Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 163 More Terrible than Death

Chapter 66 is more terrible than death

"Huh? Why is it over? Where can I say it? Ling Er made it clear that I can't understand coffee!" Although people usually find it annoying to have coffee, today, everyone agrees that fortunately there is coffee, so they don't have to ask these questions all the time.

Wu Linger pointed to the lower mandolin and the cards and said, "Look at the direction of their placement and tilt down. The meaning in the painting is... the end!" Speaking of this, Wu Linger closed the computer: "Although I don't think people like Duffer are worth loving at all, there is nothing worthless in love. Love is love, which is the same for Michelle and Duffer!"

"That kind of rotten man, it's best to let Xiaojing kill him. What are you worried about?" Xiao Tuo was angry at the thought that Du Fu still wanted to threaten Wu Linger with the police.

Wu Linger smiled and said, "Maybe my punishment will be more painful than killing him!" It all depends on Michelle's decision! Since you can't stop Brother Qin, let's bet on his luck!"

Hearing Wu Linger say this, Brother Ying frowned: "Woman, what are you going to do?"

"It's okay!" After saying that, Wu Linger stretched out a big stretch: "Okay, I'm sleepy! Good night, everyone!!" After saying that, she went back to the room alone. It seems that Wu Linger has never slept with Brother Ying or anyone else with her since that night. Even if Brother Ying will stay in her room at night, she is still sleeping quietly alone. This abnormal behavior makes everyone feel very strange.

"I said, Brother Ying, did you make her angry again?" Xiao Tuo took a look at Brother Win and found that his face was not very good: "Well, I didn't ask!"

Xiaohua also looked at Brother Ying with some worry: "Father, you..."

"It's okay. Go and rest early! I'm tired after running for so long. I can have a good rest today!" After saying that, Brother Win has entered Wu Linger's room with a calm face.

Coffee leaned on Jizai's shoulder: "The air pressure of earthworms is very low today!" Ji Zai didn't say anything and directly punched the coffee in the face with his backhand: "I've said it many times, don't get tired of me!" After saying that, he went back to the room alone.

When the coffee got up dissatisfiedly, it was found that everyone was gone: "Really, is it necessary to do this? It won't happen if you wait for me!" However, when he looked back at the dark blue night sky outside the window, Coffee hesitated for a moment and left the room and walked to the third floor.

As soon as the door of the greenhouse was opened, coffee heard a gentle sob and looked along the sound. Michelle was lying on a small round table and crying softly, holding the oil painting tightly in her hand.

looked at the woman with some depression. Coffee turned around and wanted to leave, but felt a little unbearable. Finally, he took off his coat and walked over Michelle's shoulder: "That kind of man is not worth crying like this!"

"I know! But I just feel bad!" Perhaps it was the reason why her face was buried in her arms, so Michelle's voice seemed more childish than usual, and then she looked like a new adult girl.

Coffee scratched his neck with some embarrassment: "I won't comfort people, so don't expect me to say anything nice! But..." Looking at the foot of the mountain, Coffee said, "Isn't love like this? When he likes you, you will be happy, give up yourself and change yourself, as long as he is happy! You have done this too! At that time, I won't feel pain, I will only feel happy! When he doesn't like you, as long as he still likes him, it doesn't matter what he does! If you love him, it doesn't matter what his attitude towards you is, as long as you give happily! If you don't love him, don't have to be sad for him. Just live your own life!"

The usual sticky and coquettish coffee suddenly said something like this, and Michelle looked up at the coffee strangely: "You..."

Coffee turned his face aside awkwardly: "Don't think I..."

"What you like is Ji Zai!! 555555...No! I like you! Will you accompany me? I will ask others to make a lot of delicious food for you, and I will love you very much!! Will you stay with me? I don't want to be alone!!" While speaking, Michelle has thrown into the arms of coffee.

Coffee resisted the instinct to fall Michelle and opened his hand to avoid touching Michelle more: "Impossible! I have my mission, and I can only stay by Ling Er and Ji Zai's side! No matter what others do to me, in my heart, only the two of them are the most important!" After saying that, he pushed Michelle away: "Actually, it's not a bad thing that things have become like this! It just so happens that you can see what is the most important thing in your life, and then... protect them well!"

After saying that, Coffee reached out and wiped away Michelle's tears: "Tears are not suitable for you. Although the usual appearance is a headache, I'm more used to you! Well... it's getting late. Go to bed early! Going to bed late is bad for girls' skin! Good night!!"

"What about you? Will you take good care of them? To what extent will it be done for them?! Even if it's dead, it doesn't matter?" Seeing that the coffee was about to leave, Michelle suddenly asked.

Coffee stopped and finally nodded with his back to Michelle: "Death is not the most terrible! You will know later! For them, I will do something a hundred times more painful than death!" After saying that, he gently withdrew from the greenhouse.

Looking at the closed greenhouse, Michelle thought carefully about what the coffee had just said. After a while, she reached out and wiped the tears on her face: "Although I don't know why you said that, but... I can do what you can do it!" Even if you like Ji Zai, I will... protect you! Take your heart away!" After saying that, she clapped her hands, and immediately a young blood man in the housekeeper's clothes appeared in the greenhouse: "Your Highness!"

"Get that bead ready for me!" After saying that, Michelle looked back at the painting on the table: "This painting is burned!" It's all over, so there's no need to miss anything.

The housekeeper saluted: "Yes! Your Highness!" After saying that, when he went to the small table and picked up the painting and was about to retreat, Michelle suddenly stopped him again: "Report what happened to Miss Wu and her group during this period!" Whether it's Wu Linger or coffee, they all said that the man is not worthy of her love. If they can say such things, something must have happened.

The housekeeper hesitated for a moment, but immediately reported all the recent events to Michelle. When he heard that Duffer asked Wu Linger to help investigate the Christmas murder, Michelle was already sneering: "What are you kidding? I don't believe that after more than a year, he still doesn't know what happened! He deliberately said this so that Ling Er could help him to help him, right? In the face of those two old guys, his strength is less than half of his real strength! Because you don't want to take action?"

At this point, Michelle has already sneered. Sure enough, Duffer has died. Now Duffer is still as approachable and enthusiastic to help others on the surface, but in fact, he is still so selfish that he always puts himself in the safest place.

The housekeeper did not dare to say much about Michelle's comments. It was not until Michelle motioned him to continue that he told him what happened one by one, including Duffer misleading Wu Linger and others to go to the Louvre to steal paintings, Jill and others helped pretend to be ghosts, and Wu Linger finally found that the real painting was actually in Duffer's hands, and Duffer. Thinking that Wu Linger really stole the words of the Louvre to call the police to threaten her...

After hearing these things, Michelle's face turned pale: "Sure enough! I'm still wondering why Ling Er and Coffee would say that! Now I know! All right, you can go down!"

Originally, the housekeeper still had something to report, but after seeing Michelle's face, he immediately saluted and withdrew. For such a man, he would die. There is no need to let him disturb the noble prince's heart again!

At noon the next day, Wu Linger received Michelle's invitation. Wu Linger looked at the old blood housekeeper confusedly: "Didn't you sleep during the day?"

The old housekeeper politely saluted Wu Linger: "For high-level blood clans, there is no big difference between sleeping or day and night!" His Royal Highness invited you to lunch because of the consideration of your health! After all, eating in the evening is too much of a burden on your body!"

Hearing the old housekeeper explain this, Wu Linger nodded with a smile: "I know! Then... I'll change my clothes and go there! Please go back and reply to Your Highness first, and I'll come later!"