Wu Rebellious Universe

987 just to go home

After listening to Xiaojing's explanation, Chu Nan has a general understanding of the totem continent. There are countless tribes in the totem continent, most of which use beasts as the totem.

Of course, there are exceptions. There are a few tribes that use plants as totems.

What's more, strange and mysterious things are used as totems. However, these mysterious totem families have not been easily shown to the world. As for what mysterious totems are, they are not what Xiaojing, the little rabbit, can understand.

Among the beast totems, the four most powerful totem clans on land of the totem continent are the Dragon, the Phoenix clan, the Kirin clan and the Nine Lions. Almost all the beast totems are attached to these four totem clans!

The rabbit clan where Xiaojing is located is attached to the nine lion clan. It is not so much attachment as the enslaved totem clan. The rabbit clan is completely at the lowest level in the whole totem continent. Anyone can bully the rabbit clan.

As for the so-called totem master, it is divided into nine grades. The first to the third grades are to stimulate the power of the totem in the body and initially use the power of the totem; the fourth to the sixth grades can condense the residual shadow, virtual shadow, real shadow, etc. of some kind of beast totem with the power of to Energy!

However, the biggest difference between totem masters is not the difference between several grades, but the difference between the totem masters and the obtained totem power. Some totem families, even if they are already nine-grade totem masters, are likely to beat even the five-grade totem masters of the powerful totem clan!

This point is somewhat similar to the strength and weakness of the martial arts skills of Tianwu Continent!

What else is there above the ninth grade?

Or above the totem master, there is any higher level of existence. With the conditions of Xiaojing, it is completely inaccessible. For Xiaojing, it is completely a legend.

In addition to the totem master, there are also pharmacists, pharmacists in the totem mainland, and the alchemists in Tianwu mainland, which are almost the same!

After listening to this, Chu Nan fell into silence. The world is the same and different from his previous world; such as totem power and power, such as totem formula, totem combat skills and martial arts, etc.

"How can I return to Tianwu Continent from Totem Continent? Do you have to go through the black hole? Even if you have to pass through a black hole, is there a pool similar to that of 100,000 mountains in this totem continent? And those fragments..."

Chu Nan thought, looking up at the sky of the Totem Continent, which was no different from the Tianwu Continent. He couldn't help wondering, "Is this the same day? If not, what is the difference between the sky of Totem Continent and the sky of Tianwu Continent? There is a god of war that can break the sky and break out of the sky in Tianwu Continent. Is there any existence in this totem Continent? If it can break the sky, can it reach the Tianwu Continent?

For Chu Nan, the most important problem on the totem continent is not survival. With his current strength, who dares to bully him?

So, the most important question is whether he can return to Tianwu mainland and how to go back; on Tianwu mainland, there are also parents and relatives, beloved people, and life and death brothers...

They are all waiting for him to go back and go back alive!

Chu Nan secretly made up his mind: "No matter what the price I pay, I will go back. Since I can come from Tianwu Continent to Totem Continent, I will definitely be able to return to Tianwu Continent from Totem Continent!"

The determination is down, but in fact, you can't go back if you want to!

With the experience of Tianwu Continent, Chu Nan knows very well that no matter how powerful a person is, he can only be one person. If he wants to go back as soon as possible to find the existence similar to 100,000 mountains and ponds, he needs countless people to find it for him. He only needs to order. Just like in the Chu family, what he Then someone will prepare and finally put things in front of him.

Moreover, Chu Nan also wants to see if there are any natural materials and earth treasures, elixirs, and whether he can make up for the last three medicines of the "longevity elixir" in this totem continent; he still needs to practice, and he also needs resources for cultivation, as well as the refining of the epee...

To get more resources, more manpower is needed; because of this, Chu Nan decided to conquer this totem continent, not for great ambition, but just to go home!

When Chu Nan's heart turned a lot of thoughts, Xiaojing had already knelt in front of Chu Nan and said, "Please help me and save our rabbit clan. If you want Xiaojing to do anything, Xiaojing will never frown."

"Conquest, from now on? Start with the rabbit clan?

There are doubts between Chu Nan's eyebrows. Choosing the rabbit clan is really not a good choice; this is like practicing the worst martial arts. If you want to achieve your goal and climb higher, it requires his hardships and efforts, which are a hundred times a thousand times, or even ten thousand times, ten thousand times, of high-level martial arts skills!

Chu Nan is sympathetic, but he is not a good person. He can save Xiaojing, but he doesn't want to shoulder the hope of saving the whole rabbit clan for no reason. While thinking about it, Xiao Hei's voice came from his consciousness, "Dad, she is so pitiful. Save her."

"Is this a woman's compassion? Even the powerful little black can't avoid vulgarity!" Chu Nan read it, but saw that Xiaohei in his arms had turned into a rabbit and curled up in his arms. Chu Nan couldn't help but be surprised and hurriedly said, "Xiaohei, can you deform?"

"Um, it just came out of my memory. After learning it, it can change." Xiaohei said flatly. Chu Nan was really speechless. His own cultivation speed was evil enough. When the meridians were connected, he could learn some kind of martial arts skills. But he didn't think that Xiaohei was even more scary. After learning it, he would know it!

"Is this the legendary talent?"

Xiaohei's voice continued to come from his consciousness: "Dad, do you think it will be interesting for me to dress up as a rabbit to break into the world, eat tigers, abuse elephants, and play with phoenixes? Maybe at that time, this totem continent will set up a statue of a rabbit, and everyone will worship me. As long as you think about it, this is a very cool thing!"

Hearing Xiaohei's coquettish voice, he thought that in the 100,000 mountains, Xiaohei could leave completely and safe, but Xiaohei did not leave, but chose to accompany his life and death!

At this time, Chunan's strong fatherly love broke out like a mountain torrent!

"Since Xiaohei likes it, let's start with the rabbit clan. Maybe the process will be a little more tortuous, but Xiaohei likes it and can make Xiaohei happy, which is enough; maybe starting from the rabbit clan, there will be more unexpected gains!" Chu Nan answered, and Xiaohei was very happy and said, "Dad is so good, Dad is so good..."

In the coquettishness, the light surrounding the little black dissipated, revealing the rabbit's figure.

When Xiaojing saw the rabbit in Chu Nan's arms, she was completely stunned. The eyes in her eyes became more and more religious...

In addition to Guanghua, Canglang Mengshu and others are becoming more and more arrogant!