Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 16 Take the harem out

Chapter 16 Take the harem out

I have to say that every word of the old man hits the softest part of Xiao Tuo's heart. Yes, in what capacity does he stay with Wu Linger? Does he have the right to stay by Wu Linger's side? Thinking of this, Xiao Tuo also fell silent. When the old man saw him like this, he didn't say much: "Think about these before you make a decision!" At that time, no matter what your decision is, I will support you!"

"Old man, why? Why did you do this to Ling Er? Also, why do you support me? What exactly am I, or we, for you? When Xiao Tuo opened his eyes again, there was no confusion in his eyes: "Give me the answer! Then I'll decide what I'm going to do!"

"Is this a request?"


After hearing Xiao Tuo's firm voice, the old man smiled: "In the six years since I knew you, this is the only time you begged me! If I refuse to answer, you will be very unhappy, right? So... I'll answer part of you!"

Looking at the old man meditating for a long time, he didn't expect that he would only agree to answer part of it. Xiao Tuo almost fell on the keyboard. After a few deep breaths, he controlled his emotions: "Part of it?"

"It's good to have some answers, young people, don't be too greedy!" The old man smiled and didn't see the blue veins on Xiao Tuo's forehead at all.

Xiaotuo desperately warned himself to take a deep breath, calm down, and not to be excited. After finally controlling his mood, he said to the TV, "Okay, you can say it!"

"Well, what I can tell you is that whether it's Wu Linger or the nine of you, they all exist for one thing! I won't put your lives in danger until that is done! You also include Wu Linger! So, don't worry about what I will do to her! At least until that happens, I will not only not hurt her, but also let you protect her, and if anyone wants to hurt her, they will pay the price!"

Although he was using the computer in the video, Xiaotuo still felt a murderous atmosphere for no reason. He couldn't help shivering: "I know! I know!! In that case, I will stay in the killing for the time being! If you don't hurt Ling Er, I don't mind going on like this. Anyway, this kind of life is not bad!"

"Oh? I thought you would prefer the feeling of being on the stage! God has a living extension! He is quite handsome!" The old man suddenly said Xiao Tuo's pseudonym when he was in Japan, and nodded childishly: "Okay, let's not talk about it! Go ahead! The old farmer, keep an eye on me!"

"I said you were just looking for nothing to do!" After turning off the video, Xiao Tuo began the work at hand again. Since nothing could be found just now, Xiao Tuo can be sure that the other party is not an ordinary person, so the camera and all electronic equipment can't take pictures of the other party. It seems that Wu Linger is in big trouble again this time. Although the bodyguards around her are much more powerful now, it seems that her ability to cause trouble has also risen! Especially this guy doesn't know every time he gets into trouble!

After returning to the hotel at night, Wu Linger didn't say much after getting Xiao Tuo's results. Basically, Xiao Tuo's results were expected: "So, I have already reminded you that even if your computer is powerful, you are not omnipotent! Did you know this time? A little salted fish, how dare you brag, and eat you directly next time!"

"Yes! Yes! That's what the boss taught! The little one must follow the boss's instructions and never dare to brag again!" Xiao Tuo looked at Wu Linger with a smile: " boss, I'm going to the Loire Valley tomorrow. It's cold over there. Remember to wear more clothes! Bring me two bottles of good red wine when you come back!"

"Bah, as a younger brother, do you still want me to be filial?" Wu Linger rudely hit Xiao Tuo, but also asked, "I don't understand wine. You say what you want. I'll find it for you later. If not, don't blame me!"

Of course, Wu Linger knew what Xiao Tuo was doing in her heart. She turned off the computer with a proud smile, and then turned her head to look at Wu He: "We are leaving for Loire tomorrow! Remember not to sleep in!"

Wu He was stunned for a moment and seemed to think that he would leave tomorrow: "Aren't you looking at the Louvre for a day? Don't make it up?"

Wu Linger couldn't help rolling her eyes at the sky: "I said I would really watch five days if I want to see five days? As you said, the Louvre won't run! I can't finish watching it this time. I'll watch it in Paris next time! It's no big deal! I'll finish what I'm doing while you and Shu are there!"

So, the senior witch, the only son of the elder and the captain of the former witch saint became a thrusher in Wu Linger's mouth. If the elder of the witch knew, he would probably be so angry that he would spit blood, right?

However, what Wu Linger cares about is not what the elders of the witch will think. What she cares more about is another thing: "Ye Tian, is it okay for us to leave like this with such a murder now?"

Ye Tian sneered: "Of course, there is no problem. Even if Pierre wants to find a problem, it depends on whether he can get through me!"

After hearing Ye Tian say this, Wu Linger nodded: "Okay! That's it! I'm sleepy, everyone go back! Really, although I'm a beautiful woman, you don't have to run to my room every day! What others don't know, they think it's the queen of which country to take the harem on patrol!"

The consequence of Wu Linger's words is that many handsome men quickly left her room after hearing this. At least they are all people with status. They are really mistaken for Wu Linger's lover. If they are in the harem, it will be a big deal!

Seeing that the door of the room was closed, Wu Linger breathed a sigh of relief and fell down on **: "Sure enough, it's also a big trouble to have more handsome men!" After saying that, she turned to Brother Ying on her wrist and said, "Brother Ying, Ji Zai is so quiet these days. Why did he ignore me? What's going on? Ah! Isn't it because coffee sticks to me all day long? Is he jealous? I don't cove the beauty of coffee! It's the coffee that sticks to me! He is not born beautiful and is not voluntary. Ji Zai...%......*I#%&*($^&*^&”

In the face of such a master, in addition to his whole body, Brother Win hates that he doesn't have many more hands to cover his ears. After Wu Linger finished reading, Brother Ying loosened his body: "That dead sparrow is going to advance, so it's closed these days. Don't be self-righteous there! Do you really think you can be fascinated by that big cat? Are you kidding? How can the white tiger spirit who has lived for thousands of years be fascinated by such a guy?

... Brother Win suddenly was stunned and found out what the problem was. Coffee's strength is not weak. Even if he had a good relationship with Jizai at the beginning, the two did not seem particularly close. As the king of beasts, he has his own pride. Can he really abandon the world over there for the sake of Ji Zai? Even so, why does he like to stick to Wu Linger so much? Brother Win doesn't believe that coffee really fell in love with Wu Linger!

"Brother Win, what are you thinking about? I'm going to take a shower. Help me prepare my clothes!" Wu Linger was busy pulling up her hair while protesting against Brother Win. It seemed that Brother Win helped her prepare clothes every day as a matter of course!

Brother Win glanced at Wu Linger, and the white light flashed. He had already appeared in the room in a white casual clothes and trousers. After taking out Wu Linger's pajamas to wear at night from the wardrobe and throwing it to **, Brother Ying sat by the window and continued to think about what happened just now.

Wu Linger rolled up her hair and turned to the bedside to pick up her clothes, but she happened to see Brother Win sitting by the window. His figure was reflected on the dark floor-to-ceiling glass window, looking a little lonely, as if the whole world was isolated from him. For no reason, Wu Linger remembered that Brother Win said that he had entered the empty space at that time. Was he the same now?

Wu Linger slowly sat by the bed with her pajamas in her arms and looked at Brother Win's shadow reflected on the glass, and her whole body also began to be crazy.

The ink-colored hair is loosely scattered on the diamond-perfect face, and a pair of eyes are as deep as the dark night. Wu Linger only felt that she had never seen such a deep black, pure and confused, but surprisingly clean. Brother Ying: Idiot woman, in the shadow of the glass, if her eyes are not black, she will become a ghost! It scares you to death!!)

Brother Ying sat quietly by the window, and his simply cut white clothes and trousers were dyed with a warm orange under the soft light. Without action, Brother Win, who had no words, lost his usual cold and suffocating charm at this time, and his whole body came out of the world like a flowing cloud, free and elegant...