Wu Rebellious Universe

806 I would like to make a military order

The Hu Ben Army has a total of ten parts, and the leaders of the ten parts were all taken down yesterday.

Now, Wu Hong has won the leader of the first song because he stood up for the first time. For Wu Hong's behavior, some people are angry, some people disdain, some people despise, but more people are envious and jealous...

Then, a group of people rushed out. They came to the leader of the remaining nine parts and to the large number of yuan stones.

In a short time, two thousand people were enough, and Hu Ben was rushing forward. Chu Nan shouted, "There are enough people. Who will rush half a step forward and receive thirty military sticks!"

Hearing this order, those tigers, who were still rushing forward, stagnated their steps reflexively.

When Huangfu Yunfei saw such a situation, she looked unhappy. She knew that the tiger army had almost been cleaned up by Chu Nan.

Chu Nan looked at the eager eyes of the two thousand tigers and said lightly, "You officials will be promoted to a higher level. Later, go to the witch horse strategist and get five top-quality stones." Chu Nan did not release the position of the leader of the club. The reason why he gave Wu Hong that position was to stimulate them. At the same time, he told them that there were still nine leaders left. Who can do it depends on their ability.

Of course, this ability includes listening to Chu Nan's words.

As for going to Wu Ma Ye to get the yuan stone, it is also a way for Chu Nan to pave the way for Wu Ma Ye.

In addition to Wu Hong, the two thousand tigers were not help but disappointed, and they regretted in their hearts that they were the first to run out just now. Why didn't they be themselves? And more tigers were envious of the two thousand people. After all, they still have an official upgrade to the first level, and they can still have five top

And they have nothing.

"I was a step slower just now. If I were one step faster, I would be one of the 2,000 people."

"If I had known, I would have rushed up. What's the shame? Yuanshi is the most honest."

"What a pity..."

All kinds of regretful thoughts rose from the heart of the sergeant Hu Ben. Chu Nan ordered, "One hundred military sticks, you can't show mercy. If there is a mercy, you can receive a hundred military sticks for him and be driven out of the Hu Ben army!"

"Consist the order!"

Wu Hong and the new army of Qianqing City answered, and the two thousand tigers who reacted also responded quickly. Immediately, the military stick was raised. The 3,000 people originally wanted to use the original force to resist, but in this luck, they found that the original force was extremely difficult to extract, like falling into the mud. Suddenly, they panicked and hated Chu

And the executioner did not dare to show mercy. In this way, the 3,000 people who did not change their color in front of him could not resist. There were screams breaking out of the air, and one was more miserable than the other. It sounded in the air, making the rest of the tigers change their faces.

In this scream, Chu Nan said, "No matter how much you hate me, how much you scold me in your heart, how much you want to kill me, it doesn't matter. As long as you have that strength, you are welcome to resist me; but when you resist, please be prepared for the miserable end; maybe you I think these three thousand people are miserable, but I tell you, maybe the next person will end up worse than them!"

"Don't think that you are superior to the Hu Ben Army, and don't think that the law does not blame the public. If you dared to stand up all 200,000 people before, I dare to expel all 200,000 of you from the Hu Ben Army. If you want to join the Hu Ben Army and become a sergeant, there are many people What kind of existence do we have? And I am confident that in just one year, I can train a tiger that is stronger than you are now, and maybe less time!"

These words have been heard by the tiger, and they all look at each other in consteries. As a tiger soldier, the invisible arrogance has been removed a lot.

"Of course, you didn't stand up, so you are lucky to have the opportunity to continue to be a tiger and become stronger. My purpose is very simple. If you have merit, you will be rewarded. No matter what you were before, even if you were the smallest soldier, you will be rewarded as much as you have. If you have been punished, even If you get rid of it, get it out!"

"There are still nine parts, and I'm looking forward to your appearance!"

The tigers are excited.

Subsequently, Chu Nan issued a military order for Wuma Ye, and Duchang and others as military divisions. He did not immediately arrange the Qingcheng New Army to serve in the Huben Army, but let the Qingcheng New Army as his own army.

When Duchang heard the military order, he respectfully replied that he had been under the control of Chu Nan. No matter what position he arranged, he did not dare to resist at all, and Duchang believed that with such a master, the future must be unlimited.

In a short time, the 3,000 people were beaten to death. Chu Nan asked people to feed them the elixir. After keeping their lives, he carried them out. Then Chu Nan asked the Qingcheng New Army to come out and cross-exercise five formations.

The tigers saw that their drills were like flowing clouds and flowing water, without any obstruction. When they were surprised, they still couldn't figure it out. Chu Nan said, "This is your training today. You are tigers and elites. If anyone doesn't do it today, expel the tigers!"


Let's be my donkey!

When will it come out? ``I'm so depressed``

decisively plugged in the building. Am I in the front row? Am I the sofa? There was another exclamation. The tigers did not expect that Chu Nan would start to train them on the first day he came to power, but Chu Nan had turned around and left. The tigers did not dare to neglect at all. They believed that General Chu absolutely did what he

In the handsome tent, the generals of the army gathered together. They were talking about what Chu Nan did today, and they all expressed their admiration. At this time, Chu Nan came in. General Ma and others quickly got up to greet each other, saying congratulations, admiration and so on. Chu Nan did not put on a cold face, but waited for

Then, sit in the first position on the left.

In the eyes of all the generals, it is full of envy. In a short time, from a thousand people to General Hu Ben, this is definitely the first since the founding of Daqing; but Chu Nan did not sigh at all. In his eyes, this is not a big deal.

The reason for this is because of Chu Nan's strong strength!

After a while, Chu Tianfeng came without greetings. After Chu Tianfeng showed his approval to his son, he said bluntly, "Get the information, the barbarian Vietnamese army is ready to move again. There are nearly 300,000 barbarian soldiers rushing at us."

"Those barbarians are really overescreelling, Chu Shuai, I, Ying Xiangjun, am willing to ask for an expedition!"

"The Flying Wing Army is willing to send troops!"


The generals of the army rushed to fight one after another. This is a great opportunity to make military achievements. They all ignore Chu Nan. Although they have seen Chu Nan's strong cultivation, this is a war of 60,000 to 700,000 yuan. The role of personal bravery is not too great, unless it is an unpredictable cultivation.

In addition, Chu Nan has just taken over the Hu Ben Army, and he is not familiar with it. There are still many contradictions in the Hu Ben Army. In this case, how can the Hu Ben Army go to war?

However, Chu Nan did not stand up as they thought, and said, "The Tiger Army is willing to go to war, and I am willing to make a military order to kill the 300,000 barbarian army!"


The generals took a breath of cold air!