Wu Rebellious Universe

801 Dad--

Thirteen assassins with the cultivation of the martial emperor, when Zhongchu Nan took a sword, they still didn't realize it, still inertial, moving forward, but their mouth shape was always fixed on the word "explosive" and could no longer be shouted out of their throat.

Until Chu Nan stood in front of Chu Tianfeng, the thirteen martial emperors suddenly burst all over at the same time, and their flesh and blood splashed in the air, like fireworks, blood-stained fireworks, blooming in everyone's heart!

When the blood-stained fireworks settled, the assassination leader, who was supposed to die but had not died, also made the footsteps of thirteen people and burst into the middle.

At this time, Chu Nan bowed and called "Dad" in his heart, but he shouted, "I've seen Chu Shuai!"

"Good, good!"

In Chu Tianfeng's voice, what he carried was full of joy, and he was also thinking about his son three years ago, not even a junior warrior. Three years later, today and now, he can make a group of Wu emperors and the Wu emperors disappear in the middle of talking and laughing.

I was thinking in my heart: "Dad, I know that my son, Chu Tianfeng, can be an unknown person, and how can he be called a 'waste'? If he doesn't sing, it will be amazing!"

Chu Nan's body was still bowing and did not straighten up.

For Fubo, the fireworks made with thirteen martial emperors were far from the shock of the thought in his heart. Seeing that Chu Nan bowed before he got up, Fubo had completely affirmed the guess in his heart, and after affirmation, Fubo's shock was even more unparalleled and unbelievable, "This is really Sun Shao Master?"?

Naturally, the people around them couldn't figure out the reason, but they were shocked to cut off the thirteen strong martial emperors with one sword. Even the martial emperor was not his opponent at all. The generals of the army were thrilling in their hearts, and they were all glad that they did not provoke Chu Nan. "I didn't expect that Chu Nan No injustice, it's ridiculous that Nie Qingyun is still jumping around like a clown.

Huang Fuche's eyes flashed, "This Chu Nan is such a figure. If there is no problem with his identity, he can't escape the position of General Hu Ben!" Huangfu Che turned his head and looked at Huangfu Yunfei. He wanted to praise Huangfu Yunfei and found an amazing talent, but when he saw Huangfu Yunfei's sad face, Huangfu Che couldn't help asking, "Little sister, this Chu Nan is the talent you recruited. Why are you still not happy?"

"Brother Prince, don't you feel that Chu Nan's strength is frighteningly high?"

When Huangfu Yunfei said this, Huangfu suddenly slammed a lightning bolt in his mind and turned his mind. "Such a high strength, the strength that can easily kill the Wu Emperor shows that his cultivation is at least Emperor Wu; if he can kill the thirteen martial emperors with one sword, he can kill the three martial emperors in an instant. Is it the real master of the world's business that makes Toyama kowtow and kneel?

As soon as this question appeared, Huangfu was shocked and sweated all over his body. "There is only such a big place in Qingcheng that it is impossible for two strong people to suddenly emerge. In this way, there is only one possibility. These two people are mostly one person; there are too many ways to change their appearance in this world; but, it' It's changeable, but the cultivation and breath are completely different. Are they really alone?

Huangfu Che still had some expectation in his heart, but his heart sank. At this time, Huangfu Yunfei whispered, "Brother Prince, this Chu Nan, there is no doubt that it is the Chu family."

"The Chu family!"

Huangfu's mind was shocked again. He looked at the little sister who was not bad at all and was completely worthy of the name of "sinking geese falling fish". Another idea bred crazily, "If the little sister can become a couple with this Chu Nan, then..."

The joy appeared on Huangfu Che's face again. For a moment, Huangfu Che's mind had turned a few times, and even Huangfu Yunfei did not know, but Fubo fell into his eyes the change of Huangfu Che.

Chu Tianfeng said, "Chu Nan, right?"


"Fortunately, you are here today, otherwise, I, Chu Shuai, will die too much."

Chu Nan's heart was sore, and his eyes couldn't help getting wet. He told him that the biggest gain of joining the army this time was not to train a thousand elite soldiers, not to kill 10,000 soldiers, not to use the sand table to push the meridians, let alone to defeat Nie Qingyun and Hu Ben's army, and then on His father can protect his father's safety; no matter how big the official is, no matter how high his cultivation is, no matter how strong his strength is, he can't even protect his father, what's the use? What's the point? If he misses this time, Chu Nan will never forgive himself.

"Chu Shuai won't die!"

"Yes, how dare I die with you? Hahaha..." Chu Tianfeng laughed and said, "Chu Nan, come to my tent. I want to thank you very much."


"Come on, you send me down." Chu Tianfeng said to Chu Nan. Chu Nan came forward to hold him. When he was about to fall, Chu Tianfeng turned back to the generals of the army and said, "For the sake of Daqing, please keep your mouth shut."

"Yes, I would like to obey Chu Shuai's order." Those generals who were already the cultivation of the Emperor of Wu said respectfully that they did not dare to despise Chu Tianfeng in front of him even the cultivation of the King of Wu, and even the prince nodded slightly.

Such a picture can never appear in Northern Qi.

Chu Nan took Chu Tianfeng to the tent. Fubo followed him with tears on his face. Before he fell into the tent, Chu Tianfeng couldn't help whispering, "Nan'er!"


Unexpectedly, Chu Nan also shouted out in a low voice at the same time.

The two of them were stunned and looked at each other. Chu Tianfeng smiled and became more and more brilliant. He whispered, "It's worthy of being my son!"

"Dad, how's your mother?"

"It's okay. I just miss you tightly. I burn incense and pray every day to pray for you."

"They are all unfilial children and can't support their parents."

Chu Tianfeng shook his head, fell into the tent and said, "Fubo, don't let anyone get close to the tent."

"Yes, Mr. Son." Fubo was still very excited.

When there were only two people left alone, Chu Nan no longer used "God's changes" and regained his original appearance. He knelt down and said, "Dad, the child is back."

"Just come back, just come back..." Chu Tianfeng, who was originally a little talk, also became nagging. He quickly helped Chu Nan up and asked, "Son, how did you get here in the past three years?"