Wu Rebellious Universe

991 boundary, toys

What do you want us to do?

"It's very simple. Spread what you just saw at the fastest speed." Chu Nan said lightly that the people around him were full of disbelief and couldn't believe that what they had just heard was true.

It is reasonable that this person doesn't want them to leave. He should close their mouths, or kill them, so that nothing can be leaked just now. Unexpectedly, the people in the sky do not want them to shut up, but ask them to publicize.

A bad feeling arises spontaneously, and it surges in an instant!

People are not afraid of news leakage, so there are two possibilities. One is an idiot, an idiot who can't overescre his ability to the extreme; the other is self-confidence, with absolute strength. At this time, many people think of what Chu Nan just said, "The person who changes this totem continent!"

The question is reborn, "What kind of strength does this man have? With such confidence, he said such arrogant words.

"Aren't you leaving yet?"

Hearing this sentence, everyone felt absurd again. Did the outsider really let them go like this? They stared straight at Chu Nan to see if Chu Nan was playing a conspiracy, and whether they would be destroyed when they turned around and left!

"If you don't want to go, then never go."

Chu Nan said it again. Although his tone was extremely insipid, a direct pressure was overwhelming. Under the pressure, everyone's hearts tightened, their intuition was difficult to breathe, and the dark forces were against each other, but this luck found that the totem power in his body seemed to have fallen into the abys swamp and could not run at all!

In an all, everyone's face was as pale as snow, and they dared not stay any longer. They turned around and fled. No one dared to fly in the air. Even those people of the sky totem clan, because Xiaohei lay so lazily in the air; everyone escaped thousands of meters away, only to find that the power of the to The outsider didn't chase him, and the big stone in his heart fell!

Although the stone fell, the faint feeling in their hearts has always lingered. They always feel that this totem continent may not be calm again.

Chu Nan hugged Xiaohei and said to Xiaojing, "Let's go back to your rabbit tribe and get ready. It won't be long before the wolves will attack."

When Xiaojing heard the wolf clan, there was no fear on her face. Instead, she was extremely excited. However, Xiaojing's eyebrows floated a sad face again, wrinkled out of Wenshan, and said, "Your Excellency, we are still in the Jiuyou Refining Realm. There are still a full nine days before the opening day The boundary has not been opened, and no one inside can get out!"

"I can enter the Jiuyou Refinement, and naturally I can get out of the Jiuyou Refinement Realm!"

When Xiaojing heard this, she was shocked on the spot. In an instant, the shock all over her body turned into ecstasy like a surging tide. She thought to herself, "The adult is so powerful, the jade rabbit family is saved; but how can I repay the adult?" After thinking about it for a long time, Xiaojing thought of a possibility!

Chu Nan walked all the way and met a lot of warcrafts along the way. The generals of the totem mainland called these warcrafts mysterious beasts. However, in Chu Nan's view, there is not much difference between the warcraft and the mysterious beast. Even the animal core in the body is different. The two are just different names.

Because of Chu Nan and Xiaohei, they all restrained their breath cleanly. Xuan Beast could not feel the powerful breath, so he only felt the weakness of Xiaojing, so he attacked Chu Nan one after another, but the final result was a physical explosion, and the end of the beast's nucleus was broken!

The shock in Xiaojing's eyes has never subsided. If the adult can kill so many mysterious beasts, Xiaojing will not feel surprised. To Xiaojing's surprise, she did not see the adult's action at all. All the mysterious beasts, ten meters in front of the adult, will automatically burst!

As Chu Nan walked, he was also thinking about giving the rabbits a set of suitable totem combat skills, and then refining elixirs to improve the physique of the jade rabbit family as much as possible; after all, the jade rabbit family is indeed too weak.

It didn't take much time for Chu Nan and others to come to the boundary. Chu Nan did not panic to break the boundary, but studied it carefully to figure out what kind of existence the "boundary" is!

With a boundary, the people in the Jiuyou Refining Mirror can't get out. At the same time, people outside don't know what's going on in the Jiuyou Refining Mirror!

In a hall outside the boundary, in the upper position, there is a middle-aged man with thick eyebrows and big eyes. His face is blooming, full of arrogant smiles; there is a beautiful woman next to him, kneeling on the ground and beating the legs of the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man reached out and pinched the chin of the beautiful woman, kneaded it wantonly, and slowly lowered his hand and slid into the gully. Then he smiled and said, "Ruyan, how many people in your jade rabbit family can come out of this trial?"

Without waiting for the beautiful woman named Ruyan to answer, someone below said with a flattering smile, "I think, according to the past practice, I'm afraid the whole army will be destroyed."

"Brother bear, that's not necessarily true. If the jade rabbit clan hides and waits for the boundary to open and then come out, how many people can come out."

"Brother Monkey River, I bet that the Jade Rabbit family will definitely not be able to get out alone!"

Everyone turned around and looked at the speaker. Questions floated between their eyebrows. The middle-aged man above asked, "Wolf, are you so confident?"

"Lord Hui Shishan, my stubborn little wolf fierce skill, I fell in love with Xiaojing in the jade rabbit clan and wanted to have a play; and I heard that this Xiaojing is a strong woman, and she will definitely not give in easily to the child. The child is irritable. If Xiaojing does not give in, he will definitely be angry If a lot of people play together, how can Xiaojing survive? I will definitely be played to death! Xiaojing is dead, how can others survive?

The wolf suddenly smiled, and the people around him suddenly opened up and sighed, "So that's it. You are really interested. You have made the boring trials so interesting."

"It seems that more places will be given to the Yutu people next year, so that more Yutu people can go to Jiuyou Refining Realm."

"It's better to be all women, and they should be as beautiful as flowers, so that the trial will be more colorful."


Everyone laughed wildly and discussed wantonly. They didn't feel that there was anything wrong or cruel at all. In their opinion, all the people of the Yutu clan are toys. Since they are toys, they have to make their masters happy!

Ruyan's heart trembled incomparly, as if she was dripping blood. The person who beat her legs couldn't help trembling. Lord Shishan snorted coldly and asked, "Ruyan, don't you want to?"

"Your Excellency, Ruyan dares not."

"I don't dare you. If you dare, I will destroy your jade rabbit family!" Shi Shan said, with one hand between Ruyan's legs, "I'm happy to wait for you. Otherwise, I will let all the people present come to serve you once, or ten times, a hundred times."

Lion Mountain laughed wildly, but Ruyan's delicate body kept shaking!

"Smile to me! Smiling with amorous feelings!"

Lion Mountain ordered, but both hands got up wantonly!

Just then, the hall trembled!