Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 167 Can you be normal?

Chapter Sixty-seven Can You Be Normal?

Thinking about this, Xiaohua sat up, went to the bathroom to take a shower and changed her clothes. Then she sat by the bedside and watched Wu Linger roll in ** without a good image. He didn't understand. If she turned around like this, she could also sleep so soundly. Isn't she tired? Is sleeping really a rest for her?

However, after looking at it for a long time, Xiaohua suddenly found something. Wu Linger's witch power was strangely absorbed by the bracelet in her hand, so that now she has no witch power outside her body. I didn't find it when I slept with Wu Linger, or I didn't pay attention to Wu Linger as quietly as I did today, so I didn't find it.

Looking at the white light of the bracelet on Wu Linger'er's wrist, Xiaohua bit her lower lip and thought, "Is this the reason why Linger has no energy when she got up recently?" Suddenly, Xiaohua had an impulse to grab the bracelet and throw it away.

At this moment, Brother Win suddenly appeared in the room. After seeing Xiaohua's expression, he understood his thoughts: "It has nothing to do with the bracelet! It's another reason!" After saying that, he went over and covered the quilt for Wu Linger and said to Xiaohua, "Ling'er's body is very strange. In addition to Wu Li, there seem to be two other forces. One is innate aura, which is probably related to Li Tianyou's cultivation, but I don't know what the other force is, and... pull me back. And it is this force that supports my current body.

Xiaohua immediately understood what Brother Win meant: "So, this is also the reason why you haven't accompanied your mother recently?"

Brother Ying nodded and said, "It's okay during the day. At night, if you are too close to her, the power in her body will automatically flow to me. And the next day, she will be in poor spirits! So... now I have to stay away from her!"

"What? It's not as bad as you said. Just let me go back to sleep!" Wu Linger, who had been sleeping on her stomach, opened her eyes with a smile: "It's not news that I got up early and was not in good spirits! Just let me sleep with my natural spirit! I think you win, brother, you think too much!"

Brother Win didn't expect that Wu Linger had woken up, let alone that Wu Linger had known about this long ago: "You..."

"I've already said that I'm not stupid, but you just treat me as a fool! Do you know now?" Wu Linger sat up with a quilt in her arms with a smile, but as soon as she sat up, she immediately shivered: "It's so cold!!"

With a low curse, Brother Ying walked over and sat in ** and hugged Wu Linger: "How dare you sit up like this for fear of cold? What is not an idiot?

"You are an idiot! What a big deal? How can it make you nervous like this! It's just that I'm not in good spirits, and I'm not dead. I'm angry when I see you avoiding me every day!" After saying that, Wu Linger punched Brother Ying fiercely as if he was angry: "The witch pet was originally born by the master's magic power, but now it has been replaced by other energy. What's the big deal? You are too exaggerated, aren't you?

Seeing Wu Linger's expression of nothing, Brother Win has a headache: "idiot woman, absorbing your energy too much will make you..."

Will it reduce my life expectancy? But without my energy support, how long can you hold on? Do you know how sad I was when you had an accident last time? You saw it with your own eyes! Do you think it's better for me to live a happy life with you, or do you think about missing a close friend around me and live sadly for a few more years? Maybe I couldn't live more in those years, and I died sadly!" After saying that, Wu Linger also made an exaggerated death move, which made Brother Ying hit her head fiercely angrily: "Woman, can you be normal?"

Wu Linger held her head and flattened her mouth and looked at Brother Ying and Xiaohua seriously and said, "What I'm telling the truth! Whether it's Brother Win, Jizai, Xiaohua, or coffee, if you spend a few years of my life with me all the time, I will never regret it. I... don't want to be alone anymore!" Speaking of this, Wu Linger lowered her head gently: "I know this may be a little selfish, but I really think so!"

Seeing that Wu Linger was sad, Xiaohua quickly sat down by the bed and held her hand: "Linger, don't worry, no matter what happens, I will always be with you! Absolutely!" After saying that, he stretched out his little finger to Wu Linger: "Remember? We agreed!"

Remembering that agreement, Wu Linger suddenly smiled: "Well, it was agreed! Everyone will always be with me in the future!!"

It was dinner the next day when she got off the train and came to the town. Michelle looked at the quiet town. Somehow, her heart was like going back to five years ago.

Seeing that the prince stood at the exit of the station and had not moved for a long time, the young housekeeper Blanco gently reminded him: "Your Highness, do we need to find a hotel to rest?"

Michelle thought for a moment and nodded and said, "The hotel Ling Er mentioned seems to be good, just that one!" You go to book a room first. I'll walk alone!"

"Yes!" After receiving the prince's order, Branco had to leave quickly.

Slowly, walking alone in this quiet town, Michelle saw the crystal glass store mentioned by Wu Linger and the jewelry store in Blanco's report: "If you continue to walk along this road, you should be able to get to his house, right?" Thinking like this, Michelle's footsteps stopped. Even if she got here, she didn't know what she wanted to do.

Save Jeremy Dover? Is such a man worth saving? So let him die like this? Thinking of the smiling man who stretched out his hand at the beginning, Michelle felt a little reluctant: "What should I do?"

Just when Michelle was in a dilemma, her mobile phone suddenly rang. Michelle looked at the caller ID and connected the phone: "Ling Er?!"

"Michelle, have you arrived in town?" Wu Linger's voice on the phone seemed a little anxious.

Michelle nodded gently: "Well, I'm here!"

"Go to Duffer's house! I just received a call from Brother Qin, saying that the time is up and he is going to take action! If you want to save him, hurry up..." Before Wu Linger's words were finished, Michelle hung up the phone and ran quickly to Duffer's house. At this moment, she even forgot that she was a vampire prince and had the ability to teleport.

I saw a familiar figure appear in front of a house from afar. It seemed that Duffer had just returned from outside and was ready to open the door and enter the house.

"Bum!" With a sound, Michelle didn't even have time to ask Jeremy to dodge. She saw his body shake violently and slowly fell down with his hand covering his chest: "No!! Jeremy!!" Michelle screamed and rushed over, hugged the man who fell to the ground, and watched the blood keep pouring out of his fingers. Michelle's tears fell down. She pressed Duffer's hand and cried, "For God's sake, no!" Don't die!!"

Duffer, who covered his chest and endured the severe pain, heard the familiar voice. He reluctantly opened his eyes and saw who was Michelle, who had been dreaming about for five years: "Michelle? How is that possible?"


This week's update is very normal. Why are there so few clicks? So sad~~~

Roll and cry~~~~