Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 101 Don't look at me, I'm afraid!

Chapter 101 Don't look at me, I'm afraid!

Wu Linger ran out easily: "Wow, it's still so comfortable! It's so tiring to scrape so many layers of paint on my face every day!!"

Brother Win just put away the computer, glanced at Wu Linger and nodded and said, "Well, there is finally a human appearance!!"

"Hey! Don't go too much! You..."

Seeing that Wu Linger and Brother Ying were going to quarrel again, Xiaohua had to interrupt them: "You two... Can you hurry up? Everyone is waiting for you to eat!"

Wu Linger, who was quarreling with Brother Win, saw Xiaohua's smiling expression. I don't know why, there was a feeling in her heart. She quickly hid behind Brother Win: "Brother Win, Xiaohua is so horrible!!"

Brother Win glanced at Xiaohua and took Wu Linger's hand: "Okay, let's go to breakfast!"

Xiaohua nodded with a satisfied smile: "Good, let's go!!"

Wu Linger carefully followed Brother Ying tightly: "Do you think Xiaohua laughed horribly today?"

Is that right? I don't feel it!" Holding Wu Linger's hand and entering the restaurant, Brother Ying didn't care whether Xiaohua's mood today was strange or not.

Michelle, sitting at the table, did not have the strange spirit she had before, and returned to the quiet and noble feeling of last night, causing Wu Linger to secretly guess in her heart whether the Prince Stoic had a dual personality.

Michelle elegantly raised her glass and drank a bright red drink, which made Wu Linger feel fury: "No way, drinking blood in front of us?"

"Don't get me wrong, this is tomato juice! High-level blood clans do not need blood to provide drinks! Of course, it is not ruled out that some old guys have a certain hobby of blood. After saying that, Michelle winked at Wu Linger: "But I don't have much need for blood, and I don't like the fishy smell!"

Hearing Michelle say this, Wu Linger was finally relieved. But Brother Win, who sat next to her, suddenly asked, "You called us here just to fix this idiot woman, did you?"

Michel nodded: "Originally... I just wanted to give you what you wanted after dealing with the matter in Japan, but when I talked about Jeremy yesterday, I had a new idea!"

"Well, do you want to continue to listen to the story? I don't mind. I can just collect it as novel material!" Wu Linger's happy expression made Brother Ying couldn't help rolling his eyes at the sky. Only Wu Linger, a single-celled thing, would think so simple, right? Looking at the table, except for the fool of coffee, even the little flower and witch crane who usually protect Wu Linger the most are unbearable expressions.

Michelle smiled and said, "Of course it won't be that simple. There is no free lunch in the world! After listening to my story, I have one thing for you to do! As long as you do it for me, I will give you that golden pearl! How about it?"

Wu Linger nodded as if there was no accident: "I promise you that it doesn't violate morality and law or hurt my friend!"

"Promise so quickly, aren't you afraid that I want your life like last night?" Michelle looked at Wu Linger with a smile, as if a cat was teasing a little mouse.

Wu Linger shrugged her shoulders: "As I said yesterday, if you can promise me to do what I should do, then even if it takes my life, I will!"

"Linger!!" Wu Linger's answer made everyone dissatisfied. Wu Linger smiled and said, "Isn't it fair? If I can wake him up, it will be regarded as the kindness he gave me life! From now on, I don't owe him!"

"What about us?" Brother Win held a spoon in his hand. Because it was too hard, the spoon had completely changed: "You returned his kindness, so what about us? You don't care?!!"

"Uh..." Seeing everyone's angry eyes, Wu Linger only felt a chill coming up from the soles of her feet: "That... I...ah! Is it so complicated?!!" Wu Linger lay down on the table: "I don't know!! Can you not ask me such a complicated question!!"

"Ha ha ha... You guys are so funny!" Michelle couldn't help laughing when she saw that everyone was about to make trouble again: "It seems that you guys will quarrel when you stay together, but you will become very united when something happens. Usually, I always say too much to others, but I care about them very much. It's so funny!"

Brother Win reached out and threw the bent and deformed spoon on the table: "Okay, tell me what the hell do you want us to do!"

"Let's listen to my story first!!" Michelle raised her glass and smiled at everyone: "Or don't you want to hear me talk anymore?"

Brother Win was about to open his mouth when Wu Linger had stepped on Brother Ying under the dining table, motioned him to shut up, and then said to Michelle, "Of course not, please say it! You know, I like listening to stories the most!"

Michelle smiled and continued to start the story that was not finished last night. After knowing Jeremy's identity, Michelle began to become silent, but she couldn't refuse his invitation because she was deeply touched by Jeremy.

Seeing that Michelle is no longer as lively as before, Jeremy has become gentle with her, and he likes Michelle even more, and his praise is even more than before. But he also began to preach the teachings to Michelle. After Michelle did not object, he even took Michelle to church.

After hearing this, Wu Linger couldn't help but get nervous: "Church? How can you stand it?" Michelle is a vampire, isn't she?

Michelle shook her head with a smile: "Linger, your understanding of our high-level blood clan is really pitiful! Blood clans at my level, not to mention ordinary churches, even dancing in the Vatican square is no problem! Of course, if I meet someone from the Inquisition, I still have to hide! But... Linger, you will worry about me. I'm so happy!!"

Seeing that Michelle said so happily, completely different from the sad expression just now, everyone began to consciously put Michelle among Wu Linger's kind of people. But think about it, women who could do such things before should have had such an awareness long ago, right?

Wu Linger smiled awkwardly: "Ha ha, you're welcome! Well, you can continue your story!!"

After going to several churches with Jeremy, Michelle began to ask about Jeremy's identity. At this time, Jeremy confessed his identity to Michelle and hoped that Michelle would become a member of the church, so that they could stay together even if they were not married.

After hearing Jeremy's words, Michelle was heartbroken. After several conversations with him, Michelle chose to go to church on a Sunday. On that day, Jeremy led the choir to recite hymns. Michelle asked Jeremy to leave with her, but Jeremy refused without hesitation.

Thinking that she had abandoned all her dignity and her identity to beg Jeremy, but in the end, Michelle ran out of the church sadly, and the hymn to the Lord sounded behind her as if mocking her behavior...

In the evening, Jeremy came to Michelle's residence and tried again to persuade Michelle to join the church. Michelle, who couldn't stand it, finally revealed her blood identity in front of him, and then disappeared into the town with Jeremy's stunned expression.

Hearing Michelle say this, Wu Linger quickly asked, "What happened later?"

"Later? How can there be anything later?" Michelle put down the cup in her hand with a wry smile: "He is a clergyman, I am a dark creature, and I have no intersection with him in the first place, not to mention that he is determined to be a priest and will not get married for life. Knowing that there is no result, meeting again is just to make the two of them miserable!"

"But...Michelle, do you still have feelings for him? So when I tell this story, it's not like you at all!" Wu Linger looked at Michelle and found that her eyes flashed a little: "How long ago was this?"

Michelle smiled faintly: "Five years ago!"

Brother Win's finger tapped on the table: "What do you want us to do?"

Michelle glanced at the coffee and shuddered: "Don't look at me, I'm afraid!!"

Michel smiled: "Maybe as you said, I haven't let go of this relationship, so I have been living in France and won't leave, so even if I see the person I like now, I will feel that I can't be happy!! But if I have to face him again, I can't do it! So, I hope you can help me run! I want to hear his answer! Good or bad, I think I can end this relationship! Face my future life well!"