Wu Rebellious Universe

656 split "illusion"

At the beginning, Chu Nan had no power in his body, so he could only endure the masochism of illusion. Later, after Chu Nan refined a meta-core and an inner elixir, almost recovered to half of his usual strength, but because of the strange martial arts of his illusion, Chu Nan could not find his real body, "qing tian yi zhang "The "One Finger of the Universe" and other martial arts with strong offensive power cannot be easily used, so that Chu Nan can't fight happily

The south of Chu suffered from the sword light, thinking of a way to break the "illusion" in front of him. In fact, the second type of chaos is not useless. If he has enough strength, just like the Yuewu Emperor's cane shadow into a circle, covering all this area in the sword shadow circle. No matter how many phantoms In the matter

What can I do, there is too little power

Chu Nan thought about all his attack methods. Thunder and lightning, death, wind, etc. are very effective, but now Chu Nan doesn't have it at all

As for the destruction of Yuan Mingteng, Prajna Rongyan, etc., they are all effective means of attack. However, Yijiu is limited by Yuan's power. Chu Nan's efforts to make all the Yuan's power can make the illusion seriously injured, but there is no guarantee to put it in the place of death

So, Chu Nan has to think about another way, Xu Xutuzhi

The illusion cut hundreds of swords, and one-third of the energy was swallowed up by Chu Nan. This energy, if put in the past, is nothing at all and insignificant; but at this moment, every little more energy, there will be an extra chance to survive

Of course, the price of devouring energy is not painful and tortured. If it weren't for the vitality and whirlpool, I'm afraid that Chu Nan's arms would really be removed. In these sleeves, the illusion is not clear, but I just think that Chu Nan's body is really strong to a certain level

After bearing several swords, an inspiration flashed in Chu Nan's mind, "Since he can't find his real body, it will turn into one of the phantoms." Then, Chu Nan used "God's Change" to transform the appearance of illusion, and also used Yuanli to simulate his appearance and body decoration, and turned his breath into the Xi, it's the same as illusion. Anyway, if you look at it, you will never see it

The illusion is also a surprise. At the first glance of the search breath, there is no current breath that is not the first-level Wudi

Then, the illusion laughed loudly, and the laughter shook back and forth. The illusion looked around, and each illusion laughed exactly the same. The illusion then made anger, fear, shock and so on, but there was still no mistake

I don't know that these changes in expression are simply pediatrics for Chu Nan, who has practiced "God's Change" to the highest level and can even change his cultivation; in many phantoms, Chu Nan feels falsehood and truth, what is the difference, emotions, breath, etc.; however, these look almost the same

"It's really interesting." Dozens of "illusions" said at the same time, "But do you think it's useful? My phantom can be made clear with a search with a divine mind"

Before the voice of the illusion fell completely, a white flame burned immediately. immediately, the illusion felt that the mind only stretched out five or six meters, and it could no longer be stretched out. The illusion was surprised. "What Lin Yun said is really true. There is really such a flame that can shield the mind"

In this way, illusions are distinguished by divine thoughts, which is completely useless

However, the illusion still did not panic, and the capacity resisted the burning of the white flame. Because of the problem of Chu Nan's Yuanli, Chu Nanjiao did not display the inflammation, but the ordinary Prajna melting inflammation, so the illusion was easy to take it down. At the same time, the corners of the illusion's mouth also showed Emperor, it's just such a little trick. I won't release a phantom. Let's see where you can go..."

When the illusion was talking, Chu Nan's eyes lit up and suddenly remembered a very important thing. He said, "The biggest difference between blood, blood, phantom and the real body is that the real body is flesh and blood, and phantom, there is no flesh and blood"

Understanding this problem, Chu Nan also smiled at the corners of his mouth. Immediately, Chu Nan displayed the liquid beads of "Gengjin Refining Liquid"; at this time, the illusion just finished saying that sentence, before taking back the phantom, the liquid beads exploded

The figure of illusion hurriedly retreated outside the white flames. Those besieged warcrafts did not even have any power to block it, but the white flame was driven by Chu Nan to retreat with him. When those warcrafts touched the white flame, many of them were directly burned to nothingness; in a pure white world, the illusion clearly saw The wisps of red dots hit him with lightning speed. Just when Huanwu hesitated to defend the aperture, the "Gengjin Refinement" had attached the body of illusion, which immediately melted together and became a thin snake. If Chu Nanyuan was strong enough, "Gengjin Refinement" was not a snake, but a big snake

The red snake circled on the body of the illusion and rolled up. A high temperature hit his body. The blood on his body also boiled with the rolling of the "Gengjin Refining Liquid". The illusion couldn't help but be shocked, "How can there be so many means?" I thought about it in my heart, and I quickly ran the power to suppress the evil power

And Chu Nan already knows where the real body of illusion is. With the appearance of illusion, he shuttled through the white flame and attacked the illusion. In the meridians of the "bow fist", he tried his best to pour into ten waves of power, as well as the passage of the right finger, and there are also eight waves of power

"The End of the World" was not as fast as the peak state, but because of the narrow range, he attacked the side of the illusion in an instant. The illusion intuition was in danger. He turned around with a golden sword light and cut to Chu Nan. Chu Nan used the "bow fist" and immediately smashed the sword light and punched on the When he shook his body, he retreated backwards; Chu Nan took advantage of the opportunity to attack, pointing directly to the chest of illusion

Huanwu narrowed his eyes, "One finger of the universe, the magic Taozi's famous stunt, I don't know how much skill you can show." The illusion immediately used the defensive aperture to block Chu Nan's finger. Huanwu thought that although Lin Yun's attack is fierce now, it is just a flash in the flash in the pan; In the inactive state, maybe even the defense aperture can't be broken

However, the fact is completely inconsistent with what the illusion thought. When Chu Nan's "one point of the universe" hit the defensive aperture, the defensive aperture suddenly became like a bubble, disappearing without a trace, and the illusion was too late to be surprised. It was too late to figure out why the defense aperture was suddenly broken, but the instinct flashed out, His chest hit a blood hole next to his heart


The illusion screamed, but it stopped retreating, and the anger rushed to the world to kill Chu Nan, and there was already a green sword in his hand; at the same time, those phantoms all went to one person behind Chu Nan.

Although Chu Nan's mind spread out and saw the abnormality of the phantom behind him, he didn't think much about it. He just quickly let the dragon's reverse scale protect the position of Dantian and hold the dragon's teeth to resist the green sword with terrible power

In only one thousand breath, all the phantoms gathered on the "illusion" behind Chu Nan, condensing a golden sword in his hand, stabbing Chu Nan's back waist


The dragon's teeth collided with the green sword. Chu Nan, who lacked strength, was immediately hit backwards, but the golden sword of "illusionment" behind him stabbed Chu Nan's back, splashed a lot of blood

If Chu Nan's body is intact, such an attack will not pierce his body at all. Unfortunately, the earth swirl and water balloons explode, so that the body defense is almost destroyed.

Chu Nan was shocked. The "illusion" behind him was not a phantom, but also had attack power, and the attack strength also had 70% of the power of the real body. When the illusion saw Chu Nan's surprise, he smiled and said, "Lin Yun, how do you feel now?"

"Very bad"

"Do you finally know what's wrong?" The illusion smiled, and the green sword brushed and cut wildly. Chunan was wary of the "illusionment" behind him, waving the dragon's teeth against each other, and the air was full of

Suddenly, the "illusion" behind Chu Nan disappeared. Chu Nan's hand waving his dragon teeth couldn't help but stagnate. In this stagnation, the illusion showed a great martial arts skill and cut Chu Nan's arm straight. Chu Nan guarded it with vitality and brazenly blocked each other, but the illusion suddenly changed The outer hand grabbed the dragon scales; the split "illusionment" also appeared in front of Chu Nan like lightning, wiping Chu Nan's neck

Chu Nan shouted loudly, holding a dragon tooth in his right hand to block the green sword. His left hand directly grabbed the golden sword with his palm, and his right foot, which was infused with ten waves of power, also tried his best to kick the split "illusion". In an instant, the split "illusion" was kicked into the air, but as

The real body of illusion also retreated, but he grabbed the dragon scale in his hand and said to Chu Nan, who was desperately trying to swallow the blood pouring out, "Lin Yun, how about it? Grab your dragon scales this time, and grab your dragon teeth next time"

As soon as the voice fell, the split "illusion" appeared on the top of Chu Nan's head, showing the previous martial arts of the illusion. The real illusion was also murderous. At the same time, several phantoms were also transformed into several phantoms and killed together

It is another killing game. Under the assassination of the split "illusion" without a trace, it is likely to successfully grab Chu Nan's dragon teeth, but Chu Nan sneered, ignored the attack of straight "illusion", suddenly jumped up, and directly grabbed the feet of the split "illusion" with both hands

Then, Chu Nan was hit by the split "illusion" and caught the split "illusion" under the ground. When Chu Nan followed the ground, he shouted: "Big fool, let all the monsters explode themselves" X