Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 74 Bad Feeling

Chapter 74 Bad Feeling

Shang Yaling shook his head: "Other than that... The man's speed is very fast, just like the last time he killed a black man on the stage and no one could see his figure. We don't know where he suddenly appeared, nor did we see his appearance! If this kind of thing spreads, people will definitely not believe us and think that we are hyping up.

"With HYH's current strength, there is no need to hype at all!" Mr. Guimu sighed: "But after hearing what you said, I guess you really call the police. The police will only think that you are under too much work pressure, or you left a psychological shadow on the stage last time. I suggest you do psychological counseling!"

After thinking about it, Uemura suddenly looked up at the tree: "Tree, find this man! I won't allow him to hinder Ling again!"

The tree hesitated for a moment and finally nodded: "Yes! Young master!"

Looking at Shangya Ling's still some fear and worried expression, Uemura smiled at her: "Okay, the tree said it would solve this matter!" Ling, you don't have to worry!"

Shang Yaling looked up at the tree and shook his head: "Seeing the crane, you still don't need it!" Xiaohua and I usually pay attention to it. If we don't act alone, it will be fine. What's more, Tuo will also accompany us! This is too dangerous. Don't participate in it! Do you hear me?"

Uemura saw that he did not answer, but Jingli seemed to remember something: "No wonder the two of them had to ask me to accompany you today, saying that they didn't want you to faint again like last time! In fact, they are afraid that it will be dangerous for you to go back to the company alone, right?

Shang Yaling said to Yanye Jingli apologetically, "Sister Yanye, I'm sorry! It seems to have involved you in this matter!"

"Idiot! I'm your agent! If something happens to you, I will be unlucky! If there is such a thing in the future, you must tell me that you can't hide it from me like this again, okay? Unexpectedly, he was attacked by others! You also said you fell! You idiot!" Thinking that Shangya Ling, who was injured in order to protect Shangya, was taught a lesson by Mr. Matsumoto because of this, Kanno couldn't help sighing, "Ling, what do you want me to say hello?"

"Uh... When I make mistakes in the future, just say less about me!" Shang Yaling spit out his tongue and returned to his usual vitality. She jumped up from the chair: "Although the matter has not been solved, it seems that people have become much easier after saying this! Mr. Guimu, I think I can sing!!"

Guimu took a look at Yaling and made sure that she was really fine before shaking his head and walked out of the room: "I really don't know if you are too optimistic or that you have few roots!"

"Maybe there are both! Otherwise, you can't be the captain of HYH!"

One morning, Mr. Guimu made an OK gesture, and then everyone walked out of the room. Mr. Guimu smiled faintly: "You don't have to come tomorrow, Ling. Have a good rest at home and shoot posters with Mr. Uemura the day after tomorrow!"

"Huh? Why?"

"I've already recorded it!" Mr. Guimu pointed to the equipment and said, "Today's performance is very good. Ling is very relaxed and cooperates well with Mr. Uemura!" I think this is totally fine! Have a good rest tomorrow! After that, there will be a lot of live performances and so on. You can't protect your voice well!"

Understand that Mr. Guimu loves himself and gave an American military salute: "Yes!" After saying that, he made a grimace to Mr. Guimu again: "Mr. Guimu is not as terrible as others say! I like working with Mr. Guimu very much!!"

"If possible, I hope to release a solo album for you! I really want to know what kind of gift you can turn your voice into without the accompaniment of Shangyahua's harmony and Tuo!" Mr. Guimu smiled and stretched out his hand to Shang Yaling: "Singing is your best weapon for you! Be sure to protect it!"

"Hmm! I will!!" Shangya Ling smiled, shook hands with Mr. Guimu, and then left.

Just as Kanye Jingli went to call a car, the tree suddenly strode over: "Why protect a flower demon? His body is not here, and he won't die even if he is attacked! Why protect him?!!"

Shangya Ling was stunned for a moment. Obviously, he didn't expect that the tree had seen through Xiaohua's real body: "For me, Xiaohua is a very important relative, friend! Although he will not die if he is attacked, I will not allow anything that may hurt him! It's the same for Xiaohua, it's the same for Tuo, and it's the same for Jianhe! This is my definition of a friend! Even if I lose everything and try my best, I will protect them from a trace of harm!"

The tree was stunned by Shangya Ling's serious and determined appearance. Such Shangya Ling was not what he usually knew, just like a complete stranger.

Shangya Ling looked at Jingye passing by, and she smiled, "There must be relatives and friends around Mr. Shu, right? So Mr. Shu can't understand the idea of an orphan! You will never understand the idea of naiveness, stubbornness and even selfishness, getting a friend and a relationship that you absolutely don't want to lose!!" After saying that, she has run to Yanye Jingli.

The tree looked at Shang Yaling's back and chewed what she had just said. Then she found that the girl had such a ** and fragile heart under her cheerful and happy appearance: "It seems that people are really not good-looking!"

"Tree! What are you looking at?" Uemura, who had just finished talking to Mr. Guimu, also came out: "Huh? Has Ling already left first?

"Well, I have confirmed the safety of the surroundings and saw her and Miss Kanno leave!" The tree replied seriously.

Hearing Shu say this, Uemura Jianhe was relieved: "Tree, even if Ling is not a saint, she has half of our witch blood in her body. I don't allow her to be hurt by others!"

Yes! Young master!!" Shu replied respectfully, "The master ordered me to listen to the report about Miss Ling this afternoon. What will you say then?"

For this question, Uemura Jianhe is also very embarrassed: "Tree, do you think the fast-moving shadow will be the guy you drove away last time?"

"It's possible!"

"Well, it's shameful enough to let this character hurt our witch people once. If he continues to hurt Ling, our witches will really lose face! Now the witches' seclusion does not mean that we are really easy to bully!" Uemura said hatefully, "I will report this to my father!" Just help me protect Ling!"

Hearing the meaning of Uemura Jianhe, he actually wanted to protect Shang Yaling by himself. The tree couldn't help but be shocked: "Then young master..."

"It doesn't matter. I can protect myself, not to mention, isn't there a shadow around me besides trees?" Speaking of this, Uemura looked at the tree: "It was Ling who told me that you should have a wider sky on the tree. I shouldn't tie you all the time!" Tree, I will learn to be independent in the future! I want to give you a wider sky, not limited to my world!"

After the tree looked at the crane in Kamimura and found the perseverance in his eyes, the tree suddenly smiled: "Yes! Young master!!" This eldest master has been watching him grow up. This time he has really grown up! Shang Yaling, just think it's owed to you. I'll give it back to you this time and solve the dark shadow thing for you! As for the water bead, it depends on your own ability!

That night, Shangya Ling was relieved after calling Liu Jingping and confirming the matter. She fell softly on **: "Brother Win, although our plan is aimed at trees, I always feel that we are taking advantage of Jianhe. This feeling is very bad!"

"I haven't told you yet! It was a good performance in the morning! It's worthy of being a novelist. Everything looks like it's real!" Brother Win lay next to Shang Yaling and said, "I think you acted very vigorously in the morning, and you don't feel bad at all!"

Shang Yaling turned over and pressed Brother Win under his hand: "Because I'm really unhappy with that tree! What? He followed Jianhe with a broken face all day long. What he said most was 'Yes, young master! I see, young master!', he thought he was Sebastian from Black Deacon? What a displeament!! I'm happy just to make some trouble for him!"

"Isn't that enough?" Struggled to get out of Shang Yaling's fingers, and Brother Ying looked at the woman depressedly: "Then what are you struggling with? Also, I didn't do anything today. Get up and do gymnastics! Don't you know that you have gained a lot of weight again? I'm dead, it's like a pig!!"