Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 60 Up the Mountain

Chapter 60 up the mountain


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Seeing Xiaohua admit her mistake, Wu Linger let go of him: "I'd rather be arrogant than your poisonous tongue! There are already two stinky mouths around me. If there is one more of you, I must go crazy!!"

After being said by Wu Linger, Xiaohua nodded obediently: "I know, I won't talk nonsense in the future!"

"That's good!!" Wu Linger hugged Xiaohua with a smile: "My favorite thing at home is Xiaohua. Xiaohua can't learn bad! And you two, let's set some good examples for Xiaohua in the future! I always tell me not to bring bad children. I think it's true that you don't take bad children!!"

In the face of such Wu Linger, Brother Ying was quite speechless: "Go and change your clothes! I will let others see our clothes, and all of them will be worn!" Hearing Brother Win's words, everyone hurried back to his room to change their clothes, and then returned them to Xiaolong. Xiaolong said to everyone after collecting his clothes, "Then... I'll go back first!" If anything happens, call me again!"

Miss Zhu! Are you there?" Luo Chaocang knocked hard outside the door, and Wu Linger wink at the mung beans. Mung beans walked over and stood behind the door: "What can I do for you?" At the same time, Xiaolong has slipped out of the back door quickly. At this time, the mung bean opened the door of the courtyard: "Ah, it's Mr. Luo! What can I do for you?"


Before Luo Chaocang finished his words, Zhu Xi interrupted him impatiently: "Didn't I say that we were having a PARTY and not to disturb us?"

Seeing Zhu Xi's impatient appearance, Luo Chaocang's face showed an embarrassed expression: "Because... just now, there was news from the mountain that three members of the forest protection team who went out to find people came back. In addition to the remaining two people in the previous team, a new member was missing. Now everyone is so scared that they don't dare to go up the mountain!"

Hearing Luo Chaocang say this, Wu Linger rushed over anxiously: "What about now? Is there anyone else on the mountain?

Luo Chaocang nodded: "The families of the missing forest rangers were worried about their safety because they saw everyone come back. Several people have gone up the mountain despite everyone's dissuasion. Because Miss Zhu said before that anything that happens on the mountain will tell you quickly, that's why I..."

"Aha, don't mind. Xiaoqian just lost three games in the game, so she was in a bad mood. You just hit the muzzle!" Wu Linger hit haha.

Brother Ying looked at Luo Chaocang: "Have you given up those villagers like this? And those villagers who go up the mountain to look for their relatives, aren't you going to send people to protect them?

"Now under such circumstances, no one in the village wants to go up the mountain! Although someone was sent to persuade them not to go up the mountain, they couldn't listen and asked someone to go up the mountain to protect them, but no one was willing to. We are also helpless now!" Speaking of this, Luo Chaocang also had a helpless expression.

After thinking about it, Wu Linger turned her head and looked at Brother Win: "Let's go up the mountain together!!"

"Do you want to get into trouble again?" Brother Win looked at Wu Linger with some dissatisfaction, but turned around and walked to the room. Xiaohua also smiled and mung bean and said, "Let's pack up together!"

Looking at Luo Chaocang's stunned expression, Wu Linger smiled and said, "So, could you please prepare some food for us? In case you find someone on the mountain, you may not have time to prepare food.

"No problem, I'll go right away! Just Miss Zhu, do you want to come with me? If..."

"If something happens to my Ling'er, it's definitely more serious than what happened to me. You'd better remember this sentence!!" After saying that, Zhu Xi went back to her room unhappily. She can't intervene in the next thing, so can she, and so can Luo Zhili.

Sure enough, after a while, Wu Linger came to Zhu Xi's room: "Xiaoxi..."

Zhu Xi sat in front of the window and looked out of the window: "Have you packed everything?"


"Come back early! Otherwise, if I'm bored and tear down this village, you won't have anything to eat when you come back!"

After hearing Zhu Xi's words, Wu Linger was finally relieved: "Zhi Li, please take care of her!"

Zhu Qian turned around and looked at Wu Linger: "Do you remember what I said to you when I came to your house?"

Wu Linger nodded with a smile: "Remember! Therefore, Xiaoxi, you should also protect yourself! No matter what happens, your safety comes first!"

Seeing that Wu Linger still remembered what she said, Zhu Qian was relieved: "Don't worry, I'm a cockroach. I won't die when 2012 comes!"

"Yes, you are the prince. When 2012 comes, you can go to Noah's Ark, so you won't die!" After saying that, Wu Linger scraped Zhu Xi's nose with a smile: "Be good at home and wait for me to come back!" Don't run around or cause trouble! Do you hear me? Otherwise, I will divorce you!"

"I'll lend you ten guts to see if you dare!" Zhu Qian smiled and pushed Wu Linger out of the door: "Go while it's still early!"

Wu Linger nodded with a smile: "I'm leaving! Zhili, help me take good care of Xiaoxi!"

Luo Zhili nodded and promised, "Don't worry, I will take good care of Miss Zhu!"

When walking through the village with her bag on her back, everyone heard the villagers' guidance, some doubts, disdain, and curses, but Wu Linger didn't pay attention to it. However, when she walked to the entrance of the village, she saw Xiaolong also carrying a bag in a simple dress, as if she had been waiting for them for a long time: "You want Where are you going?"

"You need a guide to go up the mountain, and without me, you won't know anyone even if you find someone, right?" Xiaolong smiled faintly and closes his forehead blown by the wind: "How can you villagers go up the mountain for the sake of our village people without accompanying you? This kind of rude thing will not be done by the people of Luojia Village!"

Looking at her slightly tender face when she was only about 20 years old, Wu Linger finally smiled: "Let's go together!!"

Xiaolong tightened his tight bag: "Without those two people, everyone's speed should be much faster! Try to get to the cabin where the forest rangers rest before dark! Otherwise, it will be troublesome after dark!"


As Xiaolong said, without Zhu Xi and Luo Zhili, everyone's speed was more than twice as fast as before. Even Xiaolong was a little surprised by this speed: "It's okay for them. At first glance, they are not ordinary people. Why is Ling Er so strong?"

Wu Linger walked forward and said, "Don't look at me, it turns out that I am often thrown into the barren mountains to play survival training!" It's just that I haven't run to these places for a long time, and my body is a little strange. After walking for an afternoon today, the feeling of my body slowly came back, so the speed kept up!"

Xiaolong looked up and down at Wu Linger: "You look very thin, but I didn't expect your physical strength to be good! In this case, for more than an hour, when it's dark, we can go to the cabin of the forest protection team! I hope everyone will be there at night. Don't run out alone to find someone. This kind of mountain is very dangerous at night!"