Wu Rebellious Universe

1385 your water, listen to my order

1385 Your water, listen to my order 1 update

Seeing the person formed by the water disaster, he was a little stunned, but he was just stunned. From beginning to end, his footsteps did not stop, and his eyes had never been in a trance, and he had been staring at the water disaster.

The water robbery formed by the whirlpool is really strange, but Chu Nan has encountered more strange things, how can he be frighted by this in front of him!

The mouth of the water robbery fluctuated out of the water lines, and the water lines converged into a sound, "Ant, destroy it!"

"Of course you want to destroy!"

Hearing this awe-inspiring, the water lines between the eyebrows of the water robbery suddenly swirled, and there was an angry atmosphere. The small pool of water robbery suddenly changed its position. Chu Nan stepped in and just stepped into the water robbery pool.

The man of the water disaster fluctuated with a sneer, "This will be the place where you fell!" When the words fell, the water robbery in the pool suddenly clicked, and then the whole water robbery pool froze and fell into the ice. This ice was much stronger than Chu Nan's ability to freeze with Wang Moshi ice before.

In an instant, the water lines that have been broken and re-condensed on Chu Nan's body have been frozen, and a trace of water lines can't fluctuate; the water lines can't fluctuate, but they are condensing into the frozen water disaster, as if to merge into one!

Moreover, the drop of water in the sea of consciousness shook violently, as if it was boiling, as if it would break up at any time.

The man who stepped forward and sneered again, "I thought you were so powerful, so that's all." After saying that, the water robber stretched out his right hand and grabbed it straight to Chu Nan. In the process of grabbing it, he still fluctuated with hatred. "Damn anti-God, do you know how much did I pay to kill you? You can't die so easily, you know?"

"You are my booty!"

"I'm going to refine you into an ice sculpture and let you suffer..."

The water pattern was fluctuating violently, but the hand of the water pattern could no longer move forward. The water robber was stunned and pushed hard, but with one push, he did not advance but retreated.

Chu Nan said, "Is that enough?"

In a word, Chu Nan surged wildly, and the cracks of "cqueaking" sounded one after another, but it was the water that froze Chu Nan, and there were cracks one after another. Then, the water lines on his body recovered and fluctuated, and then penetrated away.

The frozen water was robbed, and it also poured back to the people who robbed the water. The water robbery was shocked, "What rules did you create?"

"Of course, it's the rule of water!"

"Impossible, how can you turn the water disaster into your own use?"

"Is he still a water robbery?"

Chu Nan said, stepping again, and the man of the water disaster was furious, "Da Damn it, how dare you bully me like this. I'm going to kill you, I'm going to..."

"What about bullying you? If you want to fight, how can there be so much nonsense!"


The water disaster man just said a word. The rules of Chu Nan's water have penetrated into the feet of the water disaster man and are spreading to the whole body. The water pattern of the water disaster man fluctuates in unison, "The water of heaven and earth, listen to my orders, gather!"

At that time, the water robbery refined by Chu Nan condensed into the people of the water robbery again, and the black clouds were even larger. The addition of each black cloud could increase the power of the water robbery. The drop of water in Chu Nan's consciousness sea was also broken with a crack.

The sound of broken water droplets was very light, and only echoed in Chunan's sea of consciousness, but the person who robbed the water waved as if he had heard it, "Aren't you going to fight? Your rules of water are broken. Let's see how you fight!"

"Is it broken?"

Chu Nan smiled and did not stop, "If it is broken, it can still destroy you." While talking, Chu Nan's rebellious intention merged into the rules of the broken water, and the water disaster said coldly, "I don't know the sky is thick!"

"Your water, listen to my order!" The water controlled by the people of the water disaster fluctuated in the same way. The people of the water disaster exuded an extremely confident atmosphere, as if they were watching the dead. The water pattern rushed up and rushed out a word: "Explosion!"

Boom Boom...

In the sea of Chu Nan's consciousness, the already broken water droplets exploded, and the roar was endless. Chu Nan's body condensed by the rules of water was also detonated, and the explosion was still spreading to Dantian in southern Chu!

"Is it so easy to create rules? Is it really so easy to get through the water disaster?

Chu Nan didn't seem to hear the fluctuating sound, and his body was still exploding, but Chu Nan's feet were still stepping forward. In the sea of consciousness, that rebellious intention and the rules of dilapidated water are still merging, more thoroughly merging...

"The rules of water have exploded. Why haven't you destroyed it yet?"

"Isn't the rule of explosive water called the rule of water?"

Hearing this, the person of the water disaster was stunned, and then fluctuated and shouted: "Explosion! Explosion! Explosion!"

In the sound of "explosion", Chu Nan, who was very embarrassed, said as he walked, "If the water explodes, just merge again, save the meaning, and the water will be reborn." A faint sentence fell, and the rules of water splashed into countless tiny water in the sea of consciousness automatically merged and condensed.

Water droplets condens again. Compared with before, all the light has disappeared, but it gives people a breath of returning to the truth, which is more powerful. In addition, in the rules of water, there is an extra breath, the opposite breath, the reverse intention, has melted into the rules of water!

In a few breath, Chu Nan came to the water disaster. When the water disaster saw that Chu Nan had not been destroyed, he said with hatred, "If I can't blow you up, I will kill you myself!" The water disaster turned his hands into swords and cut down the Dantian of Chunan.

Chu Nan did not dodge or avoid it, but said, "Your water, listen to my order!"

In the same sentence, the word has not changed, and the hands of the water disaster can't help but stagnate, and then exude endless contempt, as if to say, "A dying man still wants to order my water?"

Before the fluctuation of the water lines stopped, Chu Nan said, "Scatter!"

At that time, the water robber found that there was a vortex in his body, the first of his legs, and then the body and hands. The water robber wanted to cut off the two swords, but found that he could not control himself.

The people of the water disaster were frightened and tried their best to control the rules of Chu Nan's water, but they couldn't do it at all. Chu Nan smiled and said, "How can you order the rules of water with reverse intentions? Do you dare?"

The question came out, the two swords were destroyed, the body was destroyed, and finally there was only a water-robbed head, and the water pattern fluctuation. "Why?"

"This water disaster has long been infiltrated by me, and it has been refined for a long time. Although it is still a water disaster, it belongs to me. The reason why you can order it is that I let them listen. Do you understand?"

Chu Nan was not at all complacent. He grabbed the water robbery head with one hand and swallowed all the essence in the water robbery head. Then, he solemnly said, "The water of all things, gather, condense my flesh and blood."

The head of the water robbery disappeared. At the moment of disappearance, he fluctuated and said, "You will definitely die. There will be me to avenge me. You will definitely die!" RO