Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 11 Guqin Screen Snow

Chapter 11 Guqin Screen Snow

Hearing the old man say this, Zhu Xi didn't care whether she knew anyone outside and didn't know him. She closed the door directly and made a joke. If she asked Wu Linger to play the piano, it would be enough to be ashamed of their group of acquaintances. Outsiders should save it!

After Wu Linger entered the room, her eyes were attracted by the piano on the piano table: the three-foot and six-inch sycamore bowed slightly and glued with the same color of Zimu. Seven silver strings pass through the dew, cross Yueshan, fly to the dragon gir, extend, and wrap around the goose feet...

Seeing Wu Linger's appearance, the old man pushed her hand with a smile: "Try it!"

"Can I have a try?" Xiaohua suddenly stood in front of the old man: "Although it's a little presumptuous, but... I really want to play this piano!"

Seeing Xiaohua's slightly excited expression, the old man was stunned: "You are..."

"I'm Ling Er's younger brother, and my nickname is Xiaohua! Although the request is a little rude, please let me play a song?" The eager expression on Xiaohua's face was something that Wu Linger and others had never seen before. Seeing him like this, Wu Linger couldn't help but be a little worried: "Xiaohua, are you all right?"

Xiaohua looked at this piano: "This piano...is it the piano of the Tang Dynasty. Although the piano is not engraved. But if I remember correctly, the name of the piano is Ping Xue!" After saying that, he went to the piano and gently plucked the strings with his index finger: "The piano was played by a woman before, so the sound of the piano was slightly soft." Speaking of this, Xiaohua looked up and smiled at the old man: "Mr. Zhang really agrees with Linger, so he chose this piano to play for her!" It's just... In fact, this piano is also suitable for playing martial arts music in addition to Wenqu, which should be something Mr. Zhang doesn't know, right?

Xiaohua's appearance made Wu Linger gently grab Brother Win's hand: "Xiaohua...is he all right?"

Brother Ying also had worries in his eyes: "It should... be all right!"

After seeing the old man nodded, Xiaohua sat on the piano stool: "I haven't played the piano for a long time. If you don't play well, please forgive me!"

After taking a deep breath, Xiaohua's hand gently landed on the seven silver rainbows. It was a pair of hands that seemed to be born to play the piano. The fingers were slightly longer than ordinary people, but they were still round. Ten pink nails, like five transparent petals, are small and round. There is a faint haze under the bright light of the room, and the lines and pores are diluted in the light and shadow, shaping them into a pair of delicate and transparent white porcelain. Just seeing these hands on the strings, the old man thought that this piano... should belong to the little flower.

A series of overtones sounded in the piano room, which was the beginning of the ancient song "Gull and Heron Forgetting Machine". The sound of the piano was waved from Xiaohua's hand and was already a flowing sound. It's like a clear spring in a mountain stream, with drizzling and gurgling. Submerged with all the annoyance and noise, in the atmosphere of autumn water, the vast and clear sky is indifferent...

Listening to the sound of the piano, people only felt empty in their minds, as if they could forget all the troubles around them, just like coming to the seaside, feeling the sea breeze gently brushing their faces and seeing seabirds passing through the blue sky...

Compared with the people who were intoxicated in the piano music, Luo Zhili, who sat at the outside, was shocked after hearing the sound of Xiaohua's piano. The memory of China once reappeared in his mind. After hundreds of years of demon cultivation, he finally had his own consciousness, but he drifted far away from his hometown. After so many things Love has finally become what it is now.

Looking at Xiaohua stroking the strings, although Luo Zhili's face was still smiling, his eyes were as cold as a pool that could not be seen to the end: "Xiaohua, you know? I don't have any feelings about Wu Linger. I don't care who she is or what will happen. What I hate is why, as a plant on the land of China, you can always stay in this land to grow up peacefully, and finally become a humanoid and let everyone be spoiled in their hands, but I was sent to a foreign country. After so much unhuman torture, I returned to this former homeland. No one can get out of me now, right? Rose? Kao? Is this my current name? Then I'll see what will happen to you, the king of flowers in the end!"

After the song, the old man applauded gently: "Is it Xiaohua? This piano is for you! I believe you will cherish her!"

The little flower hand gently rubbed the piano face and looked up at the old man: "Is it okay?"

"Well, he belongs to you!" The old man nodded with a smile. Xiaohua stood up and said, "Thank you!" This multi-million-dollar guqin simply changed its owner, but in their eyes, it seemed to be giving each other the most ordinary gift.

There was such a performance as Xiaohua, but the old man did not let Wu Linger play, which also made Wu Linger breathe a sigh of relief. However, the old man did not intend to let everyone out like this. He sat in a chair and looked at the people in the room: "Xiaoxi, bringing them here today is not just the reason you said, is it?"

Zhu Qian smiled and said, "I can't help it. Grandpa Zhang, you also saw it. Now Luo Chaocang and others hate Ling Er very much! Without borrowing your prestige, I'm afraid that Linger can't stay in F City in the future!"

"Isn't it okay to care about the Luo family?"

After hearing the old man say this, Wu Linger was stunned: "I'm sorry, I can't do that!"

"Ling Er, Mr. Zhang is right..."

"Zhi Li, shut up!" After Wu Linger spoke loudly to Luo Zhili for the first time and made him shut up, Wu Linger looked at the old man: "I can't see a child under 16 being bullied, and all he wants to do is to fulfill his only family's wish! Must the mistakes of the previous generation be shouldered by the next generation? Do so-called noble people have to do those low-level things? If so, I would rather help Zhili finish these things and leave City F!"

Facing such a Wu Linger, the old man just smiled faintly: "Is this your persistence?"


"I won't interfere in the affairs of the Luo family!" When the old man said this, he kept staring at Wu Linger, but he didn't find a trace of disappointment in her eyes, so he continued with satisfaction: "But if the Luo family want to do something bad, I won't make them too messy!" After saying that, he looked at Zhu Xi and said, "Wo girl, how about my promise?"

Zhu Qian stood up with a smile: "I'll thank Grandpa Zhang first!"

The old man also stood up and said to Wu Linger, "Follow the girl and call me Grandpa Zhang in the future!"

Wu Linger was stunned and smiled. She stood up and saluted the old man: "Grandpa Zhang! Thank you!"

"You girl, your temper is more stubborn than Xiao Qian! But you're right. Nowadays, more and more so-called noble people are doing low-level things. If you can't learn to be patient, it will be more difficult in the future. Doesn't it matter? Looking at Wu Linger, the old man put the pecan in his hand into Wu Linger's hand with a smile: "This should be regarded as a gift!"

Looking at the pecans in her hand that have been polished like agate, Wu Linger was a little embarrassed: "This gift..."

"Linger, take it! There are so many such baby Grandpa Zhang that he doesn't care about this!" Zhu Xi rudely pressed Wu Linger's hand and forced her to accept it. Wu Linger, who didn't know, was stupidly taken out of the piano room by Zhu Xi.

However, after seeing the expression of everyone staring at the pecan in her hand, Wu Linger understood one thing. She turned around and smiled gratefully at the old man. Now with the support of the single family, the Zhu family and Zhang Lao, Wu Linger did not believe that the Luo family dared to touch her, but in this way, she already owed three people a very heavy share. Human kindness.

Knowing what Wu Linger was thinking, Brother Win patted her on the shoulder: "Don't think too much. Now the most important thing is to go to the Luo family's house after dealing with these things. Only there can you be temporarily safe! At least until your witch power recovers, otherwise you will get sick like the night before, how can you protect others?!"

After hearing Brother Win's words, Wu Linger sighed: "Brother Win, I'm so tired! When will such a day come to an end?"

"It should be all right after taking back the spiritual beads from the witch! If it really doesn't work, go to Switzerland and live with your uncle!" There is no way. If it goes on like this, Brother Ying doesn't know when Wu Linger will fall. On the surface, he is very calm. In fact, he is more anxious than anyone else, but now he is the backbone of this family. If he panics, everyone will be in chaos.