Wu Rebellious Universe

1108 Will anyone else save you?

Hearing that Chu Nan wanted to ask her for one thing, Jing Hong was very happy and hurriedly said, "Please say that Jing Hong will do it."

"When I leave, you wait for an hour..." Chu Nan pointed to the transmission array in front of him and continued, "You smashed this transmission array. Don't leave it at all. It's all smashed to pieces!"

Jing Hong didn't ask why, but said solemnly, "Well, I will destroy this room."

Chu Nan was stunned and nodded, which was indeed more thorough. The reason why Chu Nan wanted to smash the transmission array was that he didn't want people from the Xuantian Continent to come to the Totem Continent through the transmission array, and then went to the Tianwu Continent. For an hour, it was naturally just in case!

Although the Tianzhan Gate of Xuantian Continent does not know what happened in the Totem Continent at all, and it is almost impossible to contact Tianwu Continent, Chu Nan wants to annihilate everything possible in the cradle.

Besides, if a large number of people from the Xuantian Continent come to the Totem Continent, it is definitely not a good thing for the Yutu clan!

As for people like Wan Zhen Laozu, if they come through space, it is not what Chu Nan can stop. After giving it, Chu Nan held Xiaohei in his arms and looked at Jing Hong. For Jing Hong, Chu Nan still has a strange mood, but this mood is not about love, but because Jing Hong was saved by her. In a sense, Jing Hong was created by Chu Nan. In Jing Hong's body, there is his endless painstaking efforts in the study of formation.

Just like the most satisfactory magic weapon refined by the refiner, the alchemist exhausted all his efforts to refine the most magical elixir, with a special mood!

Thousands of thoughts, but finally turned into two words: "Take care!"

Somehow, Jing Hong's heart suddenly panicked and blurted out, "Son-in-law, can we meet again?"

Chu Nan sighed in his heart. If there was no accident, he was afraid that he would never come to this totem continent again, but Chu Nan still said, "Goodbye!"

After saying that, Chu Nan held Xiao Hei with a strange smile at the corners of his mouth and stepped into the transmission array. The transmission array flashed brightly. Chu Nan felt an irresistible suction and pulled him to the unknown space.

Chu Nan has disappeared, and Jing Hong is still stunned. She was stunned because there was a strange paragraph in her mind, "If you want to see my father again, try your best to break the void!" Oh, and my father's name is Chu Nan!"

Jing Hong chewed this sentence several times and made up her mind: "We must break the void!" Then, Jing Hong came to his senses. The transmission array was no longer shining, and there was nothing in it.

Tianwu Continent, Fog Forbidden Sea, Nameless Valley Youtan!

The three figures turned around, and one of the men said, "I don't believe that the woman can still disappear!"

"Look carefully, she must be nearby."

In the pool, the woman was praying that some terrible existence would not pop out of the pool and swallow her. She was still worried about whether her feet had kicked something deep asleep just now. She prayed that the three people in the pool would leave early, or some powerful beasts would rush out and drive them away. Go, because if you keep looking for her like this, you will find her sooner or later!

Just after praying, the woman on the shore looked at the pool. Just in a bad way, a burst of light rushed out of the pool. The pool water immediately boiled and rolled over the waves. The woman immediately shouted, "She is in the pool, surround it!"

The two men were extremely fast and stood in the other two directions. They were just in a regular triangle with the woman. The three of them took action at the same time and sealed the sky of the pool. At the same moment, the woman in the pool thought that there were some horrible beasts in the pool that rushed out, and also used the shuttle-shaped magic weapon

"Bun Bang Bang..."

There was a random noise. After the shuttle magic weapon collided with the sky, it did not rush out and fell back to the surface of the water!

When the three of them saw this, they laughed at the same time. A man said, "Jiangxin, your princess's escape is over. Take it. Go back with us. The emperor of Zhengyang is still waiting for you to be his 108th concubine!"

"Dream, one day, I will cut off his head with my own hands and sacrifice it to the grave of my father and mother!"

"Hahaha... It's ridiculous. You don't have one day. If you don't be good today, you will be captured. We will just fight and destroy flowers."

Xunxin's face changed, showing panic, and made a tendency to dive into the pool again. As soon as the pool water passed her knee, Zengxin spit a mouthful of blood on the shuttle-shaped magic weapon and rushed straight to the sky.

However, Zhang Xin was stopped again and rolled back to the surface of the water, and her face was pale. The "sister" said contemptuously, "Zhugxin, you said you can't escape. We have seen too many of your little tricks. Now you can't rush up, but also fall back into the pool!"

As soon as the sound fell, the surface of the pool froze a thick layer of ice.

The woman continued, "In my ice field, can you escape?"

The ice spread to Shexin. In the blink of an eye, she climbed from the soles of her feet to her chest, and then her neck. It was not until the ice reached the edge of Shexin's lower lip that she stopped. Her eyes were full of despair, and she was still flashing to death and did not give in and die together.

The woman's voice sounded again, "Don't think of other ideas. Han Bing has invaded your Dantian and sealed your hole. You just want to blow yourself up, but you can't die together! In the past, you have escaped from death countless times. This time, can you still escape from death? Will anyone else save you? No, you are really desperate!"

In the secluded pool, there is still the light flashing.

In the transmission channel, Chu Nan felt a pressure from all directions. However, compared with his strong body, these pressures could not cause fatal damage. Chu Nan gritted his teeth and refined it. Chu Nan wanted to test this mysterious transmission channel, but he could not find out his mind and only felt chaos.

However, under the pressure of this kind of space pressure, Chu Nan found that he had stopped his cultivation in the realm of the initial martial arts for a long time, and there were signs of a breakthrough. Feeling this change, Chu Nan was in a better mood. He knew that this breakthrough was saved through his fight with the second elder and with all his energy. Live Jinghong, after the accumulation on the totem continent, under the opportunity of space pressure, it is about to accumulate.

Chu Nan has been meditating on the time and the time when he went home, "Nine breaths, eight, seven, six, five..."


Chu Nan's figure appeared in the secluded pool.

On the pool, a man is reaching out to catch General Xin!