Wu Rebellious Universe

922 dialogue, ready

"I don't know how much time this 'fish killing array' can withstand and how many attacks can it block? Don't let others wave their hands and break them. In that case, it will be too shameful.

Looking at the masterpiece in front of him, Chu Nan arranged all the array materials in his hand, so that there were no corners left. Moreover, he also put the array he learned later into the "fish-killing array".

Such a "fish-killing array" is not to mention that there is no one to come, but it is absolutely unprecedented!

Chu Nan pondered and felt that the "fish killing array" had not been changed at present, so he gave them an order of "only allowed to enter, not go out", entered the "killing fish array", came to Di Hao, and said, "What four elephants of your big week are here."

In the battle, Di Hao didn't know what had happened in Donghua City outside the battle. He just heard the words "four elephants strong", so he frowned and hurriedly said, "Lin Yun, no matter how powerful you are, you can't beat them. You quickly let me go and hand over the resources that belong to me, and then go Turn around, and I will save your life!"

"The four strong elephants are over."

"It's over? What do you mean by over? Di Hao didn't come to his senses for a moment. Chu Nan said, "It means that three people died, and one of them surrendered to me and became my person!"


Di Hao directly brushed away the beautiful phantom beside him, jumped up violently, stared at Chu Nan, and roared, "The strong man of the four elephants, if you deploy the array, plus his defense and attack magic weapons, even against the junior martial arts, it is also possible to kill him over the level! How could you kill them?"

"This is the magic weapon you mentioned, right?" Chu Nan took out the dragon armor and dragon teeth. Di Hao was immediately dumbfounded and retreated, "You really killed the strong man of the four elephants, you..."

Di Hao didn't continue to talk. He forcibly controlled his mind and said as calmly as possible, "Then why did you come to me?" The situation is unfavorable to people, and the "king" mentioned by Di Hao has once again become "I".

Chu Nan said, "I want to ask, what kind of strong man will you send after I kill you on the big Thursday?" The first-level martial arts master? Or is it a high-level martial arts master? Or, what is the ultimate power of your week?

Di Hao did not refuse. After thinking for a moment, he said, "You don't have to set me. Only my father knows what the ultimate power of our Dazhou is. However, according to my understanding of my father, you have destroyed so many plans. This time, you have taken down the four strong elephants. My father will definitely let your threat continue It's going down, so the people sent by my father are at least the strong men of the middle-level martial arts!"

"How many martial arts are there in your week?"

Di Hao shook his head.

"Well, let me ask you another question. Are all the secrets of the 100,000 mountains that the four elephants know?"

Hearing this, Di Hao's face changed greatly, "How do you know the secret of the 100,000 mountains?" After saying this sentence, Di Hao thought that one of the four elephants had surrendered to Chu Nan, and immediately understood, and then said, "What the four elephants know is only approximate. Even I don't know how much power there are in the 100,000 mountains!"

"Oh." Chu Nan nodded, "You can create a strong man who can create the cultivation of Emperor Wu, and you still have such a strong power. Why do you hide it for so long? Why don't you just take it out and sweep the three countries of Northern Qi, Man Yue and Daqing?

Di Hao said, "Do you think those martial emperors and martial emperors will be of great use if the number does not reach a certain level in front of strong people like you? Besides, those martial emperors can't be made. The price paid is quite high, just like the martial emperor. One hundred martial kings take elixirs, and five of them can be successfully promoted to the martial emperor, which is a great blessing. As for producing a martial emperor, it is even more difficult. You know that we have accumulated a lot of these thirteen forces How long has it been?"

Speaking of this, Di Hao was a little uneasy, "Your Daqing is also very simple!" After saying that, Di Hao said to Chu Nan sincerely, "Senior, if you join Dazhou, you will definitely get much better treatment than Daqing!"

"Can you let me go?"

"If you join Dazhou, your father will lose another four strong masters, and your father will be very happy!" Di Hao ignited hope again and continued, "In Da Zhou, my father can tolerate you, but in Daqing, the Huangfu family will definitely not tolerate your Chu family. Your Chu family is strong enough. Now there is another one more you. Emperor Daqing let you go to the front line, maybe with the calculation of killing people with a knife."

"What you said is correct, but unfortunately, you have sent someone to assassinate my father before, so we are destined to be sworn enemies! Moreover, I don't like the style of your Dazhou. I cringe, only dare to move in the dark, and dare not be aboveboard. If you had already displayed the flag, maybe this world would have been your Dazhou. Chu Nan got the answer he wanted. He patted Di Hao on the shoulder and smiled, "Enjoy it again. Maybe you won't enjoy it in the future."

After saying that, Chu Nan's figure disappeared, and a large number of living-colorful and fragrant beauty phantoms surrounded Di Hao. Di Hao thought about Chu Nan's words and thought about it. Chu Nan's figure appeared again in the group of Wuhuang Wudi. This group of Wuhuang Wudi were bombarding the "fish killing array It's already exhausted!

Just then, Chu Nan came and ruthlessly took all their cores and magic weapons!

Then, Chu Nan arrived at the "middle array" he had set before, sat cross-legged, with his eyes shining, and said, "Whoever wants my life, be ready to pay me a heavy price."

Immediately, Chu Nan took out the magic weapon from the storage ring and poured waves of power into it until the limit that the magic weapon could bear!

At this moment, how many magic weapons are there in Chu Nan's hand?

As for the magic weapon level, Chu Nan has more than 5,000 crazy pieces in his hand, including the best weapon; as for the spiritual weapon, it is up to 50,000; if you add the magic weapon level, it can only be described by countless!

Such a huge number of magic weapons, today's use is to create a big explosion, a big attack!

"This kind of attack should bring you a little surprise!" When Chu Nan said this, he inexplicably thought of the butterfly fairy, "Is this butterfly fairy's father a hermit master, or which force does he belong to?"

At present, there is no answer to this question, and Chu Nan has not delve into it. Because of the urgency of time, those high-level people can't get enough time to come. Therefore, Chu Nan is still preparing a very important means when he is crazy about pouring his power into the magic weapon.

That is, condense a ***!