Wu Rebellious Universe

2083 can't eat

The secret method of "eat one spit three", as Chu Nan guessed, is passed on by the emperor, and it is indeed very useful. It is not only defenseless, but also allows the other party to tie his hands and feet. When the emperor gives it to Xiao Laowei, the purpose is to restrain Chu Nan's various means, and by the way,

Unexpectedly, Chu Nan's method was too strange. He didn't restrain himself. Instead, he was led by Chu Nan's nose. However, at this moment, Mr. Xiao's "eat one spit three" was not aimed at Chu Nan, but at the shocking sword spirit!

In an ann, a shocking sword spirit turned into four shocking sword spirit, and the strength increased more than three times!

Time stillness can't be dealt with. I'm afraid it's difficult to "the black hole of heaven and earth". There are still "heaven and earth tripods" struggling in the inner world. It is not a good choice to introduce the shocking sword spirit...

The little black answered, jumped up in the sky, and the ten colors of light shone. The word "desolate" reappeared, and the word "desolate" has changed a little compared with the previous one, and it is a little crooked.

At this moment, Mr. Xiao's face is more pale and how pale he is. Obviously, the stronger the food he eats, the more the energy that Mr. Xiao will consume, the greater the price he will pay...

However, Mr. Xiao, whose face was pale and could not see through the ten-colored light, was calculating, "That rabbit can deal with the sword spirit. If I copy its attack and attack Chu Nan, won't Chu Nan die?"

Thinking of this, Mr. Xiao immediately spit out three mouthfuls of blood, a drop of soul blood, and used "eat one spit out three" to copy Xiaohei's attack. As soon as possible, Xiao Laowei felt that something was wrong, and he could not copy it at all.

Mr. Xiao was forced to use it. Suddenly, the cracking sound came from Xiao's body. In an instant, the bones were broken, and all the flesh and blood exploded. Even the space in the body burst into pieces. The energy was lost, and the soul was annihilated. There was only a broken bone shelf. With the incredible scream, he

Chu Nan said it lightly, but he was also shocked in his heart. He knew that Xiao Hei was stronger than him, but he didn't expect it to be so strong. Xiao Laowei, who was cultivated in the realm of Hong, was devoured to such a point.

Looking up again, the upper part of the word "Wild" has not changed much, but the lower part has been kneaded into a ball, without seeing the previous appearance, and the four shocking swords were also scattered by Xiaohei.

Only half of the weakened sword gas attacked Chu Nan. Chu Nan played a "time static" array, playing five arrays in a row in an instant, only two successful arrays, and the two successful arrays slowed down the speed of half of the shocking sword spirit.

This slowness is also relatively speaking. In fact, the sword spirit itself is still very fast!

Looking at the approaching of the shocking sword spirit, Chu Nan no longer fought, but mobilized all the energy that could be mobilized, melted the order, and shouted word by word: "Time goes back!"

At the same time, Chu Nan condenses the light of the stars, the ten colors of light into the eyes, and the "big real world" to see!

In this way, Chu Nan not only saw half of the sword spirit retreating, slowly changing back to the four swords, but also saw the half of the sword spirit approaching him. At the moment of seeing the two completely opposite pictures, Chu Nan's feeling was difficult to describe in words!

At the moment when thoughts rolled like a tide, half of the sword spirit shot into Chu Nan's body. Chu Nan did not stop it. He just used all his mind and felt the additional time to attack on the sword spirit. Half of the sword spirit suddenly penetrated into the inner world and cut the ground. This half of sword spirit was cut to the place where At that time, it all dissipated.

The severe pain made Chu Nan's thoughts more complicated, but he faintly caught a little. However, the great turbulence caused by half of the sword spirit to the world in his body made Chu Nan unable to continue to catch it. He quickly made up for the crack of the earth with energy, refined the "heaven and earth Enter the inner world and help it refine.

This change is a long story. In fact, it is only dozens of breaths of effort. All the people of the Yin and Yangmen have been taken down by Chang Mingge. Although there are still three strong people in the wilderness, they became extremely weak after exerting the "three points of yin and yang". They struggled for a while and were beaten to

Chu Nan sat cross-legged, and Ling Yun's face was not worried and anxious. She believed in Chu Nan, but her distressed look could be felt even by the blind man, but Master Ling Yun frowned and thought about the picture of Chu Nan fighting with strange people with his life.

At this time, Situ Yixiao walked forward and walked to the small world that gave off a shocking sword spirit. He touched each other with his hands and shouted harshly, "Give me a dream!"

At the beginning of the dream, Situ Yixiao's facial muscles were violently **. Suffering great pain, Shuang Shu saw this and remembered the picture of Situ Yixiao snatching the marriage in her mind. She stepped forward, took Situ Yixiao's hand, and dreamed with Situ Yixiao.

Although Situ Yixiao's body also began to shake, the small world also fluctuated with it; then, the famous song went up, a "human" melted into the "shang", and the sword cut down.

Jiuwu, God of War, Xiao Lan and so on all went up and worked together to deal with Xiaotiandi!

In the small world, there was really no shocking sword spirit to attack again. Master Lingyun was thinking: "He replaced the earth life dragon and swallowed the dragon of fate. After such a long time, he was not eaten back. What's the reason? Because Chu Nan's life is hard enough? Or does he have a secret way to deal with counterattacks?

Master Lingyun couldn't figure it out, but he came up with a wonderful plan from it. "If there is really no counterattack, then Chu Nan will have the life of that continent. If he is not afraid of counterattack, there should be no problem in changing the fate trajectory of others. If it is changed against the enemy, it will definitely be impossible to On the other hand, if the life trajectory is changed well, the luck will be strong!"

After a while, Chu Nan repaired the crack completely, and more than half of the "Heaven and Earth Tripod" was also refined. Chu Nan opened his eyes and saw that his brothers were working together to deal with Xiaotiandi, so he also wanted to exert his strength, but was stopped by Master Lingyun.

(5) Chu Nan was stunned, and Master Lingyun said, "Let them refine it again. This is a good opportunity." Chu Nan thought about it and turned to Lingyun. Master Lingyun asked directly, "Do you have a way to deal with the counterattack?"

"I can't help it. I just think that if anyone wants me to die to destroy what I guard, I will reverse that life!"

Master Lingyun frowned and said, "How much reverse can you deal with?"

"I don't know, but there should be very little to let me suffer under this sky."

"The life force consumed that day did not bring me any weakness!"

Master Lingyun was not surprised, but was even more happy. He looked up and down at Chu Nan and said, "I don't know who you are. I can't even find out your life trajectory. Looking at Lingyun's face, I pass on a secret method to you, and you can check the life trajectory of other things in an instant. This The trajectory is extraordinary, and ordinary people can't use it. If you have enough strength, you can use it at will. Moreover, if you are not afraid of counterattack, you can change its trajectory at will. I believe it will be very helpful to you.

Chu Nan's mind was still full of "time", and suddenly turned to "life power". Chu Nan didn't understand it for a moment. Instead, he mixed time and life power, and Master Lingyun continued to explain...