Wu Rebellious Universe

1429 Where did the blood come from?

1429 Where did the blood come from? 2 Update

The blood bead is thick and solid, but it has liquid light flow, which makes it difficult to confirm whether it is liquid or solid. Even Chu Nan, the owner of the blood bead, can't say exactly.

Chu Nan only felt that the blood bead was neither liquid nor solid, nor even the intermediate state between liquid and solid, but another state, a state that Chu Nan did not know.

Similarly, this is also Chu Nan's intuition, which cannot be clearly stated in words.

In addition, Chu Nan also felt that there was a huge amount of energy in the blood beads. After the first blood beads were refined by the yin and yang fish, the blood beads did not stay in the Dantian field of Chunan, but shuttled through the flesh and blood of Chunan.

It's like a shadow, passing through, but leaving no trace at all!

In the end, the blood beads penetrated into Chunan's spine and stayed at the bulge behind the neck, which was equivalent to the head of the spine!

"What's the function of these blood beads?"

Chu Nan was puzzled and immediately found that the blood line was still wrapped around him and hidden in his flesh and blood. "What's going on?" Chu Nan frowned deeply. When he was destroyed by him, or swallowed up by the dragon, the howling outside disappeared. What came into Chu Nan's ears was the excited howling of the giant ape!

In addition, Chu Nan also keenly felt that the strange energy that had tempted the extreme immortals to go to the pool had also disappeared.

All this shows that with the destruction of the seed, the curse of black wolves, tigers and other animals to survive and die has been lifted, and the animals no longer bleeds to death. Since they no longer die, the blood still flows into the body. Where does it come from?

As soon as he stepped out of a strange circle and into a more strange circle, Chu Nan couldn't help but feel a little annoyed when he thought of the third eye on his body, bones, crystal coffin, divine water soul, and the small sapling.

As soon as the irritability arises, Chu Nan, who is on the edge of life and death, is immediately alert. This state of mind is harmful to him. Once people get bored, they will make wrong actions. Chu Nan can't avoid this, except to calm himself down.

"Even if I'm going to die the next moment, I can calm myself down. How can these strange problems disturb my heart? One day, all this will come to light! I just need to become stronger and strong enough, so that no matter what the game is, no matter what the whirlpool is, it will be broken with one punch; no matter what the cause and effect is, it will end with one punch!" As this sentence came out, the annoyance in Chu Nan's heart gradually disappeared, and his mood slowly returned to calm.

"Speaking of cause and effect, the forbidden fog wants me to be contaminated. Will it be this kind of cause? Obviously, I have provoked this powerful master who threw the seed." Chu Nan didn't know that what he provoked was not just a kind of thought. There were more and more people coming around the secret place in the depths of the void, and the discussion became more and more fierce. Someone was saying, "I heard that this secret land ran through the Tianwu mainland, and I don't know who left the secret land to be strong "

"Tianwu Continent? I haven't heard of it. Who knows what kind of low-level continent it is.

"It's not necessarily a low-level continent. I've also heard that there is something strange in Tianwu mainland!"

"No matter what's weird about him, just go in and have a look."

"If you could go in easily, you would have gone in long ago. Do you think you can still get it now?"

"Although I don't know how to get in, I'm sure that the price of going to Tianwu Continent is absolutely not small!"


Listening to a lot of comments, one person thought to himself, "No matter what the price is, I must go to Tianwu Continent and kill that man!"

At the same time, on the Tianwu mainland, the Tianwu Hall is emitting a strange light. The light goes straight to the sky, and then shrouded in all directions, turning into invisible in a blink of an eye, but there seems to be a trace of change between heaven and earth.

An old man with blonde hair, standing in front of the light, muttered, "The lock sea and the empty screen is broken, and it is inevitable for outsiders to enter the Tianwu mainland; I don't know how much role it can play to protect the power of martial arts, but it is better than not!"

Then, a firm voice sounded again, "No matter who is, if you want to stir up the wind and waves in Tianwu mainland, you have to pay a heavy price!"

In addition, on the totem continent, a line of people in gorgeous clothes slowly walk on the totem continent. Naturally, it is that day. The emperor seems to remember something and doesn't care about the destruction of the Tianzhan Hall at all. The seemingly casual wandering of the emperor is getting closer and closer to the territory of the jade rabbit clan!

The jade rabbit clan has long been different from the past, especially when Jing Hong came back from the Tianzhan Hall. After joining the jade rabbit clan, he pushed the prestige of the jade rabbit clan to the highest peak. The jade rabbit ordered that there are still tribes in the totem continent. Don't dare not follow, and there is a statue in the most sacred

The statue is extremely majestic, and even emits a faint light. What this statue depicts is Chu Nan. In Chu Nan's arms, there is a rabbit transformed by Xiao Hei. Whether it is Chu Nan or Xiao Hei, it is lifelike, like a real existence!

What happened on the totem continent, Chu Nan did not know that at this moment, he had calmed down and focused on promoting the integration of the rules of power and water. According to what he thought, let every point of power and the rules of water turn yin and yang. After countless times of quenching, the power and the rules of water were integrated, A kind of fusion is still not real fusion, but it is enough. According to the previous examples, as expected, Chu Nan can order the rules of water in the secret territory.

"Power can be integrated with the rules of water, but what about the rules of fire? I remember that the idea said that yin and yang turn into five elements, and the five elements play yin and yang, which shows that yin and yang and the five elements are inseparable.

Chu Nan visited his Dantian, and the yin and yang fish were still spinning in the five elements of liquid, no longer hesitating. According to the experience of the fusion of power and the rules of water just now, Chu Nan promoted the fusion of power and the rules of fire.

At this time, the yin and yang fish refined the second blood bead, and the second blood bead reached the second bone of the spine and swirled in it!

Nine days later, the yin and yang fish refined the third blood bead, which also reached the spine and swirled in the third bone!

With the refining of the third blood bead, the blood line disappears, the blood no longer stays, and the blood vessels in Chunan's body no longer increase, but even if it does not increase, the blood vessels in Chunan's body at this moment are almost three times more than that of ordinary people.

"So many blood vessels? Is it a blessing or a curse? Isn't it more bleeding after being beheaded? Chu Nan thought about it and said calmly, "Whether it's a blessing or a disaster, I'll take it. The soldiers will stop it."

While the blood is completely refined, the power is also exhausted by the yin and yang fish! RO