Wu Rebellious Universe

819 He's here--

"Hey, why did you catch me? You caught the wrong person. I didn't hurt the seventh young master!" Chu Ao shouted with great grievance. Up to now, he still doesn't know how this unprovoked disaster came to him.

However, Chu Ao's voice was wronged and ignored by the gorgeous!

Chu Ao saw that the argument was useless. For a moment, his anger also came up. At least he was the Chu family, so Chu Ao turned and shouted fiercely, "Don't put me down. Others are afraid of your prime minister's mansion, and my Chu family is not afraid! If you don't let it go, you will bear the consequences!"

Hearing the threatening shout, the housekeeper of the Prime Minister's mansion turned around, stared at Chu Ao, and said coldly, "Even if you are the Chu family, you can't escape this time!"

"I told you that Gongsun Wei was not injured by me."

"Did you hurt it? It's not up to you!" After the housekeeper of the Prime Minister's Mansion finished speaking, a group of people dragged Chu Ao back to the Prime Minister's Mansion.

In the prime minister's mansion, it had been a long time for Gongsun Wei to jump. After Gongsun Wei was brought home, a lady dressed in extremely bright clothes, saw Gongsun Wei's miserable situation, and then screamed loudly: "Weier, wake up, wake up..."

After calling for a long time, there was no response. The lady shouted urgently, "Housekeeper Qu, go and invite Lord Weiwu to come, hurry up." Then, the lady walked to Chu Ao, raised her right hand, five fingers, and the cold light flashed!

"Mrs. Xuanyang, your son is not..."


Two crisp sounds interrupted Chu Ao's words. The lady's right hand hit Chu Ao's face. Chu Ao also had a handsome face and immediately spread to the left and right sides, and the impression of the finger was even more clearly visible.

"Hit me, hit me hard, hit him on his knees, and beat him off all his teeth!" The lady ordered the guard who had been standing aside for a long time, and she came forward to do it. Just then, a crisp voice sounded, "Wait a minute."

The lady turned around and saw that it was her own daughter. She shouted, "Qing'er, this boy beat your brother into such a miserable situation. What are you waiting for? Do you really fall in love with this boy?

Chu Ao also looked at Gongsun Qing with a life-saving look. Gongsun Qing looked at Chu Ao contemptuously, "Mom, do you think you can beat Brother Wei like this with him? Give him ten courage, and he won't dare!"

"Yes, yes, yes, I really didn't hit the seventh young master. This is a complete misunderstanding, a misunderstanding..."

"Shut up!"

Mrs. Xuanyang shouted sharply, turned her head again, looked at her daughter, and said, "What do you mean?"

"I heard that the man who hurt Wei Di broke the flesh and blood of the wind with one punch, and killed the six guards of Wei Di in an instant. The person with such skills is at least the strong man of King Wu's cultivation, and he can't!"

Mrs. Xuanyang frowned.

"There is a special martial trick that can change your appearance at will. If someone provokes discord in it, we will catch the wrong person, which will bring a lot of trouble to Dad to Grandpa." Gongsun Qing said again. Mrs. Xuanyang was stunned and immediately shouted, "Where is the person who reported the message before?" Bring it here right away!"

Chu Ao was confused. For a moment, the person who informed him earlier stood in front of Chu Ao. Mrs. Xuanyang asked coldly, "See clearly. Is he the one who hit my son today?"

The man took a look and immediately said, "It's him!"

"You see it clearly. Is it really me?"

Gongsun Qing frowned and shouted, "Look again!" The man was frightened and looked at him carefully again. With this look, doubts also appeared in his eyes. In the face of Xuan Yangfu's question, he replied weakly, "From the appearance, it should be him, but it feels... It doesn't feel like him. His temperament is completely different from that person!"

"Okay, you go down." Mrs. Xuanyang's face changed, but Chu Ao was a "clucking" in his heart. She asked urgently, "You mean there is a person who looks exactly like me?"

"At least 90% are similar."

Chu Ao seemed to be hit by the thunder and muttered, "He's coming, he's coming..."

Gongsun Qing hurriedly asked, "Who's here?"

"He, his surname is also Chu, exactly the same as me, and his strength is really high. I have seen him in Qingtiancheng..." Chu Ao said in panic, a little incoherent.

Mrs. Xuanyang was a little restless when she saw that she had caught the wrong one, but then she heard Chu Ao say that the man's surname was also Chu, and she shouted quickly, "Who is that man? Is it your Chu family?

"I don't know, I've never seen him..." Chu Ao said, suddenly remembering the uncle he heard from his father, the small manor of the Chu family, and shouted, "It may be him, the uncle's son..."

"Uncle? Where did your uncle come from? Mrs. Xuanyang drank, but Gongsun Qing's eyes were clear. He asked, "Is your uncle the uncle who ran away from home nearly 20 years ago?"

"Yes, it's him. How do you know?" Chu Ao was shocked. The news about his uncle's return was absolutely secret, but there were still many people in Shenwuhou's mansion who did not know about it, but one of the Prime Minister's daughters knew it.

Gongsun Qing did not answer this question, but muttered, "Isn't your uncle's son's meridians broken and can't practice?"

"I... I don't know either!"

Mrs. Xuanyang didn't care so much and shouted anxiously, "No matter whose son I am, if I hurt Wei'er, I will make him pay a heavy price!"

"Mom, it's not that simple."

Gongsun Qing was about to listen to what she knew with Mrs. Xuanyang. At this time, Emperor Weiwu arrived. Mrs. Xuanyang quickly invited Emperor Weiwu to her son's bedside. After Weiwu Emperor explored, he took out an elixir, gave it to Gongsun Wei, and then transported it to Yuanli. Half an hour later, At first glance, he saw Chu Ao and exclaimed again, "Mr. Chu, don't kill me, don't..."

shouted and retreated, and then turned his head to see Mrs. Xuanyang. His expression suddenly surprised and he shouted, "Mom, kill him quickly, kill this bastard, he wants to take my life..."

"Wei'er, don't be afraid, my mother is here."

"Kill him, cut him into a hundred yuan, a thousand yuan..." Gongsun Wei shouted inexorently, and Chu Ao said, "Master Seven, you can see clearly. Am I really the one who beat you? Are we wearing exactly the same clothes?"


When Gongsun Wei heard this, he was really puzzled, but the Wei Wuhuang frowned and said, "Mrs. Xuanyang, there are still hidden diseases in the seventh young master's body. If it can't be eradicated, I'm afraid his life is in danger."

"Hidden disease? What hidden disease?"

"I can't find out for a moment. Maybe I've been poisoned!"

"What?" Mrs. Xuanyang jumped up and immediately said to Chu Ao, "Do you know where that man is now?"

"If it's really him, he should be in that manor." Chu Ao said it without any hesitation.

"Dance the way!"