Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 106 Roses

Chapter 106 Roses


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Although she knew that Wu Linger was influenced by Wu Xiaoxuan and had no resistance to the little boy of the Zhengtai department, Xiaohua was also very unhappy to see her praising other little boys in front of her: "Then do you want me to grow back?"

Looking at Xiaohua, Wu Linger still shook her head: "No, Xiaohua, that's good! You are different from Lauren. You are my family and my dearest son!!" After saying that, she reached out and pulled Xiaohua and forced him to sit next to her: "I said, are you jealous? Looking at your expression, it's like a puppy that is going to be abandoned by its owner. I just praised the child a few words. You won't be like this, right?

With Wu Linger's smile, Xiaohua's little face was immediately stained with a layer of pink: "How can I be jealous?! You think too much, don't you?

Seeing Xiaohua's shyness, Wu Linger couldn't help laughing happily and kissing Xiaohua: "Sure enough, my Xiaohua is the cutest! No one can compare with you!"

After playing for a long time, Wu Linger finally returned to the classroom full of energy. Seeing her appearance, everyone was finally relieved. Wu Linger turned her head and looked at Garcia: "Gassia, can you take me to the palace after school? I have been in Mali Aceh for a month, and I only went to the palace for dinner on the first night. I haven't seen what Mali Aceh's palace is like!"

Hearing Wu Linger's words, I knew that she wanted to find out how the necklace was lost. Garcia nodded: "Just in time, at noon, my parents called and said they wanted to invite you to have dinner with Xiaohua in the evening!"

"That's a coincidence!" Wu Linger smiled and lay down on the table again. Unlike in the morning, her hand was tapping on the table. After a while, she suddenly sat up and poked Casal sitting in the front row with a pen: "Help me check if there is a little boy named Lauren Luo in your school!"

Casal was stunned for a moment. When he was about to adjust the information, Kiel put down the mirror in his hand and looked at Wu Linger: "Lauren? How did you know that guy?"

"Is there really this person?" Wu Linger looked at Kiel strangely. Kier nodded and pointed to his head: "Here is the list and information of all the people in the school. That guy is only in the third year of junior high school, right? He is not in good health, is always absent, and his attendance rate is low. Few people know his existence. However, he is three-quarters of Chinese descent, so he has a Chinese name, which seems to be Luo Zhili. He is small and a little arrogant. His motor nerves are too good, but he is not in good health. He just came back from an operation abroad some time ago. He is really a very nerve-wracking guy. How did you know him?

"I met in the health room! He came to school today, but it seems that he went to the health room to lie down again because he was not feeling well. Strangely, the housekeeper was not with him, and there was no bodyguard nearby. Wu Linger frowned and thought, "Even if he is capricious, are the housekeepers and bodyguards too casual?"

Cassar puzzledly put the computer next to Wu Linger: "You don't seem to be interested in people other than handsome men, do you? Why do you care so much about this person? Is it possible that little boys are also one of your goals?

Wu Linger pointed to Xiaohua with a smile and said, "A cute Xiao Zhengtai like Xiaohua is also my favorite type!" However, Wu Linger was stunned after seeing the photo on the computer: "Is this Lauren?"

Cassar nodded: "Well, he's right. Is there a problem?"

Wu Linger took a look at Brother Ying and found that Brother Ying also nodded gently. Wu Linger suddenly fell into the sofa in frustration: "It's a shame! Everyone came to the door, but I didn't notice it at all. I gave him a lollipop! Although it is not the time to abduct children with lollipops, that's my last lollipop!!"

In the end, what Wu Linger cared about was the lollipop. Brother Win couldn't wait to escape when he heard her words. Xiaohua also realized that something was wrong. He quickly asked, "Ling Er, the person you saw at noon is not Lauren?"

Wu Linger nodded and turned Cassar's computer to Xiaohua: "What do you think he looks cute and looks like a Chihuahua? Liar! They are all liars!! I hate it when people lie to me with handsome men!! Unforgivable!!"

Seeing the ordinary appearance of the photo in the computer, Xiaohua shook her head: "Do you expect this kind of * photo to make others beautiful? Think about your ID card!"

"By the way, Lauren is indeed cute, so my mother likes him very much. He is much better than us!" Kiel picked up and stayed in the sea and said, "However, it's a little strange that he is still so small in the third year of junior high school!"

Wu Linger was stunned for a moment, looked at the photo carefully, and felt a little like it. After being made like this, she was a little dizzy: "Brother Win, come and take a look for me!"

Brother Win sat in the coffee seat and did not move: "What does it matter? If he no longer appears beside you, it doesn't make any sense. If he still appears in front of you, just see if he is really Lauren!" What's wrong with Wu Linger? Unexpectedly, she is entangled here for a person who has only met once. Although... it is very in line with her nymphomaniac character, now is not the time to struggle with these, is it?

Wu Linger pouted dissatisfiedly and finally said nothing more. She just lay on the table and looked at the photo in the computer, as if she was entangled with something. Her behavior made Casal a little embarrassed: "Linger, can you return the computer to me? I'm still useful!"

Wu Linger nodded dissatisfiedly: "Return it to you!"

"Ling Er, are you talking about this person?" Xiaohua suddenly took a person from the surveillance video. Wu Linger took a look and nodded: "That's him, Lauren! It was him who met in the infirmary today.

Kill walked over and took a look and said, "It seems that this guy is right. I haven't seen him for a while, but he is more handsome!" But it's still the same baby face as before! Don't say, it really doesn't look like that photo at all!"

"Is it really him?" After hearing Kiel's words, Wu Linger was a little discouraged. Kiel nodded: "I don't think it's wrong. I've seen the housekeepers and bodyguards around him. They won't even make a mistake with their masters, will they?

Wu Linger thought so: "That's what I thought wrong! Or, it's not him, but since this morning, there seems to be a feeling of being peeped around me, which makes me very uncomfortable!"

At this time, Brother Win understood why Wu Linger had been struggling with whether the person she met in the morning was Lauren or not, but... Why didn't he feel the feeling of being peeped at? Thinking of this, Brother Win couldn't help frown gently: "Why don't you tell me about this feeling?"

Wu Linger shook her head: "I'm not sure, at least that feeling was uncertain in the morning. It was not until Xiaohua came that it disappeared, so I was wondering if the person who attacked us yesterday was using some kind of plant to spy on me." After saying that, she smiled at Brother Win: "You know, I've been more ** in this aspect since I was a child, so it's normal for you not to feel it!"

After Wu Linger said this, Xiaohua began to carefully recall the scene of seeing Wu Linger at noon. After thinking for a while, Xiaohua's face turned white: "Rose!"


The rose at the head of the bed is Oance, a very delicate rose. It can't be cultivated in such a hot place!" Xiaohua stood up and said, "I'll go to the health room to have a look!"

Wu Linger quickly wink at Ji Zai, who quickly ran out with Xiaohua. The whole classroom looked particularly quiet because of Wu Linger and Xiaohua. Everyone stopped what was in their hands and looked at Wu Linger.

Wu Linger squeezed her lower lip and looked at Garcia: "Maybe I'm wrong! Garcia, I..."

"Not sure yet, is it?" Garcia recognized the meaning of Wu Linger's words and stood up: "Maybe not?"

"What if it is? Do you want the whole class or the whole school to take risks? Wu Linger sighed and stood up: "I'm sorry, I don't want to involve everyone because of my business! Today... should be my last day in G!" After saying that, she looked at the students with different looks: "Thank you for taking care of me this month!" After saying that, she began to pack her things. On the other hand, Brother Ying also began to pack up Xiaohua's things. After Xiaohua comes back, no matter what the result is, they will leave the school.