Wu Rebellious Universe

1009 Then what? I've been waiting for you!

Phoenix people ask for a meeting!

The object of the meeting is naturally not Bai Xiaojing. Bai Xiaojing is fighting outside!

Most people outside are guessing whether the Shenlong clan has reached any agreement with the Jade Rabbit clan, but the Phoenix clan and the Kirin clan know what's going on. Therefore, the Phoenix clan, the ruler of the sky, did not let the Jade Rabbit clan come out to see, but lowered its posture and asked for a look.

can make the proud phoenix family lower their posture, of course, there is a picture, and there is a big picture!

Chu Nan will definitely not turn the Phoenix clan out. The Phoenix clan wants to get great benefits from him. He also wants to know something from the Phoenix clan's body. Compared with other totem clans, the Phoenix clan is sent to the door. Why not?

Still in that shabby room, the people of the Phoenix clan did not beat around the bush. They came straight to the point and said, "The temple of the Jade Rabbit clan is too small to hold you at all. The Phoenix clan wants to invite you to join the Phoenix clan. If you agree, you will immediately be the elder of our Phoenix clan!"

"Then what?"

Chu Nan closed his eyes and didn't even look at the seven phoenix people in front of him. He said lightly.

The Phoenix clan, who spoke, stagnated, but quickly said, "Then, no matter what you want to do, the Phoenix clan will support you."

"Then what?"

Feng Fei was angry, and his tone couldn't help but be a little angry. He asked, "Then what do you want?"

"Are you angry just like this? This is not good, but you can't get benefits from it. Chu Nan's voice was still so plain, but Feng Fei was shocked, so he replied powerfully, "Your Excellency seems to have a great appetite."

"It's really a little big."

Feng Fei smiled and said, "I advise you not to have too much appetite, otherwise you will have indigestion, and once you have indigestion, you will hurt your body."

"If I don't agree to your requirements today, will you be rude and ask for soldiers? Or if there is no example of the Dragon clan in front of you, you don't have to lower your posture at all and directly suppress me?

With a slightly abrupt words, Feng Fei was shocked. They were playing the calculation of salute before soldiers. Feng Fei was surprised and said calmly, "It's a courtesy or a soldier. It depends on how you choose. My Phoenix family is the strong man in the sky, and the whole sky belongs to my Phoenix clan. Even if you can take the The clan defeated the nine lions, but we can't help our phoenix clan! On the contrary, if the Phoenix clan wants to attack the jade rabbit clan, the jade rabbit clan will definitely suffer heavy losses. Do you want to toast? Or do you want to drink fine wine?

"I heard that the phoenix is an undead bird, and the phoenix reborn in Nirvana will be more powerful. Are you the same?" Chu Nan suddenly opened his eyes and stared at Feng Fei. Feng Fei looked at the eyes as if he was going to be swallowed up. Even his soul couldn't help trembling, but he didn't know why.

"How did he know the secret of the Phoenix clan?" Fengfei forced himself to calm down and said, "Since you know, you know better how to choose?"

Chu Nan withdrew his eyes and said, "The temple of the Jade Rabbit clan is indeed a little small, so I'm trying to expand the temple of the Jade Rabbit clan, whether it is land, the sea, or the sky!"

"Your Excellency's crazy tone!"

"You don't have to worry about my appetite. No matter how much it is, I can digest it!"

"In this case, you are ready to bear the anger of the Phoenix, the Dragon and the Nine Lions!"

"Plus the Kirin clan, what's the matter?"

"I hope you can still sleep tonight." Feng Fei snorted coldly, waved his hand and said, "Let's go!"

At that time, the shadow of wings appeared in the back arms of the seven people, especially Fengfei, which has half of the wings, with flesh and blood, but it is totem. The shadow of the wings of the seven people is also different. Except for Fengfei, which is the wings of the Phoenix, the other six people are all from other affiliated races of But there is no doubt that from the point of view of Totem Continent, these seven are all very strong!

Feng Fei chose this way to leave in order to give Chu Nan a deterrent and let Chu Nan understand that no matter how strong he is, he can't help their group of strong people in the sky. Chu Nan didn't even raise his head, but said coldly, "This is not where you want to come. You can leave if you want to.

"With you, you can't keep us!"

Fengfei laughed and said, so he spread his wings and flew thousands of miles. Several wings waved down. Fengfei and others had reached thousands of miles away in the clouds. Fengfei smiled and said, "The man holding the rabbit is really crazy. He is crazy than me. Unfortunately, he has no strength to support his madness."

"That's right, if you want to keep us, even ten of them can't do it."

"I guess he is still stunned now. I don't know what happened!"


With a burst of laughter, Feng Fei showed his murderous eyes and said, "The only way to refuse us is to die. The Phoenix clan can't leave such a big danger. The man holding the rabbit, just wait for the punishment of the Phoenix clan to come!"

The laughter became more crazy. At this moment, Feng Fei's laughter suddenly stopped abruptly, because in their vision, a figure appeared. The figure came slowly and became clearer and clearer. Fengfei's eyes were wide open, but it was the man holding the rabbit!

At the moment of seeing Chu Nan, Fengfei's seven people all felt that their wings seemed to have ten thousand catties, and they could not be fanned. The shock in their hearts was difficult to describe in words. Chu Nan stepped in front of Feng Fei and others. Feng Fei pointed to Chu Nan and said in panic, "You...you...you...""Is it unexpected?"

"How did you run in front of us?"

"I'm already in the front, waiting for your nine breaths!"


In the cold air, Fengfei's seven people immediately felt that their bodies were a little unstable and seemed to fall down. Chu Nan no longer talked to them and waved one hand. Fengfei's seven people only felt the wind roaring. When the wind stopped, Fengfei's seven people had landed and opened their eyes and looked around. It was not the

"What do you want to do?"

Fengfei was really panicked. All his self-confidence was gone at this time!

"I want to see if you are immortal or not!" Chu Nan stretched out his hand, and Feng Fei howled like a pig, "Don't mess around. Do you really want to be right with the Phoenix clan?"

"Didn't you just say that you want to let the punishment fall on me?"


Feng Fei only said one word, and a force had already ravaged his body.

At this time, the Kirin clan came to see again!