Wu Rebellious Universe

Chu Nan was stunned, and even the "Qiankun Finger" was stagnant. All the power was taken back by Chu Nan, and it was not distributed at all!

The face in front of me is just like yesterday!

It's just that the tenderness is no longer, the smile is no longer, and the rest is all cold, all stiff, all indifferent!

Chu Nan withdrew the offensive, but this figure did not stop at all. The sword spirit was fierce, and the medieval sword was even more powerful.

At this moment, the sword spirit attacked Chu Nan's chest. Although this sword spirit was not as good as the three shocking sword spirit released by the emperor touching the sword in his hand before, it was also extremely good and quite powerful.

However, in front of Chu Nan's strong body, the sword spirit was broken and scattered, and it failed to attack Chu Nan's body at all!

However, at the moment when the sword spirit attacked the body, the ancient sword in the figure's hand exploded, and in the explosion of the ancient sword, a sword shadow exactly the same as the "ancient sword" appeared and instantly sank into Chu Nan's body!

At this moment, Chu Nan's strong body is actually useless! Chu Nan's body was shocked, and a bloody wound was across his chest, which was shocking. The shadow of the sword was in his body, and it was about to rage everywhere. The strength and the five elements of liquid rushed up and trapped the shadow of the sword!

The stronger the body is, the more painful it will be!

But now, Chu Nan has no pain at all. He just stared at the face in front of him incredulously, and the eyes of that face were also staring at Chu Nan!

At the same moment, Qingfeng, who was about to send Xuan Wuqi to the place of death, was cut aside by a sudden knife. Xuan Wuqi escaped from death again. But even so, the meridians of Xuan Wuqi's whole body can no longer be broken, broken, and the flesh and bones all over his body were destroyed. Tu, the only thing that is okay is his thinking. With his mouth, Xuan Wuqi tried his best to shout, "Help me, I'll tell you all the martial arts experience..."

Xuan Wuqi is very clear that the only thing that can save his life now is the martial arts experience. If he doesn't have the martial arts experience, no one will care whether he is dead or alive. He keeps shouting!

When the emperor saw Yi Lao's action, he was finally relieved. Then he saw Chu Nan being stabbed, and his heart surged with ecstasy. "If the heart is hit, even if he doesn't die, he will be seriously injured. It seems that Yi Lao can really completely solve Chu Nan."

When Xiaohei saw his father being stabbed, there was a dragon yin, and the dragon claws grabbed the figure straight to the figure. As soon as the dragon yin came out, the corners of his mouth oozed blood. Seeing that the dragon claws were about to grab it, Chu Nan said, "Xiaohei, stop it."


Xiaohei was puzzled, but he stopped obediently, but stared at him!

"Have you recovered from your injury? Chu Nan looked at the face in front of him and asked softly.

This face is the amazing face of the butterfly fairy!

On Xuanbing Mountain, Dieyi Fairy danced a blood-stained neat costume for Chu Nan, and almost lost her life because of this. At this moment, Dieyi Fairy held an extremely strange ancient sword and stabbed Chu Nan's chest mercilessly!

Fairy Dieyi looked at Chu Nan's eyes, which was completely strange, as if the two had never seen before. However, a sad look appeared on Fairy Dieyi's face and said softly, "Why did I have a feeling of heartache just now?"

Chu Nan's eyes showed doubts, ignored the injuries he suffered, and asked, "Die Yi, I'm Lin Yun."

"Who is Lin Yun? I don't know, but why do I feel so familiar with you?

"Die Yi, don't you really remember me?"

Chu Nan's heart surged with worry, worried that the butterfly fairy became a fool like the martial arts of candles.

"I don't remember, but my heart hurts!"

Fairy Dieyi held her head in both hands, and there was pain on her face, but before Chu Nan could speak, a voice came out coldly behind her, "Dieer, kill him, and you won't feel heartache anymore!" You never have to feel heartache again!" Hearing this voice of **, Chu Nan stared. It was indeed the father of Dieyi Fairy who saved his life on the Xuanbing Mountain. Chu Nan had guessed the identity of Dieyi Fairy's father before, which force he belonged to, and he had also thought about Da Zhou.

I didn't expect that the original speculation came true, and when we met again, it was such a situation. This was unexpected by Chu Nan. The scene of the meeting at the beginning was still very clear in Chu Nan's mind. Chu Nan said, "Senior, Zhuang B Zhou has been killed by me."

"You also saw the butterfly."


Chu Nan asked suddenly, Dieyi Fairy's father, that is, Yi Lao, still replied coldly, "It's very simple. If I kill you, the benefits I get will be the greatest!" You can do more! You can climb higher!"

"What Dazhou can give you, I can also give you, and more!"

"Some of them are you can't afford, and you can't!" From beginning to end, Yi Lao did not look at Chu Nan. He went straight to the emperor. When the emperor heard what Yi Lao said, the smile on his face became more and more prosperous! What do you want?"

As soon as Chu Nan asked, Mr. Yi stopped, stared at Chu Nan, and said word by word, "I want you to be single-minded to my daughter, only love my daughter, and give my daughter eternal happiness. Except for my daughter, there is no Zi Menger and no Nangong Lingyun. Can you do it?"

Hearing this, Chu Nan was silent.

"If you can do it, you don't have to disappear from this continent today. What are you going to do in the future? I'll be your striker! I'll take the lead for you!" Mr. Yi spoke very seriously and never meant anything.

"Yi Lao--"

Before Chu Nan said anything, the emperor had panicked, but as soon as the emperor shouted, he immediately realized that he could not offend Yi Lao at this moment. He quickly stopped. At the same time, he prayed in his heart that Chu Nan would reject Yi Lao's opinion.

Chu Nan is still silent. Meng Er and Ling Yun are his favorite, and it is impossible for him to abandon them!

Mr. Yi stopped and continued to walk towards the emperor. When the emperor saw the situation, stones fell in his heart. Mr. Yi said, "Chunan, you are indeed a genius among geniuses. If you only rely on your own strength, I am not your opponent. You have spent six years to complete the life of the warriors. From this point of I admire you very much, and you are definitely worthy of Dieer. However, you can't only love Dieer. Instead, long pain is better than short pain. If you no longer exist in this world, Dieer will no longer suffer for love in this continent, and will no longer be heartbroken, because time will heal her wounds; therefore, you must always Disappear, disappear in front of the butterfly, disappear in the memory of the butterfly!"

After listening to this paragraph, Chu Nan finally understood why Yi Lao's attitude had changed so much before and after, and why he said those words, just because he was Die Yi's father, just because he loved his daughter deeply and didn't want his daughter to be hurt a little!

"Have you considered Dieyi's feelings? Is it fair to Dieyi?