Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 10 Winning Brother's Famous Quotes

Chapter 10 Winning Brother's Famous Quotes

Looking at Qin Xiaojing's smile, Wu Linger narrowed her eyes and sighed in her heart, "Handsome! So it's good to control your face. You can see handsome men and satisfy your eyes and stomach! If I could see such a handsome man every day, I would..."

"You nymphomaniac will definitely die of excessive blood!" Brother Win's voice sounded in his mind angrily, and Wu Linger almost jumped up from **. Qin Xiaojing had a keen sense of the change in Wu Linger's mood: "What happened?"

Wu Linger quickly waved her hand: "It's okay. I just thought of a good storyline!!" After saying that, she hurried to get the computer. While opening the bag, Wu Linger said viciously in her heart, "Dead earthworm, I warn you that next time you scare me like this, I will definitely take you..."

"Chopping into a basketball team, right? You have said this hundreds of times. Can you change it to something creative?! Brother Win's voice sounded lazily in Wu Linger's mind, as if he was not afraid of her threat at all.

When Wu Linger was about to say something more, the doorbell rang. She quickly ran to the bathroom with ** clothes: "Brother Qin, I'll change my clothes and open the door."

Qin Xiaojing glanced at the door through the cat's eye and then opened the door: "You are too slow!"

"Sorry, it's the peak of the meal, and the kitchen is a little busy!" The waiter explained respectfully and pushed the dining car in by the way.

Qin Xiaojing took out a note and handed it to the waiter: "It's nothing to you!"

The waiter glanced at the room and nodded, "Yes! I hope you have a good meal!" After saying that, he left the room.

Looking at the waiter's back, Qin Xiaojing frowned gently and didn't say anything, but closed the door.

After Wu Linger changed her clothes and came out, she happened to see Qin Xiaojing trying something on the meal with a pen: "Brother Qin, what are you doing?"

Qin Xiaojing took a look at Wu Linger and put away the pen: "After dinner, let's change rooms."


"Your whereabouts have been found!" Qin Xiaojing's concise words as usual surprised Wu Linger. She had only been in Hong Kong for a long time, and the people chasing her had rushed over. They were really stubborn: "Then what should I do?"

"It's okay!" Qin Xiaojing has begun to put the tableware: "I will deal with it!" This is one of the purposes of his coming to Hong Kong. Although the other party acted unexpectedly, it will not have much impact.

Of course, Wu Linger knew what Qin Xiaojing meant by handling. She quickly advised, "Brother Qin, don't be too nervous. They just like to stare at me and don't mean to hurt me, so you don't have to bother. Aren't you going to have a meeting tomorrow? Eat and rest early. It doesn't matter to me!!"

Qin Xiaojing looked at Wu Linger unexpectedly. Since Wu Linger didn't want others to know that she would do kung fu, she must not like to fight with others, but now she...

After thinking a little, Qin Xiaojing understood what Wu Linger meant. He lightly handed the plate to Wu Linger: "Don't worry, I know!" It's just that there is a warm feeling in my heart.

When Wu Linger saw that Qin Xiaojing had promised herself, she was relieved and began to concentrate on the food in front of her. For her, it's best to live a quiet life. It's boring to fight and kill all day long. Even if Qin Xiaojing is asked by others to protect her, she doesn't want to cause too much trouble to Qin Xiaojing. At least she is coming to a meeting in the name of a medical doctor. In case her identity is revealed, wouldn't that be true? Did the doctor become a killer?

Besides, a handsome man like Qin Xiaojing looks good. If he really starts to sprinkle blood everywhere, he may not be as beautiful as in the movie. Instead of destroying this beauty, it's better for everyone to stay quietly.

Based on the above ideas, although Wu Linger also feels that it is troublesome that someone has been staring at her, she does not commit adultery, two does not commit crimes, and three does not have powerful witchcraft. At most, her perception ability is far away because she can control the power of the wind. As for the fireball, she can't even roast a bird, or Don't take it out and humiliate. For the above reasons, Wu Linger is really not afraid that someone will stare at her, as long as...

"Brother Qin, you have to check it for me later to see if there is any needle camera in this room, especially in the bathroom. I don't want to be seen!" Fortunately, last time they just used Wu Linger's curtains to monitor in the distance, otherwise she would have been miserable.

Qin Xiaojing was stunned and nodded: "I know!" Hearing Wu Linger's words, he knew that she had been monitored before. As soon as he thought of this, Qin Xiaojing felt that his heart was burning up and he couldn't wait for those people to be caught in half.

Finding that Qin Xiaojing's expression was a little wrong, Wu Linger shouted carefully, "Brother Qin?"

After Qin Xiaojing took a sip of ice water, her mood stabilized a little. Although he was still the same as before, Wu Linger had already felt that he had calmed down. Looking back, she understood what was going on.

While she was moved, Wu Linger also smiled: "Brother Qin, don't worry, last time they only installed a monitor in our house, and then took advantage of the problem that my curtains were not very tight, and monitored them with binoculars across the distance and did not install those messy things for me. And I also retaliated against them!" Thinking of the way to revenge, Wu Linger smiled particularly badly: "Think about how it feels to hear the sound of a knife scratching on the glass in the headphones?"

When Wu Linger said this, Qin Xiaojing suddenly felt that her teeth were sore. Even if she heard that sound, she was uncomfortable at ordinary times, let alone heard it from the headphones. It seemed that this girl was quite good at making people, and she didn't have to worry too much about her.

After understanding this, Qin Xiaojing began to have dinner at ease.

After the meal, the waiter who called to collect the plate is no longer the waiter just now. When Qin Xiaojing saw that Wu Linger had turned on the computer, he got up and said, "I'm back to my room. Call me if you have something to do!"

"Hmm!" Because of the plane and fighting, Wu Linger hasn't been online for a day today. I guess those friends and readers are looking for people all over the world. If she doesn't go up, I'm afraid someone will kill her house in F to see if she is still in the world.

Sure enough, after opening QQ, the computer crashed for five minutes before it reacted. Some were worried, some were looking for people, and of course, some bad friends were swearing and threatening. Wu Linger quickly began to reply to everyone's messages one by one and ran through the groups to show her existence. After a violent bombardment, she could finally stop a little. It's just that some good sisters knew that she had arrived in Hong Kong, so they rudely asked her to buy this and that, which made her have to take out a notebook and write things down one by one.

After appeasing everyone, it was already past ten o'clock in the evening, when Wu Linger opened the document and began to code words. Life has changed, and she can no longer wait until the end of the month to work as lazy as before. At least she can't return to her comfortable nest in a short time. Who knows what will happen if she is outside? So she has to fix more codes when she can code words.

Although Wu Linger has enough money now, as far as she is concerned, she can only spend the money she earns comfortably. This is also the reason why Wu Xiaoxuan has left her the money. So far, she has not moved a penny. Even if she has to eat instant noodles every day at the end of the month, or her own article, Wu Linger has not thought about it. The idea of moving that money.

Seeing that Wu Linger was typing obediently, Brother Win also quietly lay down by the computer, for nothing else, just to accompany Wu Linger, so as not to be bored alone at night.

But as soon as Brother Win lay down for a while, Wu Linger picked him up and threw him to **: "Stay there. Don't you know that the computer has a lot of radiation?"

Brother Win, who was a little sleepy, was stunned by this loss: "What are you doing? Didn't I stay there with you because I was afraid of your boredom?!"

"Cut, what if your small body really has too much radiation and becomes an alien? The summoned pet is an earthworm, which is humiliating enough. If it becomes an alien again, I really don't need to see anyone!!" Wu Linger is obviously in a better state now, bickering with Brother Win and tapping the keyboard quickly.

"What's the shame of earthworms? Your eyes are not good, and it's a shame that you can't distinguish between earthworms and maggots!!" When Brother Ying heard that Wu Linger disliked him, he was immediately dissatisfied: "Where can you find a hard-working and demanding pet like me? At your level of making money, fortunately, it's me. If you summon a wind wolf or something, I'll see what you can feed it!!"

When Brother Win said this, Wu Linger stopped her hand and leaned lazily on the back of the chair, as if she recalled the appearance of summoning Brother Win: "You were only a little big when you were summoned, and your whole body was white. I don't think you are maggots. What can you think you are?"

As soon as he talked about what happened in those years, Brother Win also smiled: "Speaking of which, I was also quite angry at that time."

"I don't blame you. Whoever is told by the person they met for the first time would be angry!! And I said, wow, how can there be such a fat maggot! Haha, it's so cute!!" Wu Linger looked back at **'s brother Ying with a smile: "At the beginning, you even scolded my family. What a classic sentence, you are maggots, and your whole family is maggots. It made me write in novels, which has been popular on the Internet for a long time!!" Wu Linger didn't care much about what happened at the beginning. Anyway, her mother was dead, and she thought that her father was dead, so naturally they were with maggots. I just didn't expect a father to pop up now, which made her much more depressed.

Seeing that Wu Linger's mood was not high again, Brother Win guessed that she thought of Li Tianyou again: "Why do you think so much? If you have time to think so much, you might as well think more about my last proposal!"

"What proposal?"

"Proposal about that blockbuster silk bow tie!!" Brother Win's voice is full of expectation. If it hadn't been for the earthworm's face, it would have been an expectant expression now, right?

Wu Linger picked up a longan core on the table and hit Brother Win's head angrily: "It's beautiful. Don't think about anything before my contribution fee arrives!"

Although it was hit by the longan nucleus, it didn't hurt much. It seemed that Wu Linger had mercy, so Brother Ying took an inch: "So... what about getting the contribution fee?"

"Of course--I don't have your share!!" Wu Linger deliberately dragged her tone long, but rejected it at the last bite. Brother Ying was so angry that he rolled his eyes and got into the quilt: "I'm too lazy to pay attention to you!!" But Wu Linger turned around happily and continued to type.