Wu Rebellious Universe

1915 murderous? I'll give it to you!

Chu Nan is ready to wait and ask the three heavens to see what's going on with the blood sacrifice in the secret place at dusk. At the same time, Gan Lin is also thinking, "I don't know what the conspiracy they have in the three ways of the heavens. Grandpa can't do anything. If you go to the advanced secret

When all the blood was sprayed in the air, forming a blood fog all over the sky, the heavens took three actions, doing strange actions that were difficult for others to understand at all, and Chu Nan could not understand.

However, Chu Nan looked at it, and those movements changed in Chu Nan's eyes, as if tadpoles were swimming, and the trajectory of these tadpoles made Chu Nan extremely familiar with them, just sketching runes one by one.


Although it was not very clear, Chu Nan wrote down these actions that somehow turned into runes. These " runes" were not included in the runes taught by the forbidden fog to Chu Nan.

Chu Nan wrote it down, and the virtual fire rune was absorbed.

Suddenly, the three movements of the heavens suddenly stagnated. In Chu Nan's eyes, this action was exactly the same as the last stroke of drawing runes. Then, the blood mist poured into the secret place at dusk and disappeared, replaced by an arched door.


He shouted majesticly, but no one entered. Gan Lin swept around and raised his foot to walk in. At this time, someone followed him inside. Seeing this, Gan Lin was even more ecstatic. "It seems that Grandpa has the upper hand, otherwise how can these people not dare to go first?"

With this conclusion, Gan Lin suddenly understood the previous feeling that something was wrong. As for why the three paths of the heavens came here, Gan Lin also understood, because in this secret place at dusk, only the master of the hall of the heavens can open it. Grandpa must have done this to get this method.

It didn't take much time. Almost everyone walked into the secret place of dusk. It was best for them to enter Chu Nan. As soon as they entered the secret place of dusk, Chunan glanced at it. It was really similar to the sky and earth outside, but the mountains here are greener, the water is more beautiful, and the sky is

However, in this beautiful dusk secret place, Chu Nan's body has a strange feeling, which is a little incongruous with what he sees in front of him. Chu Nan doesn't think much about it. He is still thinking about the difference between this dusk secret place. He always believes that a secret place under great efforts can't be used only There must be a deeper reason for the training of the disciples.

In the martial arts competition in the secret place at dusk, the great power of the martial artist is impossible to penetrate the secret place to destroy the outside world, and the specific place of the martial arts competition is in the sky of a canyon. After the crowd arrives, they immediately stand in several camps, which are clearly distinguished. However, the two opposite are the Tianwu The position of other branches is far away from both of them.

In the first round of the competition, it was indeed Tianwu Hall and Tianyu Hall.

When Gan Lin heard this result, the remaining worries in his heart disappeared without a trace. What he thought was that if his grandfather had something to do and fell behind, was it possible to arrange it like this?

So, Gan Lin pointed to the owner of Tianwu Hall and said proudly, "Our countless grudges, let's take advantage of this big competition! By the way, the humiliation imposed on me a few days ago will be doubled today..."

"It's time to break."

"Talk less nonsense, come up and get it to death, ten stars in the sky!"

With Gan Lin's words, the ten disciples under his family immediately sacrificed magic weapons, lined up word by word, murderous **, and went straight to Chunan and others. The master of Tianwu Hall smiled and said, "Jiuwu!"

At this moment, Jiuwu came out from behind the master of Tianwu Hall.

Gan Lin was stunned. After looking at it for a long time, he didn't see Chu Nan and others end up. He couldn't help asking, "Just one person?"

"It's enough to kill you."

"How presumptuous!"

Gan Lin felt that he had suffered ** naked contempt, and then showed a ferocious smile on his face. He said coldly, "Since you are looking for death, I will fulfill you. Ten stars of rain, one move per person, abuse him to death!"

"Ice and rain!"

"The heavy rain is pouring down!"

"It's raining all over the sky!"


One big move after another, brilliant in the void, Jiuwu said, "Yes, these moves are very gorgeous, but are gorgeous and useful? It's time for you to pay back the bloody feud of 300 years ago. In order to express my hatred for you, I will use the biggest trick, so you only have one chance!"

"There's a lot of nonsense. Look at me tearing up in the rain. Go to hell."

Ten big moves surged in, and Gan Lin nodded with satisfaction. Although they were tossed around in the transmission channel, they have now played extraordinaryly. It's so powerful that it's easy to kill him.

The fierce power has made Jiuwu's clothes swing, and Jiuwu said, "Seven thousand rice flowers!"

In an instant, a piece of rice appeared out of thin air. At that time, the killing spirit of the ten stars in the sky was completely broken. Their fierce moves no longer existed. Just when they were still surprised by this strange martial art, Jiuwu was already harvesting life.

The rice disappeared, and there was only Chu Nan left in the competition area. Many people in it had not recovered, and even some people questioned, "Has there been a competition here?"

One move is just one move. The so-called ten stars of rain, even the scum is left.

Those martial artists who once said sarcastic words in the teahouse were extremely uneasy, and the most shocking thing was Gan Lin. At this time, Gan Lin remembered his arrogance in front of the master of the Tianwu Hall. His face was hot, as if he had been slapped hard by the master of the Tianwu Hall. The s All of a sudden, there was a burst of anger.

"It's impossible. You must have used some evil means, otherwise how could you break their murderous spirit?" Gan Lin was hysterical. Chu Nan stepped forward and said, "You want to be murderous, don't you? I'll give it to you!"

At that time, the materialized murderous spirit went straight to Ganlin. The murderous spirit was still three or four hundred meters away from Ganlin. Ganlin was already vomiting blood, and the people in the surrounding halls retreated at the fastest speed. They also had a strong sense of suffocation. As they returned, they exclaimed in their hearts Killing spirit? How many people have been killed to reach this point?

In fact, what they don't know is Zheng (5). Chu Nan didn't use all his strength at all. Otherwise, they couldn't escape even if they wanted to escape. As for Gan Lin, at the moment of being hit by the murderous spirit, it was like a soul leaving the body, leaving only a body.


Gan Lin spit out a word desperately. Jiu Wu had already stood in front of him and dragged him forward. Suddenly, a burst of vitality poured into Gan Lin's body. Gan Lin was full of strength and lost his mind. At the same time, he shouted loudly regardless, "Let me go. You can't do this to me. You know who I am. Really?"

"The dying man!"

"Tell you, when Grandpa's plan is successful, I will be the master of the Heavenly Hall. If you dare to attack me, I will make you die!" After saying this, Gan Lin only contempt and sneered.

"The owner of the Hall of Heavens?"

Jiuwu said coldly, and the heavens said three times, "A beast, do you still want to go against the sky? Don't you want to see Gan Zhicang? I'll call him out now..." The voice was still drifting, and the heavens threw two pieces into the air.

Gan Lin looked up. At first, he didn't see anything, but felt a little familiar. When he wiped his eyes, he looked at it. "Ah," he shouted, crawled back like a dog, and kept saying, "Impossible, impossible, it's all fake..."

The two things thrown out by the three paths of the heavens are naturally the former elder and the general hall. There are two corpses with only the upper body. Gan Lin was not scared by the corpse, but because what happened in front of him, which was completely different from what he thought. He couldn't stand it and collapsed.

"I said, I will avenge them?"

The master of Tianwu Hall stood on Gan Lin's retreat road and cut it down with an axe...