Wu Rebellious Universe

1418 is the owner!

1418 The crowd dominates! 2 Update

Take the lead!

Bin is the blood vessel embedded in Chu Nan's body, the fierce force imposed on Chu Nan's body, and the power shot out of his eyes; these have been connected and want to be captured. At present, it is Chu Nan's body for the time being!

Chu Nan has experienced the battle many times, but he has never been as dangerous as this time!

Weird power, weird blood vessels, weird eyes, everything is so weird. The blood line is still going around Chu Nan's body. As soon as it wraps around, it becomes a blood vessel. As soon as it becomes a blood vessel, it hides in the flesh and blood body. As soon as it is hidden, it begins to contact with Chu Nan' ...

A strong intuition surged in Chu Nan's heart. What has happened so far is not a real crisis. The real crisis is the moment when the strange blood vessel is connected to his blood vessel.

"You must not let him get what he wants!"

Chu Nan extracted his own strength and attacked the external forces. However, the external forces, as well as the blood vessels, actually blocked the shield with Chu Nan's own flesh and blood. No matter where Chu Nan's power attacked from, even if it went from all directions, those external forces could also find the shield. .

What is the result of attacking yourself?

It goes without saying.

Chu Nan vomited blood, and what was even more strange happened. After spitting blood, the blood spit out by Chu Nan was actually sucked away by the bloody light, just like Chu Nan devoured it on weekdays and directly turned it into his own use.

Then, the blood vessels embedded in the body were actually connected with Chu Nan's flesh and blood. This kind of connection is not an ordinary connection, but equivalent to occupation. As his own, Chu Nan felt the pain, and the pain of separation of bone and flesh, as if the connected flesh and blood were alive from Chu Nan's body. It's the same.

Chu Nan's flesh and blood are naturally Chu Nan's own. How can they be separated? In an instant, Chu Nan thought of the blood he had just spit out, and a lot of pictures flashed in his mind. Chu Nan devoured the green demon inflammation, so he could use the function of the green demon inflammation to devour the purple moon spring water, which could give full play to the effect of the purple moon spring water, as well as the blood of the >

"It swallowed my blood, with my breath? Did it become my blood?

Chu Nan was suspicious, but he had already run the mysterious energy, making it turn all over his body to block the connection between the external force and the external blood vessels. As soon as the mysterious energy surged in, the power poured in was weakened; the blood vessels hidden into the body also slowed down.

However, this is only a mitigation, not a complete solution.

The strange eyes seemed to be shocked, but he did not panic. From that eye, Chu Nan felt that the other party seemed to say, "Things are getting more and more interesting." At this moment, Chu Nan was a little worried that if he allowed the situation to develop, maybe in the end, the crystal coffin could not save him.

Chu Nan does not believe that there is an eternal invincible existence in the world. Whether it is a human or a magic weapon, just like his dragon teeth in the past, he was invincible at the beginning, and no treasure was broken, but later, was it also destroyed?

The same goes for the crystal coffin!

"Rely on yourself, you can only rely on yourself!"

The domineering spirit gushing out of Chu Nan's body is even more magnificent!

"If you want to occupy my body, you can't!" Chu Nan roared at his eyes. The strong rebelliousness was filled with the air, and his eyes moved slightly again, as if he was surprised by Chu Nan's rebelliousness, so he gave people a feeling of laughing happily and effortless.

Chu Nan is working hard to integrate the blood volume with the rules of water. If it can really be integrated, if it can be merged as he thinks, it can order the water in the secret world, then the situation of Chu Nan will be greatly alleviated.

Because there is also water in the blood!

However, there are too many ifs. Chu Nan can't base all hope on the if, so Chu Nan played with his life, pulled a drop of blood from the foreign blood vessel and pulled it into Dantian!

The silent battle has long been bloody and fierce.

Jiuwu and others were very anxious when they saw Chu Nan's appearance and heard Chu Nan's roar. Unfortunately, in the secret world, their strength is indeed too weak. Even with these days of refinement, they can't do it.

Jiuwu shouted, "Giant ape, go outside, try to disperse those animals and destroy the source of blood; we, do everything we can to destroy this blood line!" Jiuwu said that the giant ape roared and ran out. Jiuwu condensed his sword and cut off the blood line.

The blood line was cut off, but not completely broken, but the lotus root was broken; and, in an instant, the blood line returned to its original state; Gu Xidan, Feng Yongcheng and others were thinking about various ways to attack the blood line.

Except for the extreme immortal who was smashed into the earth by Chu Nan and did not take action, the iron bear did not take action, but his breath was getting heavier and heavier, and the iron bear seemed to hear the call.

When Chu Nan heard Jiu Wu's words, he knew that the giant ape could not play much effect when he went out, but at this moment, he could not distinguish other attention at all; the life in the secret place such as black wolves and tigers were attracted by the strange power here. This strange power can compete with the "life-and-de On the top, it should be slightly higher, otherwise, Chu Nan gave an order to let the king of beasts leave with the beasts.

As soon as the beasts came here, they died of blood. This blood was swallowed by this eye, and because of this blood, the eyes came to life, or woke up!

Chu Nan can be connected. What Chu Nan wonders about is why this strange place appeared. It has never been seen before, "Is it that the secret place has been broken. After we entered here, we attracted him?"

It's very easy. Chu Nan dragged the drop of blood into Dantian. As soon as he entered Dantian, the drop of blood went straight to Chunan's Danzhu, as if the two armies were fighting against each other, and a small enemy soldier was killed into the commander's camp.

Chu Nan condensed the rules of fire, but the blood ignored it, and the rules of water penetrated, but it easily penetrated. However, Chu Nan did not find any texture, just like a piece of white paper.

"How can this blood be like this?"

Chu Nan was surprised. He looked up at his eyes and saw a strange smile in his eyes. At the same time, in the depths of the endless void, a voice was ringing, "It's a little different from my plan, but it's more interesting; a small anti-God person dares to offend my power?"

In addition, in the void, in addition to the person who was ordered to walk, there are countless people rushing to the bright light that rises to the sky. The position of this bright light is the location of the sea and air screen! RO