Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 131 Encounter in the Restaurant

Chapter thirty-one encounter in the restaurant

Brother Ying couldn't stand it anymore. He picked up Wu Linger and Xiao Tuo and walked out: "Xiaohua, take the things to the room, and we'll come back when we're done!!"

Xiaohua also knew that that place was not suitable for everyone to go together, so she had to walk to the hotel's service desk with Ji Zai and others...

When he came out of the gallery of Depardieu, Wu Linger was almost dragged away by Brother Win. In the face of such a strong master, even if he was a master of making fake paintings, Wu Linger worshipped him almost five bodies. Therefore, except for geniuses in the world, there are only masters in the piracy industry. This sentence is really not wrong at all. If Brother Win hadn't forcibly interrupted her and made it clear with Depadiyo, I'm afraid that Wu Linger would have stayed there for a week and couldn't talk about the point. Only at this time can Brother Ying feel that Wu Linger originally learned to draw, not write novels.

However, in the face of Wu Linger's crazy attitude, Xiao Tuo seemed very calm: "Linger, if you like Depadiao so much, come back to visit him after these things are done. I believe he will be very happy to have friends like you!" Let alone Wu Linger's worship of Depardieu, Wu Linger put their goal in the Louvre and chose his painting as a replacement, which is enough to make Depardieu proud and have enough affection for this oriental girl!

Wu Linger was a little quiet after hearing Xiao Tuo's words: "Well, when these things are over, I must stay in Paris for a while, the Louvre or Mr. De Padio here, I have to study hard!"

"Woman, your manuscript is almost gone. If you have time to think about this, why don't you think about what to write later!" In the face of Wu Linger, who is crazy about painting, Brother Win kindly reminded her what her "employment" is, so that she will not give up her own end.

Wu Linger looked at Brother Ying disdainfully: "I've thought about it for a long time. Anyway, there is still some time to draw it. I can code some words in the next few days, so as not to make my family so hard!"

"As long as you know!" Brother Win looked at Paris, which began to snow again: "I said... Do you want to go out for a walk in the evening?"

"What?" When Wu Linger heard Brother Win's words, she couldn't help touching his head: "Don't you have a fever? Why did you suddenly say that?

Brother Winn's impatiently patted Wu Linger's hand: "You guys haven't relaxed yourself much since a few months ago. You're either busy with Wulingzhu's things or busy with manuscripts. It's only a few days before Christmas. Do you want to relax and go out tonight?"

After being reminded by Brother Win, Wu Linger remembered that she had not relaxed for a long time. She gently held Brother Win's hand and leaned her head on his shoulder: "Okay! But I have to pay for what I buy! And you have to help me carry my bag! Also, I want to eat snacks, I want to..."

"Women, don't take an inch! I'm not the only one of your follower!" Although Brother Win said so, he didn't push Wu Linger away, but just stuffed her hand into his pocket: "Your hands are as cold as ice all day long. Are you sure you're not a snow girl?"

"You are the snow girl!" Wu Linger rudely punched Brother Win and covered her stomach: "I'm hungry!"

"I'll call Xiaohua and ask them to come down first! At that time, everyone will go out for dinner and then go shopping!" Xiao Tuo immediately took out the phone, asked Xiaohua to take everyone out, and called to make an appointment with Janice. Janice, who had just finished his work, received a phone call from Xiao Tuo and immediately said that he was rushing to the hotel.

Ten minutes later, everyone arrived at the hotel, and then got on the taxi again and rushed to the restaurant introduced by Xiao Tuo.

This is a riverside restaurant. Although it is winter, people can't stay in the open air to eat, but looking out of the window through the floor glass, the white snow is dyed orange by soft street lamps, which immediately gives people a warm feeling. There is also a piano in the middle of the restaurant. The pianist plays the piano gently. A gentle song soothes the impetuous people in this city of desire.

In such an environment, even Wu Linger, who usually likes to play, can't help but become much quieter. She looked out of the window and sighed gently: "If only... could live such a quiet life forever?" It seems that the exciting life in recent days has made Wu Linger, who is active, a little tired of it.

It's rare to see Wu Linger's mood so depressed that everyone suddenly became silent, and even the coffee stopped eating and looked at Wu Ling'er: "Ling'er..."

When she found that she had affected everyone's emotions, Wu Linger quickly smiled and said, "I'm fine!" After saying that, she saw that the pianist had left his seat and reached out to call the waiter: "Excuse me, can we play the piano and sing a song?"

Facing Wu Linger's innocent smile, as if no one could refuse, the waiter nodded gently: "Of course!"

Wu Linger looked at Xiao Tuo: "Salted fish, can you accompany me? Don't tell me that you don't know the song "YesterdayOnceMore"!"

Xiao Tuo touched his nose and stood up and stretched out his hand to Wu Linger: "If I say no, can't I go back to the hotel completely tonight?"

Wu Linger smiled and put her hand on Xiao Tuo's shoulder: "You know your boss's character very well! Not bad!" After saying that, she didn't forget to hold Xiaohua: "The three of us haven't sang together for a long time. Shouldn't this kind of small restaurant be okay?"

It is rare to see Wu Linger's good interest. In addition, the location of this restaurant is indeed relatively remote. Those who can find it here are all regular customers, so Brother Win is also relieved to let Wu Linger make trouble without stopping him. But then he regretted it...

With the sound of the piano, Wu Linger's voice sounded gently in the restaurant: "

WhenIwasyoung when I was young

I'dlistenedtotheradio I like to listen to the radio

Waiting'formyfavoritesongs waiting for my favorite song

WhentheyplayedI'dsingalong, I often sing for it alone

Itmakesmesmile. Smiling

What a happy time thoseweresuchhappytimes

Andnotsolongago is not far

HowIwonderedwherethey'dgone I want to know where they went

Butthey'rebackagain but they're back...

Justlikealonglostfriend is like an old friend you haven't met for a long time

AllthesongsIlovedsowell. I still like those songs..."

Hearing Wu Linger sing here, Xiaohua gently added the harmony and sang together: "EverySha-la-la-la-la every Sha-la-la

EveryWo-o-wo-o every sound

Wo-o-wo-oStillshines is still shining


Thatthey'restarting'tosing's when they start singing

Sofine. So happy..."

Xiao Tuo listened to Xiaohua's harmony and Wu Linger's singing, and couldn't help smiling as if he had produced another wonderful sound in the air.

It's just that such a beautiful voice was too gorgeous, like a light that would burn people's eyes. Xiao Tuo smiled and gently opened his voice and joined it. Suddenly, the song became soft and warm. Suddenly, the whole restaurant became quiet. Everyone stopped the knife and fork in their hands and looked at it. In the direction of the piano, under the lamp, the three teenagers are smiling together, singing a song that can make people feel extremely warm in this cold winter and infinitely nostalgic for the past...

After the song, as before, the three could not hear any applause and applause. Wu Linger made a grimace at Xiao Tuo and Xiaohua, took their hands and stood up: "Go back to eat. I'm not full yet!"

"Ling?!! Is it really you?" A Japanese sentence suddenly made Wu Linger stop, and a wry smile suddenly appeared on her face: "Isn't it such a coincidence?" Although thinking so in her heart, Wu Linger still turned around and looked at the person: "Good evening, Mr. Guimu!"

"Oh, my God, it's really the three of you!" Mr. Guimu strode over with excitement and grabbed Wu Linger's hand: "Why are you in Paris? How is your health? Is it better?"

To be honest, Wu Linger and Xiao Tuo have no crush on the Japanese, but they are still a little moved by Mr. Guimu's undisguised concern. Wu Linger smiled and nodded to Mr. Guimu: "I'm feeling better, but... there are some things that still need time to heal the trauma. We are going to spend Christmas in Paris, so we are here. Why did Mr. Guimu come to Paris?

"Mr. Guimu, is this what P and Mr. Janis often talk about?" A low and hoarse voice sounded, and Wu Linger looked up and saw the little red red she had admired before: "Good evening, Elder JIN!" It was said that in the past, it was before Wu Linger did not have this group of handsome men around her. Now with this group of handsome men who can play and sing, Wu Linger is really not very interested in those former idols.