Wu Rebellious Universe

1483 The benefits of "eating"

1483 The benefits of "eating" 1 update

After Chu Nan's shock, his expression became extremely focused. Zi Menger had a lot of worry in her heart. Regardless of whether she was "seekingly" with Chu Nan's body, she held Chu Nan tightly, as if to give Chu Nan infinite strength!

The strong impulse surged up in Zi Menger's heart again. She wanted to become stronger as soon as possible and keep up with Chu Nan's footsteps. She wanted to be Chu Nan's help, not resistance; otherwise, if something happened to Chu Nan, she couldn't help at all, for example, now...

In fact, Chu Nan is very good now. The reason why he is shocked is that he obviously felt the spiritual power and was refined again!

Compared with all the previous additions, this time, it is more turbulent and thorough. Before practicing the "talisman", Chu Nan did not have a clear concept of spiritual power, but felt that his spiritual power was strong enough, because after many lives and death, the spiritual power rarely dried up.

However, after drawing runes, Chu Nan knew that he overestimated himself. Only the "shield runes" and "explosive runes" of the early class could make his mental strength dry to the point of coma.

After arranging the anti-Tianshan Mountain and drawing runes for the people of the anti-Tian Mountain, Chu Nan's spiritual power has been consumed a lot, which is still far from his full state. Now, Chu Nan feels that his spiritual power is far away from his fullness, but Chu Nan is ecstatic.

Because of the spiritual power of this moment, it is tens of times more than before. If Chu Nan is allowed to draw symbols now and draw back and forth ten times according to the previous workload, he will never be weak.

The reason for this is that the two full states are completely different; the previous full state is a small bottle, and the current full state is not a big bottle, but a small pool.

Moreover, the spiritual power is still growing!

Spiritual power is quite important to Chu Nan at this time. Chu Nan didn't expect that after "eating" with Zi Menger once, he had such a gain. The inner joy spread to Chu Nan's face, and Chu Nan laughed.

"Idiot, what are you laughing at?"

Zi Menger was completely inexplicable. Chu Nan didn't say anything, but just laughed. The laughter became more and more smelly, and his eyes looked straight at Zi Menger's body. Zi Menger reflexively held her chest with both hands, and her eyes were full of vigilance.

"Meng'er, do you think you can hold it? I saw everything about you.

Chu Nan made the appearance of opening his teeth and dancing his claws, interpreting the legend of the hungry wolf. Zi Menger saw the little Chunan who made her experience incomparable pain and made her feel like flying into the fairyland. She raised her head high and stared at Chu Nan and said, "Did, if you don't say it

"This doesn't work."

Chu Nan raised his hand and surrendered. Maybe Zi Menger really did it. He hugged Zi Menger and told her about the benefits he had just got. Zi Meng'er's face was red and shocked. Hearing Chu Nan say that his spiritual strength was very important to him, Zi Menger summoned up his courage and said, "Why don't I eat "

"It's just you..." Chu Nan showed a proud look, "Who just begged for mercy?"

"Well, try again and see who will surrender!"

Zi Menger said, and she wanted to become a female tiger again. The flame in Chu Nan's heart rose again, but it was suppressed by him. Zi Menger was only for the first time. If she "eat" it again, it would be very harmful to Zi Menger.

"Meng'er, let me hug you."

Zi Menger's pain has not completely disappeared. "En" said, and he fell into Chu Nan's arms. Chu Nan looked at his body and said while looking at his heart, "My mental strength has been greatly increased, and Meng's spiritual power should also be greatly increased, which will be twice the result with half the effort for Menger's future Fruit..."

"Is there any way to improve Meng'er's strength quickly?"

For the future, Chu Nan did not use the method of "pulling seedlings" for Zi Meng'er to improve her cultivation. However, Zi Menger's expression just now and what Zi Menger said before shocked Chu Nan's heart. He wanted to make Meng'er happy, not worry about his own strength, so Chu Nan was racking his brains How to improve Meng'er's strength as much as possible without affecting Meng'er's future practice...

"In my blood, there is great power, but there may be hidden dangers in it that can't be given to Meng'er; and those with power are not suitable for Meng'er..." At this time, Chu Nan explored his Dantian and saw the yin and yang fish swimming happily in the five elements of liquid, which was more flexible and powerful than before "Men are yang, women are yin, men and women are combined, and yin and yang are in tune. Is this the reason why the power of yin and yang fish has become more powerful, and is it also the reason for the spiritual power to rise?"

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in Chu Nan's mind, "Yes, Meng'er is the physique of fire and wood attributes. In Meng'er's Dantian, it also establishes the rotation of yin and yang fish, with fire as the yang and wood as yin, and then condenses my fire rules into a seed and Help..."

Thinking of it, Chu Nan's strength poured into Zi Meng'er's body. Zi Meng'er stared at Chu Nan. Her big eyes were full of confusion. Chu Nan said, "Meng'er, relax and give everything to me."


Zi Menger doesn't know what Chu Nan is going to do, but Zi Menger trusts Chu Nan and her own man, which is enough.

Chu Nan combed the meridian of Zi Menger and found that the meridian of Zi Menger's ductility and width were not enough. At present, the vitality poured in to protect each other, and it expanded with the liquid phase of the five elements. In a little time, the meridian of Zi Menger was nearly tripled, and

Then, Chu Nan refined Meng'er's flesh and bones with the five elements of liquid, and further drove out the impurities inside. At the same time, he pressed the strongest vitality in.

At this moment, Chu Nan frowned!

Zi Menger felt the change in her body and stared at Chu Nan.

In three breaths, Chu Nan's eyes regained their firmness, and he sacrificed the sand table to deduce. After three hours, Chu Nan jumped up with a smile on his face.

Chu Nan found some obvious acupuncture points in Zi Menger's body. According to what he had just been deduced, he put pure power into it and clothed tens of thousands of precision arrays, so that those forces could not hurt Menger, and could break out at a critical moment to hurt the enemy. What's more, these pure forces, through the In the process of cultivation, Meng'er slowly absorbs it and turns it into her own.

After all this, Chu Nan entered the Dantian of Zi Menger... RO