Wu Rebellious Universe

1886 moving wood

In the nearly 50 cubic meters of storage ring, the star source stones full of rings vary in size. Qian Lei smelled the strong smell of star power and was a little stunned for a moment, not only because of these star source stones, but also because of where these star source stones came from.

Thinking of Chu Nan swallowing the power of stars as long as he had the opportunity to swallow the power of stars along the way, Qian Lei guessed some, but he did not understand what kind of stones these stones could carry such a strong power of stars.

Thoughts surged violently. Qian Leibian and Chu Nan agreed on a signal and took a group of people from Nujiang to collect energy. Elder Kuang took Chu Nan, Lei Rui and others around. In the Changsheng Gate, it had been a complete sensation. From the leader to the younger brother zi, they were collecting energy, or array books and so on Yan Baozi and other elders went out everywhere, using all means of coercion and lure, etc., to let the forces under the jurisdiction of Changshengmen and the surrounding forces hand over a lot of exchangeable things.

Of course, it's impossible to say that they don't have other thoughts. It's just that after listening to Yan Baozi's story, they can't make up their minds. If they can't do it, it will lead to a great disaster. But if they give up easily like this, they are also unwilling, so they plan to make Di Li sent people to investigate the origin of Chunan and others.

It is even more important to follow Chunan and catch big fish on a long line. It would be better if you could follow him to find the source of the star source stone. For Changshengmen, it is definitely a leap development.

Changshengmen knows some inside information and knows the power of Qian Lei and others, so he has some scruples, but there are still many people who know, so many people are fixed on Qian Lei and others who exchange the star source stone for energy.

Those small forces, who are short, took the lead and aimed at Nujiang, who has been left alone. "Kid, know what you know, hurry up and send the storage ring in your hand, otherwise, the uncle will cut you into eighteen pieces!" "Is this a robbery?" "That's right. There are so many of us. Do you still want to turn the world upside down?" " Sometimes, if there are not many people, you must win!" "What nonsense, come on..." Nujiang took action. As soon as he took action, he killed a clean one. The leader who spoke just now still maintained an arrogant posture and secretly followed this group of small forces, thinking of picking up cheap people. Seeing this scene, he was cold all over. Nujiang shouted coldly: "If you really want to do business, I use the Chen Yuanshi came to receive; if you want to make a wrong idea and block the road to rob, then I can only use a knife.

As soon as the words fell, Nu Jiang's figure flashed and appeared in front of those people who followed them in the dark, "Do you want to do business or rob?" "We...we are in business."

"Take it out."

Those people had just seen the killing power of the Nujiang River with their own eyes. How dare they hesitate? They quickly took out all the energy all over their bodies. Nujiang left a star source stone as big as a little finger and disappeared.

This scene not only happened to Nujiang, but also almost every brother of Dazong encountered such a thing. It is more exaggerated to say that such a similar plot is taking place in the whole city.

Three hours, passing by in a flash! Qian Lei and others also came back as promised. Everyone had the smell of xue that had not completely disappeared. After talking for a long time, the elder who had not taken anything from Chu Nan, couldn't help frowning slightly and thought to himself, "In these three hours, I'm afraid that many forces have been uprooted."

"Thank you for your hard work."

Chu Nan took the energy and threw it into the inner space of the ti. Sincerely speaking, Qian Lei smiled and said, "What did Mr. Chu say? We haven't moved our muscles and bones for a long time. Although those people are not very good, they feel good."

"By the way, what effect does your pen have, or what effect do you need from it, and what materials do you need? Let me know. If you have time, I will help you refine one."

"Mr. Chu can..." Qian Lei was puzzled and shocked. After only half of his words, he swallowed it back and said affirmatively, "Okay, I'll collect the materials. I'll trouble Mr. Chu then."

At the beginning, Qian Lei sacrificed the pen, but in order to seriously injure Chu Nan, but now Chu Nan doesn't care about the past and wants to refine it for him. For a while, Qian Lei's thoughts are very complicated, because so far, he himself can't figure out whether he represents Dazong's emotion, or they have However, Qian Lei believes that if Mr. Chu has any orders, as long as it is not aimed at Da Daozong, their group of people will definitely follow the order without hesitation, whether it is the cliff of life in front of them or the bottomless abyss.

"Is this a good thing? Or is it a bad thing?" Qian Lei really didn't know that he just followed Chu Nan's steps back to Changshengmen, and when he was about to leave the city, the gate was suddenly crowded, and there were sad crying and loud scolding.

Chu Nan frowned, "Coincidence? I'm afraid it's not that simple. There are a lot of sha killings in the city, and there will be people crowded at the gate of the city? Chu Nan looked at Elder Qi and said, "Elder Qi..." Elder Qi really didn't know what was going on in front of him. He quickly asked his men to ask questions. A few minutes later, they brought back five tall men, and in addition, there were two tearful women.

Although the two women's faces are a little dirty and their hair is still messy, they can still be seen that they are beautiful. As soon as the two women were about to approach, they suddenly knelt down in front of Chu Nan and said, "Please make the decision for us. Our two sisters depend on each other for our lives..." Chu Nan's wrinkles The ground snake, and right beside him, the two women should have knelt down to the elder, but the result was so, as if the two of them were coming at him.

Most importantly, Chu Nan intuitively felt that something was wrong with the two women. At this moment, he suddenly saw the long-lived disciple zi, who brought back the two women, winked at Elder Zang. For a moment, he thought of something clearly, "Block the way? Delayed time? Do you still need to fix nails?" Chu Nan guessed like this, but he didn't expose it to his face. Instead, he showed a very interesting look. He thought to himself, "Since it's sent to the door, it's not kind if I don't accept it. I'll make a plan and change the flowers and trees."

Then, Chu Nan asked the two women, "Okay, I'm in charge of you. You say, how on earth did they bully you?"

The two women cried for most of the day. It was probably that they came to the city with their seriously ill father for treatment. At the gate, they met these five people who saw the uprising and wanted to be rude to them. They vowed not to die. The five people took action and killed their father in a panic... "In the danger of others, I hate The person!" Chu Nan said coldly that there was confusion in Qian Lei's eyes about this, but Chu Nan called the two people who had been mixed in the rabbit clan. The two emperors were also surprised to hear Chu Nan's call.

For a long time, they have tried to face Chu Nan directly, because Chu Nan gave them the feeling that it was too dangerous, but now Chu Nan is summoned. If the two dare not to go there, isn't there no silver here? Therefore, the two suppressed their surprise and tried their best to look as if nothing had happened. They walked to Chu Nan and said, "Mr. Chu, what do you want?" "What do you think of this matter?" The two still didn't understand Chu Nan's intention. I don't know if Chu Nan refers to the matter of bullying men and women itself, or if there is fraud. Will it be a conspiracy? While thinking about it, Chu Nan said again, "What do you think of these five people who bully weak women?" "It's time to kill!" One of them heard Chu Nan's cold tone and said without hesitation. Sure enough, as soon as he said, Chu Nan echoed, "You're right. You really should kill them, so you can kill them."
