Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 86 Don't be angry if you play it to death

Chapter 86 Don't be angry when you die

Looking at Daniel's anxious face, Wu Linger smiled and said, "Although Xiaoao is very handsome, how can you be handsome? Besides, Xiao Ao will be someone else's sooner or later, and only you are mine!!"

"I'm too lazy to talk to you!!" Seeing that Wu Linger was endless, Daniel stood up impatiently and was ready to leave, but Wu Linger lay in ** and said leisurely, "Daniel cares about Vivian very much!! If I suddenly have a stomachache now, what would Vivian say? She probably blames you for not taking good care of me, right?

"You...!!" Daniel was almost pissed off by Wu Linger: "What the hell do you want to do?" Seeing the narrow expression on Wu Linger's face, Daniel suddenly remembered a sentence: "I'd rather provoke a villain than a woman!!" Why didn't he expect today when he teased Wu Linger so much?

With a sigh, Daniel walked back to the bedside: "I'm afraid of you!! Please stop playing! You'd better go back to the original Wu Linger!! If I continue to play like this, I will be killed by you sooner or later!!!" If those people find that Wu Linger likes them, they will probably take action against Wu Linger: "My workload is enough. Please don't increase my workload!!! I will be exhausted!!"

"A gentleman should meet all the requirements of a lady. How can you say that you are tired? Or is your physical strength really not good? Honey, you need to exercise well! Maybe... Let Brother Qin take a pair of medicine for you, and maybe you will be lively!!" Obviously, it's just a matter of physical strength, but this comes from Wu Linger's mouth. Why does it seem to be laughing at Daniel's incompetence in men?

At this time, Daniel understood why Ye Tian was completely defeated at the beginning. As long as he was an acquaintance, would Wu Linger make a joke? Is this the legendary rotten girl?! There is a lot of difference: "I'm afraid of you! Miss Wu, am I wrong? I apologize to you! I promise I won't play with you again!!"

Of course, Wu Linger knew that jokes should not be too overdated: "Okay! For the sake of your sincerity, I will let you go for the time being today!! Kneel down!" As soon as he turned around, Wu Linger looked like an old Buddha, which made Daniel laugh bitterly: "Thank you!!!" After saying that, he hurried out.

Looking at Daniel's hurried departure, Wu Linger turned her head with a smile and looked at Brother Win, who was lying quietly on the pillow: "Brother Win, have you found any adultery?"

"Like the novel you wrote, not only romance, but also adultery. If it goes on, it may develop into a color (river crab) love!!" Brother Ying's mouth was as vicious as usual: "But this boy's interest is so strange that he likes his sister!"

"Not to mention that she is not a sister, even if she is a sister and brother, she is very loving! Forbidden love!! How beautiful!!" The soul of the powerful corrupt woman was burning, and Wu Linger smiled particularly treacherously: "Brother Win, how do you think we can help these awkward siblings? At least they have been disturbed in their house for so long, they have eaten, lived, and often use helicopters as cars. Those bodyguards like briquettes work on such a hot day, and there should be a lot of overtime pay, right? Wu Linger said that the Brown family took care of her, but the expression on her face made it clear that she was going to have a big game.

Brother Ying looked at Wu Linger lazily and said, "You boy, pay attention! Don't play too much! Don't forget how many people are staring at you outside now!! If the Brown family can't protect you, I guess they will have to lose you to the National Security Agency!"

"Bah! Do you think the dead old man Li Tianzuo has that kind of ability? If that's the case, isn't it easy for him to ask for something? How can it be so troublesome for me to run around?" As soon as Li Tianzuo Wu Linger got angry, she grabbed her mobile phone and dialed Li Tianzuo's phone: "Old man, don't talk or cry. Listen to me first!!"

There was no sound on the other end of the phone for a while. Wu Linger asked impatiently, "Dead old man, are you there?"


"If you are there, why don't you say anything?!!" After Wu Linger said this, Li Tianzuo burst into tears on the other side of the computer but still dared not speak. He only dared to think to himself, "Is there any justice in the world? Obviously, she said she didn't allow me to cry or speak, but now she blames me for not saying anything! Oh my God!!!"

For good, Brother Win has a conscience and slapped Wu Linger: "You want him not to talk!!"

"Cut! When did you become so good? When I said I wouldn't marry Daniel, why didn't you listen to me and immediately agreed to his proposal? Wu Linger glanced at Brother Win disdainfully and continued to hit Li Tianzuo: "Old man, I'm going to get engaged to Daniel. The engagement banquet is up to you!! Also, I won't inherit the Li consortium! No matter what you do, take care of the people on your side! If you find someone who harasses me again, don't blame me for turning against anyone! You can find the rest of the beads by yourself!! I won't accompany you anymore!! Do you hear me?!!"

Li Tianzuo didn't dare to speak on the other end of the phone, but dared to say, "Uh-huh!"

After Wu Linger said it, she finally said kindly, "Okay, you can talk!!"

"Ling'erβ€”β€”β€”β€”!! You finally agreed to Daniel's proposal!! I'm so happy!! As your uncle, I can see you marry such an excellent man. I'm really happy!!" Hearing the cry on the phone, Wu Linger began to regret letting Li Tianzuo speak. Why did she forget Li Tianzuo's crying skills?! Even if the phone is lost to the end of the bed, the sound from the phone still makes Wu Linger feel crazy: "I'm going to order a dress!! I want to find the best designer for Linger, and I want Linger to become the most beautiful bride-to-be in the world!! I want everyone to know our Li family..."

"Dead old man!! Did you hear the point of what I said? Control your group of guys!! Otherwise, I won't care about you!!" Roaring at the other end of the bed, Wu Linger only felt so angry that the wound hurt. Brother Ying kindly turned the phone over for Wu Linger.

Maybe Wu Linger's threat worked, and Li Tianzuo finally didn't cry like that: "Linger, don't worry, I will never let anyone disturb your sacred engagement ceremony!!" Such affirmation is completely different from the voice just now. Wu Linger is really curious about how this guy managed to be so comfortable!!

After hanging up the phone, Wu Linger breathed a sigh of relief: "I actually thought of calling him, Brother Win, am I looking for my own death?"

"I think it's a convulsion for you to ask Li Tianzuo to prepare for the engagement!! What's wrong with you today? It's not normal since I woke up!!" Brother Win looked at Wu Linger as if he were looking at a monster. If acting coquettishly to Daniel is to avenge him before, then calling Li Tianzuo just now to ask him to prepare for the engagement ceremony is pure convulsions! If there is really an engagement ceremony, Wu Linger will never want to return to her original life.

Wu Linger smiled and said, "The mountain people have their own tricks! Ann, when did I play myself to death?

"Bah, you can't breathe if you play to death!! Idiot!!" In the face of such a neurotic Wu Linger, Brother Win really doesn't know what to say: "Don't cry then!!"

"Cut! I really married Daniel before you cried!!" Wu Linger bounced dissatisfiedly and said, "At that time, you will hide under the bed every day! Ji Zai also has to worry about whether he will be found by the chef, and then we will have an additional ostrich meat for dinner!"

"Don't pull me in when you quarrel! Moreover, I'm not an ostrich. Even if I advance, I can't become such an ugly creature! I'm unique in the world..."

Seeing that Jizai was about to start boasting again, Wu Linger quickly interrupted him: "Yes! Yes! You are the most handsome! You are the first peacock in the legend to meet a human!" Because it was too beautiful, the hair was pulled out and became what Ji Zai looks like now!! Wu Linger cursed viciously in her heart: "May you never grow hair!!!" But she ignored one thing. Ji Zai is her witch pet. If Ji Zai can't grow hair, as a beauty lover, she will be equally painful!

In the face of these two little-rooted guys, Brother Win only felt a headache, but from the current situation, you can imagine what kind of painful life he will face in the future: "I... want to break the contract! Can you rewind?!!"

"I'm sorry, the archive has been deleted! And there is no way to make up for the file five years ago! So Brother Win, you'd better be my witch pet at ease! After all, staying here is still delicious and sleepy, and there is a bow tie to tie. Maybe a bird can take you out of the ground and eat it!" Wu Linger played with Brother Ying with her hand and kept twisting it into a different shape: "Don't worry! I will be fine!! I'm still waiting for you to go back and make rice for me!!"