Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 29 Wu Linger's Wail

Chapter 29 Wu Linger's howl

At this time, Brother Win had taken his spirit back to his humanoid body. After seeing Wu Linger come out, he said angrily, "I thought you drowned in the bathtub."

Wu Linger stared at Brother Win with dissatisfaction, and then walked to the other end of the corridor, but she didn't want her scalp to hurt and let her say, "Ji Zai, what are you doing?"

"What do you want to do! Run to see the witch building with this wet hair? Are you going to tell Wu Lou blatantly that you went to the back mountain for a night tour at night? Grabbing Wu Linger's towel wrapped in her hair, Ji Zai looked at her with an idiotic look, but there was a red light in his hand, and then he pulled off the towel. At this time, Wu Linger's hair was already dry and refreshing, and she couldn't see that she had just washed her hair.

Wu Linger, who found this, looked at Ji Zai with a smile: "Ji Zai, can you not be so awkward?" Well, I'm all back. Go to bed! It will be all right here!"

Ji Zi glanced at Wu Linger: "Idiot is worried about you! I was just worried about Xiaohua, so I didn't sleep! I don't care about you!" After saying that, he walked to his room. Wu Linger made a grimace at Ji Zai's back before pushing open the door of the little flower.

Outside, Wu Lou was sitting in a bamboo chair. A cup of tea in his hand had been cold for a long time, but there was no sign of movement. In the inside, Xiaohua was still by the bed, but Wu Mei's face was much relieved. Wu Linger, who found this, sighed gently and told the mung bean standing at the door, "Mung beans, go and make a pot of hot again. Come here for tea, and then bring some snacks!"

The mung bean saluted respectfully and left. Wu Linger sat next to the witch building and pulled away the cold teacup in her hand: "Don't worry, everything will be fine!"

"If I find out who did it, I must..."

Wu Linger shook her head gently: "I'll give you a suggestion, you'd better not check it! Also, you don't know what happened in the back mountain tonight! In this way, you will be safer!"

Wu Lou looked up at Wu Linger: "What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean better than anyone else! Maybe I should apologize to you, not because of my words, Meier won't suffer like this! I'm sorry!"

Looking at Wu Linger, who apologized so seriously, Wu Lou was discouraged: "Really, I wanted to beat you up when you came back. How can you be so honest with me?"

Wu Linger smiled faintly: "If you really want to beat me, when Meier gets better tomorrow, go outside and beat me up. I promise not to fight back!"

Wu Lou was stunned for a moment and immediately understood what Wu Linger meant: "You are pushing yourself to a more dangerous place!"

"But, at least, you and Meier can be safe! I don't like innocent people suffering because of me!" After saying that, Wu Linger stood up and said, "The mung beans will bring you hot tea and snacks later. Take care of yourself, otherwise who will protect the law of the witches and who will protect Meier?

When Wu Lou saw that Wu Linger was about to leave, he stopped her: "Tomor, after Meier is out of danger, I will beat you!"


"However, if anyone dares to violate the law of the clan and take action against you, I will not let it go! This is my rule as a minister of torture!" After seeing Wu Linger's dissatisfied expression, Wu Lou also smiled: "Don't worry, I won't protect you as blatantly as during the day! It should be better to have someone to help secretly than to stand on your side!"

Wu Linger's words stunned. Wu Lou's words meant that she chose to stand on her side, but what she was going to do... Thinking of this, Wu Linger shook her head: "This is not a wise move!"

"I know that you must have some plans when you come to the witches, but even I don't like the current witches! If it were you, you might be able to change such a witch! If this can be done, even if the witch suffers some losses, I think it's worth it!" After saying that, Wu Lou looked at the ** Wu Mei: "If you don't think you can stand it anymore, please help me change such a witch together!"

Wu Linger scratched her head painfully: "Such a complicated thing is not suitable for a person like me who has a simple mind and turns his body faster than his brain!" After saying that, she looked at Wu Lou: "Don't place your hopes on others at any time. Only by working hard can you move towards your dream! I don't know where I will go, but whether it's outside or in the witch clan, I will do what I think is right and should do! As for how many people can be changed, I don't know, but I will try my best!"

After receiving such a promise from Wu Linger, Wu Lou smiled at her and threw a medicine bottle: "I guess I will beat you badly tomorrow. Remember to eat this later. One is enough. Anything else, it will save your life!"

Wu Linger took the medicine bottle by the way: "Am I asking for pain!" After saying that, she smiled at the witch building and turned around and left the room.

Brother Ying, who had been standing behind Wu Linger, looked at the witch building in the same place for a long time. He had to see the witch building and promised, "Don't worry, after all, she will be the future saint of our witch clan. Even if she is angry, I will not fight in a fatal place. It is estimated that serious injuries are inevitable, but I promise I will not stay behind. Resis, that medicine can speed up her recovery, and it will be cured in five or six days at most, which can just make her stay in the house obediently and not go out to cause trouble, right?

After getting Wu Lou's promise, Brother Win left the room in silence. Seeing such a winning brother, Wu Lou shook his head with a smile, and more agreed in his heart that Wu Linger and his group of people were fundamentally different from the witch people.

When she returned to the room, Wu Linger found that the bathtub and so on had disappeared, and the room had become dry and refreshing. Needless to say, she could guess who did it! Wu Linger smiled faintly, closed the door and sat by the bed.

"Are you so obediently waiting to be beaten tomorrow?" Little Green sat on the window sill and seemed to be a little angry.

Wu Linger looked at the little green and fell helplessly **: "You think I'm willing. I'm not a sadist! This... may be the only way to get Wu Lou and Meier to get rid of my relationship! I don't want to involve unrelated people!" The unexpected gain of doing this is to let Wu Lou really stand on his side, which is also a good thing!

Little Green stared at Wu Linger angrily: "I think there is another reason, right? Wu He is so precious, this little girl named Wu Mei, so do you also want her to withdraw from this battle?

Wu Linger nodded: "This is also one reason! Forget it, let's not talk about it! I'm going to bed! I have to be beaten when I get up tomorrow morning! Why can't you act? I'm so pitiful!! 5555555......”

When the shocking cry spread from the bamboo house again and echoed in the witch world, everyone couldn't help but be depressed. What kind of magic skills does this future saint cultivate? Why is her voice so lethal?

Wu Ming, who was lying in ** and rewraped the wound, couldn't help crying and laughing when he heard this cry: "What's wrong with this girl? Can't she be quiet? It's really unheartening!"

Wu Man cleaned up the bloody cloth on the table and turned to look at him after hearing Wu Ming's words: "You'd better take care of yourself first!" What else do you think you can do with your current appearance?

Seeing Wu Man's appearance, Wu Ming smiled and said, "You boy, you are finally back! This looks much more pleasing to the eye!"

"Don't think you say that, I will help you protect that woman!" Protect the people you identify yourself!" After staring at Wu Ming fiercely, Wu Man turned around to go out, but heard the movement behind him. When he turned around, he saw Wu Ming sitting up with the wound covering his waist: "Are you crazy?! Do you know how heavy my injury is? Don't think you can..."

After taking a deep breath, Wu Ming reached out to stop Wu Man's words: "It's okay. Now that the wound is wrapped, it doesn't matter if I'm careful!" I still don't trust her. I'll just go to her place tonight. At least she's injured. She won't sweep me out!" After saying that, he stood up by pressing the wound, but this action made him feel a dense layer of sweat on his forehead.

Seeing Wu Ming like this, Wu Man was so angry that she smashed the things in her hand to the ground: "If you want to die, just say it directly. I'm happy to fulfill you!" It happens that no one occupies the position of the first war witch, and I can take it naturally! Who are those two guys today? I don't believe you didn't find out. If you were injured like this, you can only say that you are lucky! I don't know why you died again!"