Wu Rebellious Universe

1242 swallowing cultivation, refining failure

1242 wildly swallowing cultivation, refining failure 1 update

In order to draw the soul of Chu Nan, the thin old man refined Chu Nan into a puppet, and put on his unskilled "seven puppet soul pumping array", which paid almost all the blood and hundreds of years of life. The thin old man did this. On the one, he was forced to a dead end, and on the other, as long as he It's all worth it.

Because of this, the thin old man is extremely weak at this moment. In addition, the dragon soul seizes the puppet, and the "seven puppets draw soul array" is invalid, and the thin old man's current combat effectiveness can't even catch up with 30% of the peak period!

The thin old man threatened God and made Chu Nan scruples and not take his life. But when he really saw Chu Nan smiling and saying that he would not kill him, the thin old man was extremely afraid, thinking about what Chu Nan would do to him and what kind of torture he would suffer.

Chu Nan didn't care what the thin old man was thinking. He punched. The thin old man saw it and thought it was a black hole again. He quickly smashed it with the previous response method. Unexpectedly, what appeared in front of him was not a black hole, but a blood-red Wu Zunyu!

After the "Xuanshui", it was followed by the overwhelming, with countless Jieyuan Mingteng, and the "Xuanshui" trapped the weak golden palm that turned into a double palm shadow. The Xuanyuan Mingteng was wrapped around the thin old man's body, except for the thin old man's body wrapped into meat dumplings outside, those There are also countless thin things on the vines. In the flesh and blood of the thin old man, his body is filled with the seng!

Then, swallow the cultivation, and the power doubles.

The cultivation of the thin old man fell at a speed that could be lowered with the naked eye. In less than three breaths, he fell below the great perfect martial arts saint and reached the lowest limit of the high-level martial arts saint. At this time, the thin old man had not recovered.

When the thin old man woke up and was busy controlling the puppet to block in front of him, he found that he could not use the puppet at will, but not even let the most basic action of letting the puppet come out.

At this time, the cultivation of the thin old man, the middle-level martial arts master!

Fear, from this moment, every cell soaked in the thin old man, looking at Chu Nan coming step by step, the thin old man retreated, but he could not retreat. He felt that his cultivation was still falling wildly. The thin old man's eyes were fierce and shouted, "Stop quickly and stop swallowing the old man's cultivation..." "Do you still like this little trick?"

The thin old man is not in the mood to pay attention to this now. He roared, "If you don't stop, I'm going to blow myself up, and I'm going to..."

"Then you can self-exploding. Do you think that a martial artist who is only in the realm of Emperor Wu will hurt me at all?" Chu Nan approached the thin old man. The thin old man looked pale and asked in surprise, "What do you want?"

"You'll know in a minute."

Chu Nan condensed his finger into a sword, stabbed it with a sword, took out a drop of blood, and immediately refined it with the "life and death secret". He saw that the thin old man's death ambition was not so firm, so he did this move, and the thin old man's cultivation at this time had fallen to the realm of the Control this person, and then let the three-tailed red fox dream to remember.

It is reasonable to control the life and death of a martial king. It is easy for Chu Nan, but when it is refined to one-third, Chu Nan suddenly feels an obstacle. This power of obstruction is still very strong, as if it is not controlling a martial king, but a god of war.

Chu Nan raised his eyebrows and instantly thought that it was mostly done by God. He immediately worked hard and tried his best to refine the "life and death secret". The tearing of two strange energy made the thin old man fall into endless pain.

"It hurts so much, it hurts so much, stop..."

The thin old man shouted, but it was useless. Chu Nan's face also oozed sweat. Although there was an inexplicable obstacle of energy, it could not stop the refining of the "life-and-death secret".

Seeing that he was about to completely refine the thin old man, suddenly, the "bang" sound exploded in Chu Nan's mind. The thin old man's blood was directly blown away. Chu Nan suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, raised his head, and saw that the thin old man's body also exploded. The flesh and blood were everywhere, and he

Chu Nan was shocked. This is the first time he has failed to refine since he learned the "life and death secret", that is, the last time he refined thousands of ancestors in the totem mainland, it ended with success, but this time...

"God is really powerful. A small means placed in my hand broke my secret of life and death!" Chu Nan looked at the flesh and blood all over the sky and muttered, but suddenly saw that there was a ring in the flesh and blood. Chu Nan grabbed it with one hand and explored it. There was nothing in the ring, but there were 18 coffin-like positions. Chu Nan saw this and said, "Is this a special place to store puppets?"

Doubtful, Chu Nan immediately tried to collect the puppet into the ring. Sure enough, Chu Nan collected six in a row, leaving only the puppet occupied by the Dragon Soul. After Chu Nan suppressed the shock in his heart and the desire to explore the puppet, he turned around and ran forward for the golden soul. The Dragon Soul followed uneasily.

While Chu Nan was shocked, far away, the man in black in a mask was also surprised, "Who is this? Who can compete with my forbidden source and fall into a situation where both are destroyed!"

The man in black didn't know that it was Chu Nan, but he immediately ordered people to track it down. He must find out the truth.

At this time, Chu Nan had come to a large number of Liuwen refined gold mines. Without hesitation, Chu Nan began to swallow the energy of Liuwen refined gold. The speed was strange. Every time he swallowed, a large area of Liuwen coarse gold turned into powder.

On Yungang Mountain, the atmosphere has been solemn for a long time. The two forces of Princess Feng and Ye Zhengfei confronted each other. The martial arts saints worked together and became a third-party force, and none of them did not move.

Ye Zhengfei didn't know what was going on at the bottom of the mountain. Although he believed in that person and could stop his brother-in-law, he had no reason to worry at all in his heart. Seeing the situation in the scene, he said to himself, "It's not a way to go on like this. If you can make Princess Feng It's also worth the master's visit, and he can also watch the returning brother-in-law, just in case.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhengfei said to the third-party forces, "If you take action now, you will get rich rewards; if you are still hesitating, wait for the crazy revenge from me in the future!"

After saying that, Ye Zhengfei pinched the beads, and then smiled at nature and said, "Princess Feng, I hope you can still be so light in a while!"

"I also hope the people you call are strong enough!"

"It will be as you wish!"

Ye Zhengfei smiled brightly on his face, and there was a sense of heaven in the palm of his hand. Somewhere in the immortal heaven, an old man suddenly opened his turbid eyes at the moment Ye Zhengfei pinched the beads, and then his figure flashed and rushed to Yungang Mountain at the fastest speed! RO