Wu Rebellious Universe

1824 nine drops?

1824 nine drops?

The epee buzzed, and the sharp sword spirit went straight to the night man. Without the control of Chu Nan, it directly cut out all kinds of martial arts, and the epee also independently stimulated the small array engraved on his sword body...

Chu Nan used the "sky fist", "virtual black hole" and "yin and yang tornado" one after another. At the same time, Chu Nan was thinking about the meaning of the words "one thing, one Taiji" in his heart.

The five elements of the source disaster integrated into the blood of the three drops of the divine soul is indeed very powerful, that is, Lei Rui and Zheng Weizan do not dare to go straight into it. Unfortunately, under the joint killing of Chu Nan and the epee, the five elements soul source disaster was bombarded to pieces.

It gives people the feeling that the five elements of the soul source is a weak person, the one person and one sword is the real strong, and the one who suffers the disaster is not the one person and one sword, but the five elements soul source disaster.

Even the earth bully is muttering, "It turns out that there is nothing great about the earth soul disaster! As long as you follow the adult closely, no, it's the master. One day, I can easily smash the source of the earth soul!"

At this moment, the prestige of the Tuba in the Tuba's heart has dropped to the lowest point, and it can even be said that it has disappeared. Naturally, Chu Nan's position in the Tuba's heart has been raised to the point that it can't be added. When the Tuba faces him again, he will never shrink back,

Of course, he was frowning at this moment, and the frightened Tuba was surging in his heart. He didn't know the psychological change of Tuba. After frowning for a long time, he shouted coldly, "Fight, sacrifice five drops!"

For this proposal, Huo Chi actually didn't want to agree, but it was difficult for him to get down. If he didn't want to agree, he had to agree. Five drops of soul blood were once again integrated into the fire disaster that was about to collapse.

"If I don't accept such a big gift you sent, won't I let you down your kindness?"

Chu Nan said lightly, and the attack was even more fierce. When the heavy sword was fiercely cut out, he was also using the five elements of soul source to refine himself. Naturally, those who were chopped into Chu Nan's internal space, so they were scattered in it. Especially after swallowing the blood of the soul in the five elements of the five elements of soul source Compared with before, I was much more angry.

Seeing this scene, the emperor's eyes narrowed into a line. The power of the epee was really not small, but he did not regret that he had not stopped it before, and at this moment, the most important thing for the emperor was not the epee, but the change of energy and breath in Chu Nan.

"The energy breath exerted by Chu Nan now is by no means the same as what he had seen before. Although most of his energy breath has been restrained, the little I vaguely felt is something I have never met, and it is this brand-new energy that he can fish in the muddy water between Daizong and Yantian Cave and borrow it. This killed both the owner of Yangdong and the owner of the water cave.

When the emperor saw Chu Nan punch again, his eyes were stunned, "This energy is definitely stronger than the energy containing the law, and it is even possible... How on earth did he get this energy?"

Thinking of this, the emperor is a little more dignified, and more excited!

"That's how I am qualified to be my opponent and play this big game with me!" No one can know the thoughts of the emperor. Compared with the excitement of the emperor, the elder's face is a little dark.

Because Chu Nan was stronger, he wanted to bring Chu Nan back to Da Daozong, which was even more difficult. Now it has reached the point of difficulty. What the elder saw was the five elements of soul that was so fierce that he had to weighed next. Between Chu Nan's fist and the epee, the ashes "It's just the nirvana after a disaster in the blink of an eye. How can he be so strong?"

"These bloods are really good things. Can you get more?"

Chu Nan's shout, Huo Chi and others did not hear it, but the source of the five elements of the soul they came was broken between their fingers, making them feel shameful, deep shame, that is already the blood of the five drops of the soul, it is the blood of the soul, not the blood of the pig and the dog!

"Seven drops!"

Speaking of the aquarium chief, it is not the fire that wants Chu Nan to die most, but the aquarium chief, because the aquarium chief knows that it is Chu Nan who protects the soul of the god and the person he is most afraid of, so if there is a chance, the aquarium patriarch will never miss it.

Also because of this, as soon as the words fall, the aquarium patriarch will sacrifice seven drops of soul blood. The relationship between the fire and the aquarium patriarch is not very good. The so-called "water and fire incompatible" does not come out for no reason, but at this moment, they are grasshoppers on the same rope, and they must advance and retreat The patriarch made the same decision.

If this matter is not suppressed, who will pay attention to the five elements in the future? It is imaginable that there will definitely be more and more warriors against the five elements in the future, just like bamboo shoots after the rain.

This is the last thing they want to see.

However, Chu Nan and the epee seemed to be a bottomless hole. The seven drops of soul blood sacrificed by the Wuxing clan not only did not win back any weakness, but also were like a small stone thrown into the sea. They couldn't even afford a spray, and sank and were swallowed into the inner space by Chu Nan, who was

"What should I do?"

This question was raised again in the hearts of the five people. If it goes on like this, I'm afraid that the blood of the nine drops of the divine soul can't kill Chu Nan. The aquarium patriarch said, "Contact the Lei clan. If the Lei clan joins in, the nine drops of the blood of the divine soul will definitely have the effect of

Everyone nodded, but when they contacted Lei Zhuding again, they couldn't get in touch with Lei Wei, and could only contact Lei Yi, and Lei Yi at this moment was also very contradictory. Previously, he opposed the bombardment of Chu Nan, in order to make Chu Nan a stepping stone for his son to a higher level, but now, the five elements clan You can't bombard him. Will such a character be a stepping stone for his son?

What if he can't do it well and his son becomes his stepping stone?

However, it is not easy for him to bombard him. First of all, the thunder disaster he dropped is not as good as the purple thunder; secondly, he has to pay nine drops of soul blood, and nine drops of soul blood can make him lose more than half of his strength. This alone is enough to make him fight with the thunder casting tripod behind him In the dark fight, it is in a very unfavorable situation.

In particular, Lei Yi has a third worry, that is, even if he pays the price of nine drops of soul blood, he still does not kill the boy, and his prestige, control, decision-making, etc. will be beneficial and harmless.

"What should I do?"

Lei Wei also frowned and thought about it, while on the other side, Lei Zhuding was laughing and said, "Chu Nan is a good boy. I like him!" RO