Wu Rebellious Universe

2105 feels like coming

Chu Nan thought to himself and immediately said to Qi Diaokong, "I was going to save you after breaking the rune array, but now I have to wait a little longer."

When Qi Diaokong, who was recalling, heard Chu Nan's words, the thick forbidden fog rolled violently. Qi Diaokong said hurriedly, "Don't wait, save me now, I'd rather promise you one more condition, I..."

"Stupid, don't you want to find another person who harms you?" Chu Nan interrupted Qi Diaokong's eager words. Qi Diao Kong was stunned. No matter how he thought about it, he was trapped for so long. Seeing that he was about to get out of the trap, he had to wait, and his heart was always wrong. Therefore, Qi Diao Kong said, "Son, when the cycle is long, maybe it will take ?"

"Don't say that you promised me one more condition, that is, ten conditions. Is it useful for me?"

Chu Nan asked a rhetorical question and showed his attitude. The reason why he insisted so much was that he had some speculation in his heart. He wanted to see if it was what he wanted, and he didn't rush to save the fog first. He was also worried that after destroying the fog forbidden sea, he would destroy the chain of the rune. What would happen I have that feeling.

In this regard, Qi Diaokong had no choice but to wait. At the same time, he hoped that the feeling would come as soon as possible, and then he could get out of trouble. Naturally, he was still digesting the harvest of "yin and yang fusion" at the same time. Chu Nan continued to study the rune chain, learned a lot from The story."

At the same time, the change of the fog forbidden sea has attracted the attention of many people, including the natural grandfather, Jiang Xin and others. Naturally, Xingbao Pavilion also got the news that a group of people flocked to the fog forbidden sea to see what happened to the fog forbidden sea that made him afraid of the forest. When they came to see it The real head-invisible sea was surprised.

At the bottom of the whirlpool, time passed quickly. In a blink of an eye, a month has passed, and the story of lacquer carving is almost told. Chu Nan is also very sure about the cracking of the chain of the rune array, and the forbidden fog has not been abnormal at all. Therefore, Chu Nan took nature into the time array to practice, When the wind blows, Chu Nan can know it immediately.

Time array, Chu Nan mainly does three things. One is to refine the operation of "heaven and earth" and "chaotic universe" to the pure land of fire; the other is, thinking about the times. After listening to what Qi Diaokong said, Chu Nan is also ready to make an "era". The "time" he understands now is enough to "Time", however, Chu Nan has not yet figured out which era that existed before. In addition, the new level of the era also made Chu Nan very moved.

The third thing is to think about the inner world. There are a lot of things in the inner world. Especially at those base points, Chu Nan can feel different mysteries. In addition, Chu Nan stares at the monsters in the inner world and keeps thinking. Although the inner world is not complete, many warcrafts, plants and so on die quickly, but Yes, there are also survivors, such as dragons and phoenixes...

Chu Nan thought, "There are powerful beings such as dragons and phoenixes in the world. Can I sacrifice these existences and help me kill the enemy when I am against the enemy? If you can, there are many ways to kill the enemy in the future.

Thinking about it, Chu Nan tried to move the things inside out. Of course, he didn't move the dragon, because he had been entangled with something. Up to now, he hasn't paid attention to the dragon. Chu Nan moved only a pheasant. It was easy to move, and he got it out at As soon as it came out, the pheasant died.

Chu Nan looked at the dead pheasant and frowned, "Why is it like this? Is it because the world in my body is incompatible with the outside world, or is the pheasant not adapted? However, the world in my body can be today, and what I swallow is basically the energy under this sky!"

After thinking for a long time, Chu Nan can only attribute it as the result of the imperfect world in his body. However, Chu Nan has not given up. He is still thinking about the way. After all, the world in his body can continue to grow, and there will be more and more creatures in it. If it can't be used, it will be too

Looking at the dragon that was still soaring in the air, Chu Nan didn't have the slightest impulse to say a few words to meet the dragon. He said, "Anyway, it's all in the inner world, and you can't run away. Let's meet when you want to see it."

In the time matrix, ten years have passed in a flash. In ten years, Chu Nan still did not find the basis point represented by the forty-six unnamed tokens, but the "chaotic universe" are refined at will.

However, Chu Nan is still not satisfied, because his enemy is too powerful. Not to mention the one behind the emperor, even Tiankui, it is enough for him to eat a pot. Chu Nan said, "Up to now, there are two main ways to increase the power of heaven and earth. One is to find more nameless tokens and make the universe run One is to enhance the thickness and width of heaven and earth; anonymous tokens can be encountered but not sought, but heaven and earth..."

Chu Nan immediately thought of the life of swallowing the mainland and using it to melt together. However, if he wanted him to ignore the life or death of the whole continent like a weirdo, he still couldn't do it, unless the people of that continent deserved to die, just like the blood demon continent.

Just a little worried, Chu Nan suddenly thought, "Didn't they say that there are still many continents under the sky that have not been found? Then I'll swallow the fate of the mainland where no one has ever lived, right?

When the problem was solved, Chu Nan was extremely happy, but he did not think about whether the undiscovered continents would be very dangerous. Chu Nan looked at nature and unconsciously beat his heart.

Naturally, he opened his eyes and smiled at Chu Nan and said, "Over the years, when you practice, my inner space will help but follow your practice, and the power of cultivation is great."

Chu Nanda was interested. When he was about to investigate, Chu Nan's eyebrows moved, and his mind that stayed outside came from the fluctuation. Chu Nan immediately walked out of the time array. Qi Diaokong saw the appearance of the forbidden fog and shouted, "Son (5), that feeling is coming, save me quickly..."

Although he spent ten years in the time matrix, for the outside world, it was only a few days. Hearing the shouts of lacquer carvings, Chu Nan felt it everywhere, and immediately drew magic symbols, hundreds of completely different runes, which functioned on the thirteen rune array chains at the same time.

The divine mind was hidden, and Qi Diaokong couldn't feel it. He just thought that Chu Nan didn't want to save him. He kept saying that Chu Nan ignored it and focused on drawing charms. Suddenly, Qi Diaokong's words penetrated into Chu Nan's ears, "If you save me, I can tell you that a strong Technique, it can definitely run rampant through this whole sky.

Immediately, all thirteen rune chains were broken clean, and the paint sculpture was shocked, and he was immediately ecstatic. "I'm finally out of trouble, and I'm finally free." Screaming, the lacquer carving went into his body.

But this drill was empty, because Chu Nan grabbed his body in front of him. Qi Diaokong realized it and turned his head and shouted, "Chu Nan, what on earth do you want to do?"

"Seriously investigate, where does that annoying feeling come from!"