Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 45 You are a donkey

Chapter 45 You are a donkey

James shook his head with a smile, shook off the strange thoughts in his head and took a look at the snacks in his hand. Fortunately, it was just light green, and there was not much shape, but the color looked like the tender grass that had just emerged from the soil in early spring. Looking at it, he would look good: "For good, I am It's not as troublesome as you!" After saying that, he bit off the snack in his hand.

A faint sweetness suddenly filled the whole mouth. As Wu Linger said, a faint feeling of happiness slowly surged up from her heart. James's mood suddenly became much better: "It's delicious!"

"Isn't it? Is there a feeling of happiness? It's like finding the first flower in spring!!" Wu Linger looked at James happily, as if waiting for his approval. After seeing James nodded, Wu Linger looked back at Shi Zhijun with a happy smile: "Zhijun, you are still the best!!"

Shi Zhijun smiled and pointed to the snack in Wu Linger's hand: "You'd better think about what to do with this snack in your hand first!" If you don't eat it, the taste will change!!"

"Ah--!!" Wu Linger looked at the snack in her hand and screamed, and finally reluctantly handed it to Shi Zhijun: "Eat it, I can't eat it!!"

Seeing Wu Linger's reluctant and painful expression, Shi Zhijun rolled on the picnic mat with a smile: "You guy! Isn't it funny? Just give up because of this?"

Wu Linger looked pitifully at the dim and was very reluctant: "This is the only one that can't! I have no resistance to beautiful things!! 55555...I'm so pitiful!!"

"Well, I heard that you are a senior member of the Appearance Association! Seeing you today, it's really true!!" After saying these words seriously, Shi Zhijun laughed again and rolled on the ground. He was so angry that Wu Linger picked up an apple and smashed him: "Laugh again and I'll fix you!!"

"Ah! At least I am also a first-class handsome man you rated. As a senior member of the Appearance Association, how can you abuse handsome men? It will be rejected by everyone!!"

Shi Zhijun's retort is only in exchange for Wu Linger's disdain: "Abusing is healthier, don't you know? And only abused handsome men will be heartbreaking!!" After saying that, Wu Linger has jumped up and pounced on Shi Zhijun: "How dare you laugh at your assessor? Look at me punishing you on behalf of the moon!!"

Shi Zhijun bit Wu Linger's apple that had just smashed and circled around the picnic mat, trying to avoid the attack of Wu Linger with her teeth and claws, while Wu Linger shouted, "Shut! If you don't stop, I will really fight!!"

"You won't really be beaten until you stop?" Shi Zhijun also shouted, but he didn't want to be tripped by the picnic mat under his feet, and suddenly fell to the ground.

"Dangerous!!" Seeing this, Wu Linger rushed up and grabbed Shi Zhijun to avoid his face down on the ground. Before Shi Zhijun came to thank him, Wu Linger was relieved: "For good to pull it in time, otherwise these snacks will be wasted!!" After saying that, she pushed her hand, pushed Shi Zhijun aside, and reached out to take up the delicious snacks on the ground: "It's shameful to waste food!!"

Looking at Shi Zhijun's depressed face and Wu Linger's happy expression, James finally couldn't help laughing: "Mr. Shi, you're really right! If Ling Er is here, he really won't be lonely. After saying that, he stood up: "Okay, it's time for me to go back too!!"

"James!" Wu Linger suddenly stopped James. After seeing him turn around, Wu Linger smiled at him happily: "Don't forget to look up at the sky occasionally!!"

James also nodded with a smile: "I will!!"

Seeing James leave, Shi Zhijun jumped up from the ground and patted Wu Linger's head: "Are you nosy again?"

Wu Linger gave Shi Zhijun an elbow with dissatisfaction: "No matter what Vivian's decision is, James is actually the most innocent. If he can't be happy, at least make him happy! This is an incumbent matter for senior face control!!"

Hearing what Wu Linger said for granted, Shi Zhijun was really helpless: "You, don't be so good to everyone. Sometimes things don't go as you think. What will you do then?"

"Why is it so complicated? I have no intention. I just hope that no matter what, everyone can be happier!!" Wu Linger looked up at the blue sky: "In such a good summer, is a smiling face more suitable for everyone?"

"You!!" Shi Zhijun shook his head helplessly again: "Is that the reason?"

Wu Linger looked at Shi Zhijun dissatisfiedly: "Otherwise, why do you think I am? I don't lack property now, status... Although many people disdain, they can't deny that I still have a lot of status. As for the handsome man, there are Brother Qin, Ye Tian, you, Fang Wei's little boy, and the handsome man in white who doesn't know what to call him. Do you think I will pay attention to James?

Shi Zhijun scratched his head: "I don't think so? Although he has recently been promoted to a handsome man by you!" Compared with the five handsome men that Wu Linger just counted are much more handsome than James. This guy is really just to make others happy. Face control!

At dinner, when Wu Linger was having fun with Shi Zhijun in the room, the housekeeper came over with a phone: "Miss Li, I have your phone!"

"My?" Wu Linger looks strange. People who know her will call her mobile phone directly. Who will call Brown's house to find her?

Wu Linger strangely answered the phone. As soon as she put the phone in her ear, she heard a shout on the phone: "Master--!! Good evening!!"

Wu Linger took the phone a foot away from her ear, and then reached out and rubbed her ears before yelling at the phone, "Are you a donkey? Do you want to make my ears deaf with such a loud voice?!!"

Janice was suddenly lowered by Wu Linger's fierce voice on the other end of the phone: "I just haven't seen you for a day, and I miss you a little!!"

"Bah, haven't you seen each other for a day? It's so sour!! Come on, why did you call me? If you dare to say it's just to scare me, I promise you will die miserably the next time you see me!!" Wu Linger roared at the phone with dissatisfaction.

Fortunately, Janis has been used to Wu Linger's way of speaking, otherwise she will start to be excited when she hear words like death and misery: "Master, I have some eyebrows on my side. Don't go out if you stay at Brown's house recently. When I help you solve all the troubles, you must accept me as an apprentice!!"

"With your impatient personality, you will only lose my face!! And it's your job to solve these things, which has nothing to do with me, right? Don't take this to make credit!!" Wu Linger rudely hit Janice, which made him extremely depressed on the other end of the phone: "Master..."

"But! For the sake of your concern for me, I will still think about whether to accept you as an apprentice or not!" Wu Linger hung up the phone with a smile: "Idiot! Are all geniuses like this?"

Hearing Wu Linger's words, Shi Zhijun suddenly remembered the guy who played with the computer. That guy used to be similar to Janice, but later, after meeting someone on the Internet, he slowly became normal.

As soon as I returned the phone to the housekeeper, the phone rang again. The housekeeper took the phone and looked at Wu Linger strangely: "Miss Li, your phone!"

"Really, can't this guy Janice finish his words all at once?" Wu Linger reached out to answer the phone discontentedly, but the housekeeper said, "It's Mr. Houston!"

It's Wu Linger's turn to be strange: "James? Why did he call me?" Although he said so, Wu Linger still picked up the phone and said, "Hello?"

"Ling Er, I'm James. Are you free in the evening? I know a restaurant with great scenery and taste. I wonder if I can treat you to dinner?

"What?" Wu Linger was stunned and couldn't figure out why James called to invite her out for dinner.