Wu Rebellious Universe

516 Power Meridian

Three days later, Qi Liansheng was already full of gray soil, and his appearance was even more withered and dim. There was no more majestic and high-ranking look of the middle-level martial emperor, but he still did not find the trace of the fake devil.

However, after three days of exploration, Qi Liansheng also found some rules. The fake demon road fled to the depths of the mountains. Those forest areas that have become desolate are the best proof. However, these proofs made Qi Liansheng a little shocked, "What kind of evil skills did this man practice? Let the forest become a desert in a very short time.

In three days, Bi Zheng also recovered and issued the order. The disciples of Tianyi Sect have come to the Songmu Mountains as quickly as possible. In addition, there is also news sent back to Tianyi Sect!

At that time, Qi Liansheng and the other two were busy chasing Chu Nan and forgot about the matter of the rich Zhou. The rich Zhou fled and spread the news that Tian Yizong killed people and the devil saved people. Some people believed this news, and some people did not believe it. After all, after all, the Tianyi clan has accumulated power for so many years Fast speed, leave Pine City!

At this moment, Qi Liansheng and Bi Zheng stood in front of a desert with a radius of ten feet, and their faces were full of gloom. Qi Liansheng said, "We must catch him as soon as possible, otherwise there will be some accidents if such a situation continues!"

Bi Zheng frowned and thought for a while, and then said, "Uncle, we don't have to go to him, just wait for him to come out."


"I saw that the areas that have become deserts on this road are all in extremely hidden places. If such a strange thing hadn't happened, it would have been difficult for us to find it, and the devil is going to the depths of the mountains. In this case, we will rush to the front as fast as possible, find a hidden place, and wait ."

After Bi Zheng finished speaking, Qi Liansheng smiled and patted Bi Zheng on the shoulder and said, "Good idea. You can catch the devil this time!"

"Uncle, this is what Bi Zheng should do. In addition, those strange insects can also be used as a reference. As long as there are strange insects, it is said that the devil is not far away." Bi Zheng quickly said modestly, and Qi Liansheng kept nodding, "Then we set out immediately. Only when we catch him can we feel at ease. I really don't know how he came out of the abyss in the forbidden place. Is there a way leading to the outside? If so, it is a hidden danger for Tian Yizong. Let the devil say it."

Qi Liansheng said and wanted to follow the ground, but saw that there was still sadness on Bi Zheng's face. Qi Liansheng asked, "Bi Zheng, is there anything else?"

"Uncle, because of my negligence, the rich man Zhou did not die. I guess that now he has spread the news that Tianyi's disciples pretended to be a night killer to kill people." Bi Zheng said with a little shame, but Qi Liansheng didn't care at all. He smiled and said, "Bi Zheng, you are not as good as your uncle in this respect. He said, will anyone believe it? The prestige of Tianyizong is not just words, it is poured out with blood; then again, even if they believe it all, what can they do? At worst, let all the people in Pine City shut up, and the dead will not spread the news.

Rao was Bi Zheng's cruel heart, but he was still shocked to hear that Qi Liansheng casually said the words of "Shucheng"; and Qi Liansheng had followed the ground like nothing to do, and Bi Zheng quickly followed.

On the other side, Chu Nan was staying in a hidden cave. He scattered all the Yuzhi coral insects, watched the wind, searched and explored. In three days, Chu Nan sucked three times more vitality than in the Hengduan Mountains, so that the broken body was intact.

The body was reorganized again. Under the joint refinement of the dragon Danwei hidden in the huge vitality and flesh and blood cells, the body was strengthened again, which was comparable to the lower grade of the ancestral weapon; the elixir in the Dantian also changed, as if it had lived and had life.

However, the power in Chu Nan's body did not return to the peak state, and it returned to 50% to 60%.

Although Chu Nan's Yuanli has not fully recovered, he is not ready to escape again. He is going to fight back, but the Yuanli is not enough. All he can rely on is strength!

It's just that Chu Nan doesn't have enough power to provide. It's obviously impossible to open up the second layer of the meridians of Cangshan Tips to increase strength!

But Chu Nan did not give up. What kind of power does the Haotian arrow, which has been compressed three times by 200,000 catties, have? Chu Nan has seen it with his own eyes. He also poured the four Haotian arrows swept away with more than 400,000 catties of power, and compressed the five elements of vitality several times together; such four Haotian There was also a smell of terror in the ring, and Chu Nan had to suppress it with dragon tendons.

At this time, Chu Nan thought about how to combine several times of strength into one punch, such as turning ten punches into one punch. "I have to continue the second punch every time I punch. If I don't hit it out, no matter how I compress it, or with the power of the earth, it will be 200,000 catties. This is the limit

One hour, three hours, Chu Nan is still thinking hard.

On the other side, after Qi Liansheng and Bi Zheng carefully explored the terrain, they chose a place and ambushed.

When night fell, Chu Nan took out his epee. In the bloody battle three days ago, Chu Nan did not use it, because it was not until the last moment. He didn't want to expose his identity. He brought another disaster to the artifact faction that was already in danger. "Ling family, when I take the lives of these two martial emperors, Come on..."

Chu Nan read and compressed his power into the epee again and again. When Chu Nan came to his senses, Chu Nan was shocked, because he had compressed ten times into the heavy sword. The Haotian arrow of Shangpin Zongqi could only withstand the compression of Chu Nan three times at most, while the epee was ten times, but there was no response. .

"It seems that the level of this epee is really unimaginable."

When he compressed in again, Chu Nan's mind flashed, "The reason why the epee and Haotian arrow can concentrate their strength several times is that they are a container. The better the level of the container, the more power it can be, the more horrible it can be. In this way..." Chu Nan raised his fist, "As long as I punched Open a container in the head, store the power in it, and then it can be stimulated at one time!"

"It's just, how to open this container?"

Chu Nan just figured it out and started to worry again. After a long time, he muttered, "My self-made meridians can store the power, can stimulate the use of the power, of course - can store - power! It can - inspire - power!"

When his mind turned around, Chu Nan's eyes were full of joy, "However, we have to find a way to find energy to open up this power meridian!"

When he was worried about where to find energy, Xiao Lan flew beside Chu Nan. After a chirping, the smile on Chu Nan's face was immediately as bright as the peach blossoms in March. He said, "Okay, as soon as I was about to sleep, someone handed over the pillow. It seems that you are not only my sharpening stone, but !"

It turned out that Xiaolan just reported the news that Qi Liansheng and Bi were waiting for him to automatically send to his door. Chu Nan did not set out immediately. "The two of them are together. I'm not an opponent, but if I lead one person away, I can break each of them. First, kill Bi Zheng brazenly, open up the !" Chu Nan thought about the dragon bow and the Haotian arrow. He was confident that he could kill Bi Zheng in a very short time.

After made up his mind, Chu Nan gave an order to Xiao Lan with his mind. Xiao Lan shouted happily and flew out quickly.

Half an hour later, Qi Liansheng said to Bi Zheng, "Bi Zheng, according to the previous distance and rules, the devil should have come here, but now after such a long time, there is no him. Is it possible that he will see through our plan, or..."

"Uncle, I don't think so. He is extremely injured and almost on the verge of death. Although I don't know what evil skills he has practiced, he must be using this to heal his wounds. As long as his wounds have not healed, he will definitely come again..."

"But if he is injured..." Qi Liansheng said this, suddenly stopped his mouth and said, "Those strange bugs have appeared."

This sentence excited both of them. Bi Zheng said, "The strange insect shows up, which means that the devil is not far away."

"These weird bugs are very strange. In case they find something wrong, then our plan is..."

"I don't think so. We are hiding in the earth, and these strange insects can also be found?" Bi Zheng said suspiciously, but Qi Liansheng remembered the scene of encountering strange insects every time in the past three days, and said uncertainly, "I'm not sure."

"Then I'll divert them away to make sure it's safe." Bi Zheng gritted his teeth and said that the scene of being humiliated by Yuzhi coral three days ago flashed into his mind, with a pair of fists tightly pinched, "This time, I want you to look good."

Qi Liansheng thought for a moment and said, "If the strange insects have not found it, don't show up rashly and follow these strange insects. Maybe it can take you to the hiding place of the devil."

"The uncle is still thoughtful." Bi Zheng followed the Yuzhi coral worm with full of hatred and anger. When he reached the large underground of the Yuzhi coral worm area, the little blue snorted. Immediately, the Yuzhi coral worm, which dispersed around and moved forward like a net, immediately gathered together and flew forward magnificently. Bi Zheng was tight. Then, it is getting farther and farther away from Qi Liansheng.

Two quarters of an hour later, the Yuzhi coral worm reached the edge of a cliff and stopped. Bi Zheng waited for a long time without any abnormality. He couldn't resist the anger in his heart. Bi Zheng rushed away from the earth. Without saying a word, he picked up the Haotian bow, shot the sword light, and cut straight to the

The Yuzhi coral did not fly away, but entangled it.

At this time, 500 meters away, Chu Nan held a dragon bow, with a Haotian arrow on the bow, and the arrow pointed to Bi Zheng! D