Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 57 The mobile phone is out of power

Chapter 57 The mobile phone is out of power

Maybe the gangster was also afraid that Fang Wei would die, or maybe the gangster was confused by Wu Linger. He nodded and said to his companions, "Remov a door panel and use it as a stretcher for them. Hurry up!!"

The door panel was quickly removed. Qin Xiaojing and Wu Linger quickly lifted Fang Wei to the door panel. When Wu Linger was about to lift the board with Qin Xiaojing, a gangster stretched out his hand: "I'll do it!!" Wu Linger nodded to the man with a smile and gave up her position: "Thank you!!"

Before the words fell, there was a sudden gunshot outside the building, which made Wu Linger's infusion bag almost fall off, and her face suddenly turned pale.

Qin Xiaojing, who was carrying a stretcher, ignored the sound of gunfire and walked out of the door with a stretcher, but two guns resisted him: "Put down the person first?"


"Teacher, do what they say first!!" Seeing that Qin Xiaojing was about to lose his temper, Wu Linger quickly grabbed him: "There seems to be danger outside, so it is not safe to send the patient out. Let's go out when it's safe!!" Looking at Qin Xiaojing, Wu Linger said seriously, "I will always pay attention to the patient's condition. If the condition will worsen, we will find another way!"

After taking a look at Wu Linger, Qin Xiaojing finally put down the stretcher. After checking Fang Wei, Qin Xiaojing nodded: "The situation is better than just now, and his eyes are reacting to the light! Maybe consciousness will also recover. Pay attention to observation!"

"Yes!" Wu Linger nodded and continued to hold Fang Wei's hand: "Come on!!"

Although she is worried about Fang Wei, Wu Linger is also nervous about what's going on outside. Although those people were not very polite with Xie Tian just now, they didn't seem to intend to tear their faces with him. Why did they suddenly fight? Listening to the sound of gunfire outside again, Wu Linger was a little afraid: "Teacher, will we die here?"

"Maybe!" Qin Xiaojing has been very calm from the beginning to now: "But you should take good care of the patients before you die, do you understand?"

"Yes!" Although Wu Linger said so, she almost laughed when she saw Qin Xiaojing wink at her. Fortunately, she turned her back to those hoodlums, otherwise she would definitely wear gangs.

Listening to the gunfire getting closer and closer, the previous gangster was also a little uneasy. He dialed the phone: "Big boss, what should I do now?"

"Watch that child, don't let him die! That's our chip!!" As he was talking on the phone, suddenly there was a scream, and suddenly there was no sound on the other end of the phone.

The gangster was stunned with his mobile phone. Obviously, he had never encountered such a thing before, and now he doesn't know what to do.

Seeing the gangster in a daze, Qin Xiaojing's scalpel in his hand suddenly flew out and shot directly through the throat of one of them. The other gangster was swept to the ground by Qin Xiaojing, and then was punched in his temple by Qin Xiaojing and lost consciousness. As for whether he fainted or died, he did not know.

When the second scalpel in Qin Xiaojing's hand flew out, he found that the target was missing, but the scalpel in Wu Linger's hand was close to the man's carotid artery. This man was the guy who just helped Wu Linger lift the stretcher: "Mr. Peeping Crazy, long time no see! I thought you hung up when you were in Hong Kong!! It seems that uncle is really unreliable!"

At the beginning, Qin Xiaojing wanted Ye Tian to get rid of this guy, but he didn't expect that this guy was still alive. Qin Xiaojing took a look at this man and found that although he had put on makeup, he was indeed the person he saw at the venue that day. What on earth did Ye Tian do??

Brother Dong slowly raised his hand, signaled that he was not malicious, and then pulled off his wig: "How did you find me? I don't think human eyes can see the appearance of people 40 meters away at 3:30 a.m. 5. 0's eyes are impossible!!"

"What a pity, I can just see it!!" Wu Linger's scalpel has been sticking to Dongge's neck. Seeing that he wanted to move, he hurriedly warned him: "Don't move. My hand is not the doctor's hand. In case of instability, you will be hopeless!! There is no tool to suture blood vessels in our medical bag!!"

Qin Xiaojing stood up at this time and found a rope to tie up Brother Dong: "Who sent it?"

"There is no comment!"

"What an official language!" Wu Linger sighed: "You chased from F city to Hong Kong, chased here, and mixed into this group of people. You are really awesome!! So let's change the question. Who is going to kidnap Xiaowei?

"Xiaowei? Oh, you mean this child? I don't know either." Brother Dong took a look at Fang Wei and said, "But their goal doesn't seem to be this child. You'd better be careful!!"

Hearing Brother Dong's words, Qin Xiaojing's face changed and immediately took out his mobile phone, but no one answered after dialing the phone. Now Ji Yanran will never let the mobile phone leave. This situation only means one thing. Ji Yanran has an accident!!

Sure enough, he was tricked to transfer the tiger away from the mountain, but how could the other party calculate that Qin Xiaojing and Wu Linger were not at Fang's house? Are the two of them also in each other's calculation? Thinking of this, Qin Xiaojing's eyebrows tightened and stunned Brother Dong directly. He turned to Wu Linger and said, "Can you move Fang Wei on your back?"

"No problem!" Wu Linger turned around and pulled out the needle on Fang Wei's arm and picked him up: "Do you want to rush down?"

Qin Xiao nodded, picked up two guns on the ground, thought about it, and took out a few more scalpels from the first aid bag and put them on his body: "Follow me!"

"I know!!" Wu Linger nodded and followed Qin Xiaojing out. After only two or three steps, Qin Xiaojing suddenly stopped: "Is it solved outside?"

There are some blood stains on Fang Jietian's body: "It's solved!! Xiaowei..."

"Let's go!!" Before Qin Xiaojing finished his words, he suddenly reached out and pressed Wu Linger and Fang Jietian down: "Dangerous!!"

Before Wu Linger and others understood what was going on, there was a dense gunshot in their ears, followed by a few screams. Fang Jietian's men were not spared, and their bodies were all beaten into hornet's nests. Qin Xiaojing was also hit in the left shoulder by a stage bullet to protect Wu Linger and Fang Jietian at the same time.

"Bastard!!" Fang Jietian wanted to rush out with a low curse, but was pulled by Qin Xiaojing: "Our weapons can't deal with them!" The opponent has at least three Uzi and other weapons in his hand, but he and Fang Jietian only have a pistol in his hand, and the firepower is incomparable: "Retract first!!"

When Guan Fangwei's hut began to enter, Qin Xiaojing had already carefully observed it. Perhaps his opponent regarded Fang Wei as the most important chip, so he locked him in that room. Although it was in the innermost room, it was very strong, and even the door was iron. It's a good place to defend: "Get out!"

Wu Linger dragged Fang Wei to the room quickly, while Qin Xiaojing was ready to stand up according to the wound on his left shoulder, but there was a sharp pain in his temple. The pain even far exceeded the gunshot wound on his left shoulder, making him almost unstable. If Fang Jietian hadn't supported him in time, his whole body would have fallen to the ground: "What's going on? What else is hurt?"

"Stop talking nonsense! Get out!!" With a burst of headaches, Qin Xiaojing pushed away Fang Jietian's hand and ran quickly to the room. Knowing that it was not the time to speak, and the rapid footsteps from the other side of the stairs made Fang Jietian dare not delay any longer, and then ran into the room. Without Qin Xiaojing's instructions, he closed the door and brought things to resist the door.

Seeing Fang Jietian finish doing this, Qin Xiaojing sat on the ground against the wall and said to him, "Call and ask for help!" Now we must call people again, otherwise everyone will be trapped here, and Ji Yanran's things can't be dealt with, otherwise things will be more troublesome when Fang only wakes up.

After Wu Linger placed Fang Wei, she saw that Qin Xiaojing's left shoulder had been stained with blood. She immediately found alcohol from the first aid bag and ran over with Yunnan Baiyao and gauze: "Brother Qin, how's the wound?"

, Qin Xiaojing stretched out his hand and pressed the wound and breathed a sigh of relief: "The bullet passed through and did not hurt the large blood vessels. It was directly disinfected, put on Yunnan white medicine and bandaged. Can you fix it with triangular gauze?"

Wu Linger tore open Qin Xiaojing's clothes and treated the wound for him quickly, which was so fast that even professional nurses could not match.

After the dressing, Wu Linger looked up and saw Qin Xiaojing's surprised expression. She smiled proudly: "It was taught by my uncle. I have never encountered a gunshot wound before, but I can deal with ordinary trauma, fractures and so on. Awesome!!"

Qin Xiao nodded, but his whole forehead was covered with cold sweat. A piece of gauze suddenly appeared in her eyes, and Wu Linger carefully wiped the sweat off Qin Xiaojing's face: "How's it going? Does it hurt?"

"It's okay, I have a headache!!" Qin Xiaojing reached out and pulled the first aid kit and wanted to find painkillers from it, but he found that Fang Jietian was looking at him with a bitter face: "What's wrong?"

"The mobile phone is out of power!! Damn Dawei, I have to deal with him when I go back! How many times have I told him to buy a mobile phone by himself instead of always calling with my mobile phone, but he doesn't listen. This is terrible. What should I do? Will we..."

Listening to Fang Jietian's broken thoughts, I don't know why Qin Xiaojing began to miss his previous strong boss. How did this guy become so fast? Thinking back, now is not the time to complain. Qin Xiaojing threw his mobile phone to him: "Use mine!"

Fang Jietian smiled shyly after picking up his mobile phone: "That...hey hey hey hey..."

"I said, you won't be the same as me. The phone number is only recorded in your mobile phone, not in your head, right?" Looking at Fang Jietian's expression, Wu Linger looked at him with an incredible expression: "You are the boss. Can't you remember any of his little brother's numbers? At least I can remember my aunt's number. Are you too lame?!"

"Dead woman, this is not comparable!" Brother Win, who had been silent, reminded Wu Linger: "Born Fang Jietian's mobile phone!"

Wu Linger walked angrily and grabbed Fang Jietian's mobile phone and pressed "*3370#" according to the method that Brother Ying said. Fang Jietian explained to be like a curious baby: "This is the invisible backup battery of the mobile phone. After turning it on, the mobile phone will show 50% of the power. It's enough for you to call me!"

"Wow, that's awesome. How can you know everything?" Fang Jietian looked at Wu Linger pressing the keyboard of the mobile phone with a surprised face and waited for a long time, but the mobile phone did not respond: "Huh? Why is there still no power?