Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 90 Do your brain cells grow muscles?

Chapter 90 Are your brain cells growing muscles?

Coffee bit his lower lip and thought for a long time before nodding: "If it weren't for Ling'er's singing, it would be a problem whether I could get out of this room today!" But Linger, I don't want to..."

"Isn't that it? I got a little injury for a healthy coffee, which is worth more than anything else!" Wu Linger smiled particularly happily under the light, and the soft light made her smile so gentle that it made people want to hold her in their arms...

" Besides, you are Ji Zai's person. If something happens to Ji Zai, no one here can control him! You know, his gentleness has never been shown to us! I'm optimistic about you!" Before the coffee finished sighing, Wu Linger's next words almost made him spit blood. This guy can never forget these.

What's more strange is that this time, Jizai did not jump up to refute Wu Linger, but said cold coffee, "You, come out with me!"

Wu Linger heard Ji Zai's words, and she quickly grabbed the coffee with her unhurt hand: "Ji Zai, the coffee is just a little better. Don't bully him! Now his body can't stand your tossing, in case you..."

"Dead woman, shut up!!" Brother Win really couldn't listen and had to interrupt Wu Linger's words. This idiot woman, no matter what she said, would become so corrupt from her mouth!

Wu Linger ignored Brother Win, but just pulled the coffee and didn't let it go: "No, looking at Ji Zai's appearance, I may beat the coffee again. The coffee is just a little better. I can't let him be flatten by Ji Zai!"

"Women, don't worry! Now I'm no match for coffee at all! Unless he doesn't return his hand, my chance of beat him is almost zero!" After saying these words coldly, Ji Zai looked at the coffee: "Come with me!"

Coffee gently broke away Wu Linger's hand: "Linger, don't worry, Ji Zai will not be willing to hit me! At the beginning, I stole his Fengyu and he never hit me! It's okay! I'll come with you later!" After saying that, he followed Ji Zai out.

Wu Linger looked at the coffee strangely: "Brother Ying, do you think coffee has become strange?"

Brother Win angrily patted the gauze stained with powder on Wu Linger's wound: "You'd better take care of yourself first!!"

Wu Linger was unprevented and suddenly jumped up from ** in pain: "Brother Win, you avenge privately!! You ¥%&%......*......&" It is also because of Brother Win's shot that Wu Linger successfully took her attention back from the coffee, otherwise Wu Linger has been paying attention to other men like this. Brother Win is really a little interesting! Just leave the coffee matter to Ji Zai. Wu Linger should worry about her own business!

When he came to Wu Linger's room, Ji Zi locked the door: "Coffee, what's the matter with you?"

The coffee's eyes flashed a little, and finally shook his head: "It's okay!"

"Bum!" With a sound, Ji Zai grabbed the collar of coffee and hit him heavily against the wall: "Don't do it! Don't I know you yet?! What the hell is going on?"

The coffee bit its lower lip but refused to say anything. Seeing him like this, Ji Zi finally let go of his hand helplessly and sat aside: "Say, what trouble did you cause after I left?"

Coffee looked at Ji Zai unexpectedly and finally shook his head: "It's okay! I'll be fine in a while!"

"For a while? How long will it take? Ji Zai looked at the coffee with a sneer: "You also knew just now that without Ling Er's singing, whether you can get out of that room today is two words! Now you tell me that you haven't been here for a while! I'd like to know how long it has been!"

Hearing Ji Zai's question, the coffee leaned against the wall and dared not move, but lowered his head and did not say anything.

After a long time, Ji Zai sighed: "I know that I'm not as strong as you now, and I can't control you anymore! You can deal with your affairs by yourself in the future!"

"Blue, you know I didn't mean that!!" Hearing Jizi's frustrated tone, the coffee was so scared that he quickly explained, "I... just don't want you to worry!"

Ji Zai continued to sneer: "Worried about you? Master Coffee, you look too highly of yourself! I think no one here will worry about you except that stupid woman Wu Linger will worry about you!" After saying that, he stood up and said, "I'm too lazy to take care of today's affairs! But I tell you, don't think that woman can save you every time! Take care of yourself!"

"Blue!!" Seeing that Jizai was about to leave, Coffee quickly stopped him: "Don't be angry, I'm really..."

Seeing the appearance of coffee, Ji Zai sighed: "Forget it, if I get angry with you, I guess I will get old quickly! Anyway, be careful! If this happens again... Dead earthworms will not let Linger do this again! Her body can't stand it!"

"Is it because of the problem of the seal in her body?"

Ji Zi nodded: "It turned out that I always thought it was the boundary set by Wu Xiaoxuan and Wu Ningfeng for Wu Linger, but I heard Wu He's conversation with dead earthworms these days. I'm afraid it's not that simple! If it's just to prevent the witch from discovering that Ling Er is a witch saint, there is no need to add such a strong seal in her body. I heard from Wu He that if the seal is not untied, Wu Linger will have a life expectancy of ten years at most! This is still without her existing witchcraft!"

Coffee was stunned: "So now you rely on the red fruit given to you by Brother Win? If Zhu Guoli's power is exhausted and you haven't really advanced, will you die of witch power failure?!"

Ji Zai looked at the coffee like an idiot: "It's just that my life in this world is over. I'll go back and continue to be my blue, not this Ji Zai, okay? Such a big man without any brain cells! Have you gone up with the whole length of brain cells?!"

Coffee bowed his head and thought for a moment and then asked Ji Zai, "Do you think that if Brother Win and I do our best, can you help Ling Er untie the seal?"

Of course, Ji Zai knew what coffee meant. He shrugged his shoulders: "Who knows? Maybe, maybe not! But if you help her untie it now, I guess the witch will find her immediately and take her away!"

After hearing Ji Zai's words, Coffee understood what he meant: "You would rather let Ling Er die like this than let her return to the witch clan?"

Facing the anger of coffee, Ji Zai was a little surprised: "Why are you so angry? Don't tell me that you are in love with that woman! That's the most anecdote in the world! Famous..."

"Blue!!" Coffee interrupted Ji Zai's words: "You know I didn't mean that!"

Ji Zai opened the door: "I don't care what you mean! I just want to tell you! This is the woman's choice! Instead of becoming a reproductive tool, she would rather live a free life for ten years! You know this better than I do!"

Ji Zai's last words completely silenced the coffee. Instead, when Ji Zai saw that the coffee didn't follow, he said to him, "Here, only me and the dead earthworm know what you used to look like. If that woman likes your current appearance, you might as well continue to pretend!" Anyway... I think you are also pretending to be happy!"

"I..." When Coffee wanted to refute, he saw Ji Zai's sneering eyes and finally closed his mouth: "I know!"

After seeing the coffee say this, Ji Zai nodded with satisfaction and left the room.

When he came to Wu Linger's room, Ji Zai found that Wu Linger was asleep. He took a look at Brother Ying: "If you have energy, go and get her some medicine!" It's better to count on world peace than to count on this woman's quiet recuperation!"

Brother Win looked at Wu Linger with some uneasily: "But..."

"Anyway, that woman didn't intend to hurt this idiot. It doesn't matter whether you are here or not! Or do you think we can't even deal with ordinary people together? Ji Zai's words made Brother Win stand up: "I'll be back soon!" While talking, his figure had disappeared into the room.

Wu He sitting by the bed looked at Ji Zai with some depression: "I said, although I won't reveal your identity, you should at least avoid suspicion, right? Wouldn't it be too arrogant to use witchcraft directly in front of me?

"I don't feel it!" Ji Zai sat lazily on the sofa: "Anyway, you won't say anything to avoid suspicion?"

Wu He turned his head and looked at Wu Linger depressedly: "Although I have always known that she likes to stand still, I didn't expect her temper to be so stubborn that she could do this for coffee!" Even if I can't stick to such a uniform output of witch power for so long, she has only learned it for two or three days, and she can do it!"

Didn't this woman say that she came from the American nemesis? It's normal not to be an earthman!" Ji Zai tidyed up his hair while answering Wu He's words lurely: "I want her..."

Before Ji Zai finished his words, he jumped up from the sofa and attacked the woman in purple that suddenly appeared.


I plan to have a voice chat with everyone on YY on the evening of the 28th~~

I don't know if everyone is free~~

YY channel number is 30400305