan and other Yuzhi coral insects pierced their bodies, and Hua Meier's brother was still shouting, "Senior, we are disciples of the Bliss Palace. If you want to kill us, the Bliss Palace will not forgive you!"

Chu Nan ignored it at all. He had never heard of the Elyssible Palace. Even if he had heard of it, even if he was very strong, so what?

Tianyizong Chunan dares to break through, and he is afraid of a palace of bliss that he has never heard of?

The Yuzhi coral worm began to suck blood wildly, and the five people were still threatening with the Elyssty Palace, but they howled for a long time. Seeing that it was useless, they changed to pleading bitterly.

The flower charm felt the sharp reduction of blood in her body and said in a panic, "Senior, you spare the slave family. The slave family is willing to warm the bed for the senior. The slave family will do whatever the senior wants the slave family to do. The slave family will definitely serve the senior comfortably!"

There is no doubt that the five people are destined to die. What Chu Nan cares about is not the life or death of the five disciples of the blissful Palace, but the Danfang!

After the divine thought penetrated in, Chu Nan saw only three words at first glance, which made three words surge in his heart.

These three words are: Long-Shou-Dan!

Not to mention anything else, the word "longevity" alone is enough to make people think, enough to make the mainland turbulent and smoke everywhere.

Compared with the sect-level magic weapon, Shuiyuan Benjing and so on, the value of this "longevity elixir" is more than 100 times, and it is not too much to say 1,000 times, 10,000 times and 100,000 times.

In a word, in a word, the value of "longevity elixir" is immeasurable, and it is an absolute treasure with no market value.

As we all know, the life expectancy of warriors on the Tianwu mainland is limited, and the length of this life is related to cultivation. The higher the cultivation, the longer the life expectancy. The warriors of warriors can live about 100 years old, the great martial artists can basically live to 200 years old, and the generals can live for up to 400 years Six hundred years, King Wu is 800 years old, and Emperor Wu is thousands of years old...

Of course, the age here is normal. If you are in distress and killed by others, it is not necessarily true.

Thousands of years old, it looks quite tempting, but there are so many people in Tianwu Continent, how many people can practice to the realm of Wuwang, and how many people can cultivate to Wuhuang? Many martial artists, it's good to be able to practice martial arts...

However, if there is a "longevity elixir", even if this "longevity elixir" cannot really live a long life, as long as the life expectancy can be increased by two or three hundred years, the meaning will be very different. Maybe because of these two or three hundred years, the martial arts king can become the king of martial arts,

Even if he is already in the realm of Emperor Wu, or even Emperor Wu, who will refuse to live for hundreds of years? Who would think that he has lived for a long time and doesn't want to live; who will have trouble with his own life?

Let's go back, if a martial artist is extremely mediocre, but as long as he has enough "longevity elixir", relying on the accumulation of age, the pile can also pile it up into a top strong man!

Chu Nan was so bright that he thought of his parents in Baijia Village at the first time. He experienced so many ups and downs outside. Chu Nan also knew that his father was also a martial artist, but his mother did not seem to have practiced martial arts. Chu Nan occasionally remembered it and was also worried about his mother's life.

Now, with the "Longevity Dan" Danfang in hand, Chu Nan's worry has been reduced a lot.

The reason why Chu Nan's worry has not been completely eliminated is that this is just an elixir, not a "longevity elixir", and the "longevity elixir" can forcibly prolong the life of the warrior. To refine such an anti-sky elixir, the materials needed for it must be extremely unbelievable!

Chu Nan carefully read the elixir. Sure enough, the elixir prescription listed a full number of 37 flavors of herbs, more than half of which Chu Nan had never been heard of and never seen before. There were also some of them. Chu Nan read them in the elixir book given by the cold-faced master of the cold-faced king The following is a note that these herbs have disappeared in Tianwu Continent!

There are also two flavors of herbs, Yingyuan grass and red wormwood fin incense. I heard that they still exist in the world, but I don't know where in Tianwu Continent!

Chu Nan meditated for several times. After remembering all thirty-seven medicines, he held the elixir in his hand. The black flame flashed, and the elixir turned into ashes. He thought to himself, "No matter how difficult it is, I must refine the longevity elixir. My mother needs the longevity elixir very Need it!"

When Ling Yanlan saw the black flame from Chu Nan's fist, her delicate body was even more shocked, and the stormy waves surged in her heart. "The fire of silence, this senior actually refined the fire of silence."

In shock, Ling Yanlan looked at the five disciples of the bliss of the Palace with high-level martial arts who wanted to take her Danfang and torture her. What Ling Yanlan saw was that there were only five stinky skins without any blood, and the five of them seemed to be eighty years old collectively, including the flower charm...

"What kind of weirdos are these? Five high-ranking martial arts can't escape them, and they died so miserably..." Ling Yanlan was surprised in her heart, "It's just some strange insects, just so powerful, so what about the strength of this predecessor? However, how can his breath be a junior martial artist? Also, what method did he use to see Dan Fang!"

For this, Ling Yanlan was puzzled, but she did not dare to ask, and she was still a little worried. She was worried that Chu Nan would kill people and end up with the same end as the five disciples of the blisty Palace. Thinking of this, Ling Yanlan looked up at the Yuzhi coral worm and saw the blood on the sharp There was another chill.

In the middle, Chu Nan has finished reading the second Danfang, and the name of the second Danfang is a little strange, called Crazy Magic Dan!

Mad magic elixir is composed of thirteen flavors of medicine, one main medicine and twelve flavors of auxiliary medicine. Although most of the thirteen flavors of mad magic elixir are extremely precious and rare medicines, they are much better than the thirty-seven flavors of longevity elixir.

At least there is a trace to follow!

And the function of this mad magic elixir is to make its own power, like a mad demon, soar several times!

How many times the specific increase depends on the quality of the refined mad elixir, how the grade is, as low as three times, as high as dozens of times!

In this way, the crazy magic elixir is worthy of the name.

It's just that such an effective elixir must have side effects. Its side effects are at the cost of vitality!

A mad elixir needs to consume at least 30 years of vitality; the one that soars tenfold is hundreds of years.

Seeing this, Chu Nan smiled and couldn't help laughing. Isn't this crazy magic elixir prepared for him?


With the tenth meridians, Chu Nan is not lacking at all. As long as there is vegetation, the vitality is as much as it needs!

For others, if they have a crazy elixir, it must be a must-kill skill and a desperate choice; but for Chu Nan, no matter how many crazy elixirs there are, he can use it!

In a very happy mood, Chu Nan said suspiciously, "Is the difference between the martial arts really very important? "Mangshan Secret" is a yellow-grade road product, but it has allowed me to refine a strong body and have the power that ordinary people can't have; and "Grass and Wood Secret", a low-level martial trick that others disdained, has given me infinite vitality..."

reading, Chu Nan couldn't help but be greedy, "I don't know if the "Fireworks Secret" I practiced when I was a child will also surprise me!"

Stop thinking, Chu Nan destroyed the "Crazy Magic Dan" Danfang. Chu Nan doesn't know if there are still these two Danfang on the mainland, but at present, if someone wants to get the Danfang, he can only know from his mind!

Chu Nan looked at Ling Yanlan again. He didn't ask her where these Danfangs came from and how they got them. He didn't ask her what her identity was. He just said indifferently, "I need a maidservant!"


Ling Yanlan exclaimed, and her voice was full of anger. Of course, she knew what the senior in front of her meant. She wanted her to be his maidservant. If she didn't agree, waiting for her would be death, the same ending as the five disciples of the blis of the bliss.

However, how can Ling Yanlan be someone else's maidservant? Even if she can, what is the fate of a maidservant? Ling Yanlan is clear. The master can do whatever he wants. Whether it's beating, scolding or humiliating, it's all according to the master's will!

In this way, what's the difference between falling into the hands of five disciples of the bliss?

"If I had known this, I should have blown myself up and died with those five people. Why did you ask to save this person and even hand over the elixir!" Ling Yanlan murmured in her heart, took her knees off the ground, stood up straight, stared at Chu Nan and said, "The little girl is not the opponent of the predecessor, but the senior wants the little woman to be a slave. That's no way. I would rather die than let you be insulted and humiliated by you!"

Chu Nan originally appreciated the woman in front of him. The main thing he appreciated was not the appearance, but the unyielding spirit. Unexpectedly, the two words spit out by Ling Yanlan made Chu Nan stunned, "Disgrace?"

Then, Chu Nan understood and said lightly, "I'm not interested in you!"

"Eh?" Ling Yanlan didn't react.

"I may realize something today, but you bring someone to disturb me..."

"But the little woman also offered two Danfangs. Judging from the previous movements, the two Danfangs are definitely not simple!" When Ling Yanlan saw that Chu Nan was not angry, she was a little bold.

"Those two Danfangs are only enough to exchange your life, but not enough to make up for your mistakes and your freedom!"

Chu Nan's voice became indifferent again, and he had no sense of pity for jade. Ling Yanlan felt a little wronged and couldn't help crying and saying, "So what do you want?"

"For a hundred years as a maidservant, let you be free!"

"Ret think about it!"

"Two hundred years!"


Chu Nan was expressionless and spit out three words: "Six hundred years!"

Ling Yanlan stared at Chu Nan and suddenly shouted, "I'm just a martial king. I've lived for so many years, and I can't live for 600 years!"

Chu Nan smiled, "As long as you are my maidservant, don't say six hundred years, even eight hundred years is not difficult!" C