Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 97 Do you think you are Miura Yuhe?

Chapter 97 Do you think you are Miura Yuhe?

While driving, Wu Linger asked Brother Win, "Brother Win, do you think Daniel really won't mind the old things? Although Vivian didn't know about it, it had something to do with her!"

15 years ago, Vivian was kidnapped by someone from her original orphanage, and the man had a good relationship with Vivian. It was also because of this that he learned about Daniel's itinerary through Vivian, and with the communication of the Brown family, so Daniel was kidnapped. Daniel was only a few years old at that time. Question mark Eight or nine years old, right? After experiencing those horrible things, he not only became intimidated, but also learned to protect himself with disguise.

I just don't know how he got along with Li Kill. It makes sense for orphans like Qin Xiaojing and Ye Tian to be controlled by the old man. Daniel's second ancestor doesn't seem to be controlled by others. Wu Linger asked Brother Win while thinking about it: "And Li Kill... It feels strange, doesn't it? Brother Qin and I met by chance, and the appearance of Ye Tian and Shi Zhijun was also natural, but now there is another Daniel, plus salted fish... For a killer organization, am I in too much contact with them? Doesn't that old man with the mask care?

This is the headache of Brother Win. Daniel was obviously ordered by someone to protect Wu Linger, otherwise he would not tolerate Wu Linger so much. He would have rushed as early as when Wu Linger dragged Vivian to help her prepare for her engagement. I'm afraid that Qin Xiaojing's request is useless, so there is only one answer in the end, that is, the masked old man gave orders to Daniel!

If the last time Qin Xiaojing was ordered to protect Wu Linger was asked by Li Tianzuo, then this time everyone did not hear that Li Tianzuo had someone to leave to protect Wu Ling'er, that is to say, Li Xiaojing did not receive this commission. This can be seen from Shi Zhijun's sudden transfer yesterday, so why is the old man? Do you want to order Daniel to protect Wu Linger? And before that, Qin Xiaojing and Ye Tian also repeatedly warned Wu Linger not to have too much contact with the old man. What is this situation now?

Looking back on the masked old man's only attitude, Brother Ying doesn't think that the old man is interested in Wu Linger, so he wants Wu Linger to join Lisha. Although Wu Linger's fighting skills are good, she doesn't seem to be qualified to become a killer. Brother Ying does not believe that Li Killing will be short of manpower, so what is he for? As Wu Linger said, "If you have nothing to do, you are a traitor or a thief!" Brother Win doesn't believe that the old man suddenly convulsed to protect Wu Linger. After all, he is the head of the killer organization, not the head of the bodyguard organization, so it is not good for him to expose his men.

When she found that Brother Win did not answer his questions, Wu Linger stretched out her hand and bounced on him: "What are you thinking? Did you hear what I said?"

"I'm not that perverted old man. How do I know what he's thinking? Maybe he is really strange to uncle. Do you like you as a fake Lori? After saying that, Brother Win looked at Wu Linger disdainfully: "Although I didn't find anything attractive to you from beginning to end, the old man's aesthetics may be different!"

Knowing that Brother Win was deliberately teasing herself, Wu Linger still patted Brother Ying fiercely. After successfully patting his whole body into the car seat, Wu Linger smiled and said, "Anyway, someone found my charm! It is impossible for non-human creatures like you to understand human aesthetics!"

"If you are also beautiful in human beings, I would rather not have this kind of aesthetic view! Also, haven't you noticed that you have become more and more like Ji Zai recently? Why do you learn from that narcissist*? Do you want to transform from a rotten woman to a peacock? Do you want me to give you a bunch of peacock hair one day? Decorate with those things and maybe you can meet people!!" Brother Win was suddenly attacked and was very unhappy, and his mouth was even more ruthless, so the short five-kilometer journey was spent in the bickering between the two.

Although the fight is very strong, it is in a very good mood for Wu Linger, who hasn't quarreled with Brother Win for a long time. After a while, Wu Linger parked her car near the park mentioned by Brother Win. After a look, Wu Linger found that there was a well-decorated coffee house in the park: "Go there and sit down!"

"Hmm! Call Jizai over and let him stay in the car! If you don't call him over, I guess he has combed his 101st hairstyle!" Brother Win reminded Wu Linger not to forget the narcissist who stayed at Brown's house.

Wu Linger closed her eyes with a smile. The next second, Ji Zai has appeared in the car: "Ouch! Can you say hello before you call next time? I just had a hard time making a hairstyle!!"

Found that Ji Zai was exactly as Ying Ge said. Wu Linger put the book into the bag with a smile and said to Ji Zai, "You can continue your 101st shape in the car! Brother Win and I went to have coffee first! Please look at the car! Bye!" After saying that, Wu Linger closed the door and left despite Ji Zai's protest.

Entering the coffee shop, Wu Linger ordered a cup of coffee and turned on the computer after a dessert. There were too many busy things these days. A while ago, in order to concentrate on the manuscript, Wu Linger did not go to QQ. After logging in to QQ, she threw the computer aside. According to the convention, the computer had to be on the machine for at least five minutes. The information traffic is not what Wu Linger's quintought for at all.

Sure enough, five minutes later, Wu Linger's mouse could finally move slowly. Finding this situation, Wu Linger sighed: "It seems that I still underestimated everyone. Five minutes is enough now." While thinking about it, the waiter has sent coffee and dessert to Wu Linger with a smile.

After taking a sip of coffee leisurely, Wu Linger looked at the computer, but found that her computer was suddenly kicked open by a video window. Originally, she thought it was a good thing. When Wu Linger was about to curse, her dear editor's face had appeared in the computer: "Wu Linger, are you still alive? Are you willing to go online?!!"

Generally, the editor's name and surname Wu Linger represents one thing, that is, the editor is very angry, and the consequences are very serious! Wu Linger smiled and said, "Honey, of course I'm alive! Just for you, I can't bear to see Uncle God!! Isn't that a little unexpected recently? Am I busy? But my manuscript..."

"Who asked you about your manuscript?" The editor's roar scared Wu Linger. At this time, she was glad that she was using a headset, otherwise it would be strange that the coffee shop would not drive her away!! And the editor is too strange. She is the editor. She doesn't ask anything from the manuscript: "Honey, have you figured it out and decided to abandon your man and turn to my arms? God, you finally heard my prayer, I..."

"Witch! Ling! Son! Are you dead? Do you have to make yourself so miserable every time? Last time you were shot, you didn't learn a lesson. You were kidnapped and shot and made a hole in your stomach. Do you think it takes a few scars on a person's body to have a sense of vicissitudes? Do you think you are Miura Yuhe? That's the old man in the 1950s, and it's not popular now!! You ¥%&%¥......*%......&(In......&¥......&”

Hearing the angry scolding of the editor, Wu Linger's first reaction was to turn off the sound of the headphones and then look like a good boy and be taught seriously. It took more than three minutes for Wu Linger to turn up the sound of the headphones a little, and just heard the editor ask, "Do you know it's wrong?"

Yes! I'm guilty. I'm sorry for the country, I'm sorry for the party, I'm sorry for the teachers who have cultivated me for so many years, I'm sorry for the countless beauties in my harem, and I'm sorry for kissing my wife. Don't worry, next time I will take good care of myself and won't let others kidnap me or let others shoot me..." When Wu Linger was running happily on the train, Brother Ying suddenly turned her over: "Dangerous!"

"Bang!" With a sound, a small bullet hole appeared on the glass beside Wu Linger, and a cobweb-like crack appeared in the glass.

The gunshot caused the screams of everyone in the coffee shop. After falling into the sofa seat, Wu Linger dodged the bullet and held the computer under the table: "Dear, there is an emergency, the security in the United States is really too bad!! I was robbed again! Talk to you later!!" After saying that, she didn't care what the editor thought, and directly closed the computer and stuffed it into the bag around her: "Brother Win, how many people?"