Wu Rebellious Universe

1632 Learn divination from me

1632 Learn divination with me 3 update "Let's do it together, rearrange the Tianwu Hall thousands of miles away, and make it into a copper wall and iron wall!" The master said, Chu Nan shook his head, "This is not enough."

"Naturally, it's not enough. This is just the first step. There is also a killer in Tianwu Hall..."

The lord paused for a moment and continued to say, "Transmission array!"

Hearing the word "transmission array", Chu Nan's eyes suddenly lit up. His research on the transmission array was profound. The master said, "Originally, this opening of the transmission array was used to transmit us to the General Hall of the Heavens, but now, we can take the road of locking the sea and empty screen secret world, just a little more de

"It doesn't matter..."

As long as the safety of his parents can be guaranteed, no matter how far he goes, Chu Nan has no objection. He is happy with the best of both sides. Chu Nan suddenly said with a look and said, "Lord, the defense required for transmission array is not small."

Chu Nan himself experienced it himself. Of course, he knew it very well, but the lord smiled and said, "Don't worry, it's absolutely safe. I'm sure to reach the General Hall of the Heavens, and you won't get hurt at all."

After the worries in this regard were gone, Chu Nan focused on the transmission array again. He was very interested in the transmission array. Chu Nan asked, "Shangdian, are we in a hurry to go to the ruins of the array?"

The walker smiled and said, "Don't worry, there is plenty of time. If the ruins are really the ruins of the array, it is impossible for anyone to get the treasure and inheritance in a short time. Isn't the inheritance so good?" After a pause, the traveler added, "However, if the predestined person really needs to get it in a short time, it's useless for us to rush there now."

The lord of the temple echoed.

"That's great." Chu Nan smiled and said, "Then can I study the transmission array?"

Both the master and the walker were stunned. They looked at each other, and the walker said, "Chu Nan, you alchemy!"


"Do you still refine magic weapons?"


"Do you still need to study the formation?" Before Chu Nan could answer, the walker said again, "In addition, you still study runes and many other things. If you are distracted, don't you worry about your cultivation? Although your strength is very strong now, the further you go, the more you want to go hand in hand and be proficient in every aspect, the more difficult it will be to go!"

Chu Nan thought for a while and felt that there was some truth, but he still said seriously, "When I have accumulated enough, my cultivation can catch up. The main reason is that these formations are very useful to me. In fact, whether it is a formation or a refiner, it is all in order to rebirth of the epee."


The walker was shocked, and the master of the temple also flashed with inspiration in his mind, and then smiled and said, "The messenger of the hall, isn't there a saying that there is a lot of things to say? The refinery, elixirs, and the array all have something in common. If you find it right, you will get

"That's true, there is also a saying that it's the same way!"

The walker nodded and said, the master smiled and said, "Chu Nan, you have learned enough anyway. How about you learn divination with me again?"


Chu Nan questioned, and the master of the temple hurriedly said, "There are many benefits of divination. If you practice the true meaning, when there is danger, you can figure it out, and you can avoid it calmly. How about it?"

"It's not good."


"I don't want to avoid it."

"Then you can prepare early. In addition, you can also calculate your enemies. I believe you can also feel that you have a lot of cause and effect. As long as you are willing to practice, with your energy, sooner or later you can calculate the cause and effect clearly."

The lord thought that these words could make Chu Nan's heart move, but Chu Nan still shook his head. Chu Nan was not afraid of cause and effect, so he took a step back. Even if he figured it clearly, what could he do? What should come is still to come, and what is to face is still to face; Moreover, Chu Nan really doesn't have so much time. If he can have something to stay in it for ten years and only one year in the real world, he may still practice.

But now, I can't.

Although Chu Nan shook his head twice, the lord did not give up. He suddenly thought that Chu Nan cared most about his family. Thinking of what Jiuwu said, he suddenly had an idea and said seriously, "If you learn divination, you can easily figure out your lover, where your brother is, and whether they have fallen into In the crisis..."

The lord did not continue to say any more, but his face was full of smiles, because he saw Chu Nan's eyes shining; indeed, Chu Nan was moved, and this sentence hit the softest part of Chu Nan's heart. If it can really be calculated, it can better protect Zi Menger and others, and more, the whereabouts of Ling One two...

Without giving Chu Nan a chance to hesitate, the master took out seven bones and a book. This bone is not a bone that can melt into Chu Nan's body. It is similar to a beast bone. On the seven beast bones, there are dense words. Those words are similar to what Chu Nan usually sees, and Chu Nan also recognizes them.

However, the font was a little strange. The master stuffed seven animal bones into Chu Nan's hands and said, "My divination is all learned from these seven animal bones. You have to take it. In addition, this book is some of my cultivation experience; the transmission array is in the secret room on the bottom floor of the Tianwu Hall, that is The forbidden area mentioned is a pass token. Go and study the transmission array. Remember, don't touch the layout of the transmission array casually. If the transmission array is broken, it will be troublesome.

After saying that, the palace owner left with the walker. Chu Nan looked at the seven animal bones in his hand and couldn't help smiling bitterly. He put the animal bones into the storage waist pocket, took the token and turned around and walked to the secret room where the transmission array was located.

At the same time, the traveler said to the master, "I have added another way for him. Will this hurt him?"

"If it were someone else, the disadvantages outweigh the benefits; but on Chu Nan, I feel that there will be more benefits." When the master of the temple said this, the back flashed in his mind again and said, "With my divination ability, I can't calculate Chu Nan, and I am injured and spit blood; the envoy, what do you think will be the result of letting such a person learn divination?"

The palace flashed in his eyes. After a few steps, he replied, "I just hope that he can do the same achievements as alchemy as divination. In this big comparison, if Chu Nan can win the first place, the lord of the temple may personally accept him as an apprentice, and the lord of the palace has an ancient cultivation."

"I hope that Chu Nan can step into the realm of Wuzu in this formation ruins!"

"In fact, with Chunan's current strength, it should not be difficult to hit the Wuzu barrier. However, I think he seems to be suppressing, no, it should not be suppressed, it should be said that he is accumulating, waiting for something..." The traveler pondered.

"Chu Nan will surprise us. Let's build the Tianwu Hall well."

"I'm looking forward to it."

The walker nodded, and the two of them went away.

After a while, Chu Nan was already standing in the secret room of the transmission array!