Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 32 Suddenly there is a feeling of dying

Chapter 32 suddenly feels like dying

Wu Linger shook her head: "I'm still a layman now. It's just a waste to drink more. When I know more about wine, I will accompany Mr. Charlie to have a good taste!"

Nalan Piaoping beside her smiled: "Miss Wu, you're wrong! If you want to understand wine, you must drink more. Whether you understand it or not, you will naturally understand it after drinking too much!!

After hearing Nalan Piaoping say this, Wu Linger immediately lit up her eyes, but before she could speak, a piece of prepared sandwich had been thrown in front of her: "Drink after eating!" I don't want you to go crazy outside!"


Brother Win glanced at Nalan Piaoping. For the sake of future safety, he decided to tell her Wu Linger's wine: "This guy is not good. If he drinks on an empty stomach, or if he drinks too much, he will go crazy!"

"Ah?" After hearing Brother Win say this, Nalan Piaoping subconsciously retreated a little, and then looked at Ye Tian and asked with a face. Ye Tian also had a bitter face: "Ling Er, why do I never know that your wine is not good?"

"Because you don't investigate so carefully as this pervert!" Wu Linger rudely stepped on Brother Win's foot under the table, and Brother Win raised his eyebrows: "If you make trouble again, you can continue to eat sandwiches for Chinese food today!!" The implication is that he was going to cook in person. If Wu Linger makes trouble again, she can only continue these so-called French meals!!

Hearing Brother Win's words, Wu Linger suddenly came down: "You only know how to threaten me!" The worst is you!" Hearing her tone, Ye Tian couldn't help frowning gently. It seemed that only those who were familiar with it could say it. Could it be said that Wu Linger was very familiar with this person? It should be unlikely. When he was in Chicago, Daniel heard that Wu Linger didn't know who the winning brother was.

However, after seeing Wu Linger, Ye Tian suddenly smiled again. This guy is the most familiar. As long as he is a friend she identified, his attitude will be as familiar as having known him for decades. Not to mention Brother Win, why is it not like this to yourself? It's the same for Xiaohua and coffee. This guy is really a little muscle!!

In the face of Wu Linger's complaints, Brother Win was unmoved, but Xiaohua on one side looked at the wine in Charlie's hand and asked in a low voice, "Can I have a try of that wine?"

Charlie took a look at Xiaohua and felt that he could not refuse in front of his expectant face. He turned around and took a glass and poured some wine for Xiaohua: "If you can't drink it, drink it slowly!"

The little flower shook the cup gently, smelled it and smiled, "There is the smell of raspberry and cranberry!" It smells good!!"

Really? Can I have a try?" After hearing Xiaohua say this, Wu He also came over with fun. Xiaohua handed him the wine. He smelled it and didn't seem to smell anything. Unwillingly, he drank all the wine in one bite, which made Charlie beside him feel a little distressed and felt that his wine had been ruined.

The witch crane squeaked and said, "It seems to be a little astringent and sour. It should be that year there was a lack of rain, so the water in the grapes is not enough, right?"

When this sentence came out, Charlie was stunned and took a look at the wine in his hand. This bottle of wine was brewed a few years ago. The rain that year was indeed less than usual, so the wine tannins of that year were heavier and sour. But this bottle of wine has been blended. The sourness and astringency in the wine has been much less, but the teenager still tasted it in one bite. Isn't it incredible?

Seeing Charlie's stunned expression, Wu He smiled shyly: "I'm sorry, I haven't drunk wine before. If I don't say anything to you, don't be angry with you!"

Charlie shook his head: "No, you're right! But haven't you really drunk wine before?

Wu He smiled and said, "It's not that I haven't drunk it before. I just drank it a few days ago. It was given by someone else and felt sour. I heard Ye Tian say it's a good wine, but I don't think it's as good as your bottle of wine! Although this bottle of wine tastes a little sour, it seems to have added other wine in it. Shouldn't it be the bar of that year? The taste seems to be a little old, which makes the taste of this wine much softer!"

After hearing Wu He say this, Charlie was even more stunned. He did mix this bottle of wine with other wines to improve the taste of the wine in those years. Unexpectedly, Wu He could even taste this: "You... didn't lie to me, did you? Are you really not familiar with wine before?

Wu He shrugged his shoulders helplessly: "Mr. Charlie, for us Orientals, liquor will be more suitable for us! At least that's what I think! Wine, I'm sorry, I just came to France this time and started to come into contact with it!"

Xiaohua grabbed the cup from Wu He's hand and smelled it under her nose: "Ah, I said that there was another fragrance that I didn't smell just now. It turned out to be the fragrance of violet! But the smell is very light. I really can't smell it when the cup is empty!"

After Xiaohua finished speaking, she quickly put the cup on the table when she saw Charlie's eyes staring out: "I'm sorry! I'm more interested in fragrances, especially the smell of plants.

Charlie looked at Wu Linger with difficulty: "Are you as powerful as them?"

Wu Linger lay weakly on the table: "If I were as powerful as them, I wouldn't be afraid of your test! These two guys, one is very ** to water and the other is very ** to plant! And I only compare ** for handsome men and beautiful women!"

After hearing Wu Linger's words, Charlie finally felt that there was still a normal person in this group. When he was packing his glass, he suddenly asked, "What wine did you drink in Paris the other day?"

"What Ye Tian said, what kind of name does Richebourg in 2007 seem to have? I don't remember, you know, I used to know nothing about wine! I heard Ye Tian say so well, but I don't think it's as good as the wine you gave me last night!"

Wu Linger's words made Charlie raise a proud smile on his face: "Of course, although Richebourg is famous and does produce good wine, but we are a winery here!! The real top wine is only available here!!" Speaking of this, he said to Wu Linger, "When you get to the village, you will really understand the meaning of what I just said!"

Wu Linger looked at the bottle in Charlie's hand: "So, can I taste some of this bottle of wine first?" It seems that she was also tickled by Xiaohua and Wu He.

Obviously, Wu Linger's previous words made Charlie very happy. Coupled with Wu Linger's performance last night, Charlie immediately took a new glass and poured some wine and handed it to Wu Linger.

Seeing that Wu Linger was going to drink, Nalan Piaoping quickly stopped her and held her glass and gently shook it to the window: "Whether it's good or not to taste a glass of wine, you should first shake the glass at the light source to see the color of the wine and its hanging glass. Then put it under your nose and smell it to tell what the wine smells like. For example, this bottle of wine, as the gentleman just said, has the fragrance of raspberries, cranberries and violets. Of course, in addition to these smells, there will also be the smell of alcohol and oak, because many wines are finally placed in It is brewed in oak barrels, so the smell of oak will slowly penetrate into the wine. Finally, it's wine tasting. Don't drink it like this gentleman, take a sip, let the wine spread in your mouth, and your tongue fully feel the taste of wine, whether it is sour, sweet or bitter, astringent or smooth.

After looking at Nalan Piaoping's words, Wu Linger looked at the glass of wine in front of her: "Why do I suddenly feel like dying?" Is this drinking? Why is it so complicated? In Wu Linger's impression, wine is a kind of drink that everyone can drink when they are happy or drink when they are unhappy. Why is it like this in the eyes of these people?

Seeing Wu Linger like this, Ye Tian couldn't help laughing: "Don't sigh here. Come and try it. Maybe you have talent?"

Wu Linger glanced at Ye Tian: "Are you sure you are comforting me? Why didn't I feel comforted at all? After saying that, she gently shook her wine glass at the window, and the top garnet-like luster was particularly attractive in the light. Wu Linger couldn't help sighing: "The color of nature... can't be described with human strokes! It's so beautiful!!"