Wu Rebellious Universe

628 are all wolves and wolf

"It turns out that the guarding beast is called Yan Shixuan, and it is still the top beast of the eleventh order..." Chu Nan thought to himself. When he was in Dongyue City, Master Ruoxue gave him a mirage of the dragonfly and blood dragonfly. The lip fog blood dragonfly is also the eleventh grade. In addition, the Strong, if there were no two martial emperors, I would like to go out and fight..."

Tianshui and the two martial emperors, Tianshui and the wing front, took all kinds of efforts to receive the two pieces of s of smelting that the fierce beast of Yanshi at will spit out of their mouths. Their arms were burned to numb, and the tiger's mouth was about to crack, and their bodies retreated straight. They

Seeing this, Yan Shiyan's fierce beast was even more disdainful. He roared at the two martial emperors, as if to say, "Get out of my territory quickly."

The two martial emperors were extremely embarrassed, but because they swallowed the elixir, the original weak power recovered quickly. In an instant, the whole body was full, and the defense aperture was also much brighter. Then the two looked at each other and drove the weapon to kill the fierce beast.

The winger sacrificed the fire of nothing, and tried to swing the Prajna rong yan to both sides and clear a road. Then, the field water was cut down with a martial knife. Maybe the field water left a back hand before, or maybe the field water broke out all the potential under the threat of life. This knife cut out a river, in the The knife is turbulent, but it is somewhat similar to the sword and blood sea of Heijun Emperor Wu.

Seeing this, the winger suddenly thought and was more guarded against the field and water. Despite this thought, he would also condense the fire of nothing into a circle and circle the head of the fierce beast. At the same time, there were two pieces of purple gold dragon chains scattered around, which were reconnected with the chain in the winger's hand.

Cut out the field water of a river knife, the attack was not over, and the sword was dehydrated and melted in the river. It instantly reached the front, with the turbulent river water and rolled to the Yanshi.


The fierce beast raised its head and roared, and several groups of hot pulp were spit out and crashed into the river knife. Although the group in the air could not be seen, there was an obvious energy fluctuation...

In an flash, more than half of the water was burned, nearly two-thirds of the knife was broken, and there was a crackling sound in the air!

Just as Yan Shiyan was about to vomit hot pulp, Tian Shui shouted coldly, "Explost!"

Surely, the sword that was about to approach the Yanshi sword burst, and the magic weapon of the best ancestral weapon exploded. The power was extraordinary. The terrible power directly hit the body of the Yanshiyan, and the remaining river knife. At the same time, the purple gold plate dragon chains scattered in other places suddenly cut off the fierce beasts in the Yan

Bang Bang Bang Bang...

The fierce beast retreated back a few steps, and its huge body was also trembling. Because its body was really strong enough, the damage caused by the two people's attack was not very great. It only left a few traces, which made its qi and blood gushed up, and a few drops of blood drip from the plasma.

Ho ho ho!

Although the injury was not serious, Yan Shiyan was angry. Unexpectedly, someone dared to hurt it, which violated its dignity. It shouted several times in a row. In the roar, the lava in the cave surged from all directions to the field and the wing.

Moreover, the lantern-sized eyes of the fierce beast stared straight at the field, and what was released in his eyes was a strong and fierce light, which was murderous; so, the fierce beast opened its mouth and spit out the inflammatory pulp.

This time, the hot pulp did not form a ball like before, but continued into a straight line, constantly and euttered to the field water. The field water was about to sacrifice the small hammer. Seeing the scorching pulp like water flowing, his face changed greatly. He quickly took back the small hammer to resist the inflammation pulp, and the defense aperture Urge to the extreme.

However, the attack launched by the fierce beast in anger was not as easy as Tian Shui could be blocked. The aperture was broken, and the Tuyuan was also weakened. The huge power in Tian Shui's body was disappearing at an alarming speed.

There is a power disappearing, and the field water is still relatively at ease. If there is a power power, but it no longer disappears, then the matter will be big; the field water retreats wildly, but wherever he retreats, the fire stone squat will spit out the plasma to the eruption...

The situation in Tianshui was extremely dangerous. He looked at the winger with resentment in his eyes. "Do you think you can kill Yan Shixuan alone?"

The winger is also struggling at this moment. He not only wants Tian Shui to be seriously injured by Yan Shiyan, but also does not want Tian Shui to be seriously injured. The winger wants Tian Shui to be seriously injured for later consideration, so that he can have the upper hand. He does not want Tian Shui to be seriously injured, because the winger has to Water, the winger was not sure to kill the fire stone.

After a few thoughts flashed in his mind in an instant, the winger suddenly took action. Tian Shui could not be seriously injured now. There were several "sshh" in the air, and the purple gold dragon chain returned to its original state, and then wrapped around the two horns of the fire stone!

Tianshui's Tuyuan had no time to condense the shield. The sma suddenly surrounded his whole body. The water screamed, fell to the ground, and the scour covered it. At this time, the wing attack attacked, and the sulfate took back the sma, suddenly accelerated, fast, and spit out the sulfate

The winger panicked, and the fire of nothing could not stop the inflammation at all. The purple gold plate dragon chain was wrapped in the two horns of the Yan Shiyan, and at the same moment, the Yan Shiyan also hit the winger. In an instant, the winger was hit so hard that he spit blood and his bones were scattered. His eyes Come on, not only did he not throw away the Zijin Panlong chain, but also used the power of the chain to kill Yanshi.

The body was still in mid-air, and the winger shouted a "explosive" word. Two pieces of purple gold dragon chains exploded, and Yan Shiyan roared even more. The sma surrounded all the wingers and jumped to a place higher than the winger. The two front hooves were raised and trampled down heavily.

Seeing this, the winger turned his eyes and fell suddenly. His hand holding the chain shook and circled around. The purple gold plate dragon chain immediately surrounded the winger and rotated into a gyro shape. At the tip of the top of the top, there was a drop of blood.

Then, the winger rotated from the bottom to the top, and went straight to the abdomen.

The speed of both was quite fast. In an an flash, the gyro composed of the purple-gold dragon chain stabbed the abdomen of the Yan Shixuan. This thorn did not leave only a few traces as before, but stabbed out a hole and splashed blood.

The winger's blow was won, and he tried his best to let the purple gold plate dragon chain drill into the body of the fire stone...

Yan Shi shouted in pain, and his huge body rolled over. He wanted to get rid of the purple gold plate dragon chain, and he had to crush the winger to death the fastest. The strong pressure had broken the winger's heart, but he had no way out and drank the word "explosion" again. At the same time, his body moved out


The big explosion blew out a large blood hole with a diameter of one meter in the abdomen of Yan Shikang. It seemed to be raining inside. The flesh and blood splashed, and the Yan Shi Shou screamed in pain and turned into a miserable howling, but its body did not stop falling.

With a bang, the fire stone hit the ground heavily.

At this moment, the winger had not completely removed his body. His two legs were pressed under him by the fierce beast of Yanshi. At the moment when he was just pressed down, the winger heard the sound of "k-k-k" and he understood that his leg was cracked.

However, the cracked leg bone is not the most serious thing. The winger was afraid that his life would also be cracked. The slurry flowed out of Yan Shi's mouth and flowed on the winger's body. The winger tried his best to gather his strength to resist, and shouted, "Damn it, I know you're not dead

The winger's words were said to Tianshui. The field, which was wrapped in hot pulp, really stood up. Tianshui was extremely charred, like charred charcoal, but the eyes with infinite greed showed that he was still alive.

Tian Shui's greedy eyes were not staring at the winger, but at the sun. He was still holding the small hammer in his right hand, and he was still holding a bone-like thing in his left hand. He said in his heart, "Fortunately, there is this bone, otherwise, it has become part of the inflammation."

"Do you still want to do it? Have you forgotten what you just said? The winger drank again and was extremely angry.

"What did you just say?" Tian Shui smiled and said, "Who still remembers? You'd better have a good time with Yan Shixuan. I believe you. With your ability, you can definitely kill Yan Shixuan."

"If I die, can you kill Yan Shiyan?"

"That's nature!" Tian Shui said confidently, and the winger was stunned. He intuitively felt that he still had something to tell him. He couldn't help gritting his teeth and shouting, "Despicable!"

"I said that you are just an ant in front of me. Did you forget it so soon?" Tian Shui laughed wildly and still did not help. Although this was a good time, Tian Shui had the idea of letting Yan Shiyan and the winger lose both. For Yan Shiyan alone, Tian Shui was sure to kill him, because he knew where Yan Shiyan's weakness was.

Thinking of this, Tian Shui said evilly, "Enjoy it. Yan Shiyan is very vengeful."

Although the fierce beast is psychic, it doesn't understand the sinisterness of people's hearts. Even Chu Nan in the melting pool is sighing. However, after nearly three years of experience, Chu Nan has a deep understanding of the word "sinsirful people's hearts", but he sneered and reads in his heart, "

Because the winger made a big blood hole with the courage of Yan Shiyan's fierce beast, Yan Shiyan's hatred for the winger was far greater than the field water; and because of this, Yan Shiyan ignored the field water at all and just wanted to tear the winger.

Tian Shui did not lend a helping hand. Naturally, the winger would not sit and wait for him to be killed. In his gnashing his teeth, he untied a bag with his right hand, and the fire flashed, and a fierce beast bigger than Yan Shihan appeared out of thin air.

Seeing this, Tian Shui's smile on his face suddenly restrained and he shouted in surprise, "Dazzling Fire Beast!" X