Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 107 Witch's Close Servant

Chapter 107 Witch's Close Servant

Inside the gate is a large playground, looking at all kinds of weapons around the playground. It seems that this is a place where the members of the bodyguards usually practice. Wu Shu directly took Wu Linger into a very simple but very neat house, gently put her on a soft collapse, and took off his coat to cover her body: "You are obviously not well, and you have to run around. Won't you take care of yourself a little?"

Wu Linger made a grimace at the Witch Tree, but did not explain anything to herself. Instead, Wu Yue said, "Ling Er heard about the close guard and knew that you had been with her mother, so she wanted to come to see you." As soon as this sentence was said, the members of the close guard had more or less moved expressions on their faces.

Seeing everyone become like this, Wu Linger winked at them: "Don't listen to Aunt Yue's nonsense. I just want to see what the handsome men who guard me look like in the future! You must have heard of it. I like handsome men and beautiful women the most!"

Wu Shu stretched out his hand and patted Wu Linger's head: "You, you're starting to run the train again!" Your awkward personality is just like your mother!"

"The tea is coming, and the bamboo fruit behind the house is just ripe. I picked some by the way!" The man named Wu Qing came over with a pot of hot tea and a few verdant fruits and put them on the small table in front of the soft couch: "Hello, my name is Wu Qing!"

"Wu Qing?" Wu Linger couldn't help laughing at the bruises on Wu Qing's face: "You won't be often bullied by everyone, will you? No wonder you have to make tea! Tree, you can't bully children like this!"

Children? Hearing this name makes Wu Qing more depressed than hearing himself "Wuqing": "My age, when you..."

Before Wu Qing finished his words, a tall handsome man with long hair had slapped him on the head fiercely: "No big or small! What do you want to say? Miss Ling'er is polite. Do you really think you are her elder?

rubbing the patted head, Wu Qing stood behind with an aggrieved face: "That's right, I didn't..."

Another thick and handsome man hooked Wu Qing's neck: "Little 'Wuqing', let's go out and continue the practice just now! Didn't you say that you still don't understand the witch attack? Let me teach you!!"

"Ah, I don't want%...@¥......&#%..." Wu Qing's protest disappeared because his mouth was covered by his companions, and he was also dragged out of the room by his companions.

Wu Shu looked at Wu Linger and smiled shyly: "Linger, I'm sorry to let you see such a rude picture! Don't worry, I will teach him in person so that he won't make that mistake again!"

Compared with everyone's panic, Wu Linger looked outside with a smile: "What I'm curious about now is whether he will really become a 'black blue' and run in!"

Wu Linger's words immediately made the tense atmosphere disappear. This relaxed atmosphere reminded everyone of the time they spent with Wu Xiaoxian. So far, they have really agreed from their hearts that Wu Linger is Wu Xiaoxian's daughter and the person they are about to protect.

Feering the change in everyone's attitude, Wu Yue sat up with a smile and said, "I have something else to do. I won't accompany you!" Tree, please send Linger back later!"

Wu Shu nodded: "Don't worry, I will take good care of Ling'er!"

After Wuyue left, everyone's expressions relaxed a lot: "Miss Linger, you..."

"Don't, don't, there's a girl at home who calls me a young lady, which has given me a headache. Now there are a lot of them, and they still won't let me live! You are at least the same generation as my mother. How dare you call me a lady? I don't have the life to bear this title! Just call me Linger like a tree! Otherwise, I will hide from you in the future!"

Listening to Wu Linger's almost rogue threat, everyone can't laugh or cry. In my memory, Wu Xiaoxian always threatens everyone with something irrelevant, asking everyone to do something irrelevant but quite a headache.

However, for Wu Linger's request, Wu Shu stood on her side: "This time, just listen to Linger!"


"Anyway, it's not the first time that Ling Er doesn't like to follow the rules. Let them say what others want to say! It doesn't matter if Ling Er doesn't care!" Wu Shu looked at the brothers in front of him: "Ling Er has had enough of those elders outside. At least, let her breathe a little when she is at home!"

Hearing Wu Shu say this, Wu Linger, who was lying on the soft couch, couldn't help sighing: "Tree, can you not be so perfect? He is handsome and so considerate and gentle. Which girl do you want to match you? No wonder I haven't seen a woman around you so far. It can't be so perfect!!"

Rao is the cultivation of Wushu, and he was also made a black line by Wu Linger: "Linger!!"

Wu Linger grabbed the coat of the witch tree and smiled like a proud kitten. Everyone couldn't help laughing: "Ling Er! Just let the captain go!" If it's not Wu Linger, it's really difficult for everyone to see the helpless appearance of Wu Shu!

Just after practicing, Wu Qing, who walked back to the room, saw everyone smiling so happily and asked very inappropriately, "Well, did I miss something fun?"

I saw Wu Shu's face sink: "Wu Qing, go out for a run! I didn't stop until dinner!"

Wu Qing was stunned for a moment and immediately looked bitterly: "Who am I trying to provoke?"

"Run with a hundred pounds!! Immediately!" Wu Qing ran away with his head in Wushu's words. If he stayed, he might not just run away with a hundred pounds of weight.

Seeing Wu Qing's appearance, Wu Linger couldn't help laughing: "I finally know why he is so thin! What a pity!"

"Ling Er, please don't have a happy expression on your face when you say that others are pitiful!" After pouring a cup of tea and handing it to Wu Linger, Wu Shu looked at Wu Linger and said, "Say, what do you want to do here?"

Wu Linger took a sip of tea and said, "It's nothing. I just want to see what kind of friend my mother is like!" Aunt Yue... is a person with more responsibility than anything else, so what about the rest? I'm curious! Because I have no impression of my mother at all, I can only describe what my mother looks like from everyone. Speaking of this, Wu Linger lowered her head gently: "I... really want to see my mother and hug her! Tell her that I'm doing well and I've been working hard!"

For a moment, everything in the room calmed down. Wu Shu sighed gently, sat on the soft edge, and patted Wu Linger on the shoulder: "I think Miss Xiaoxian will know! Linger, you have done a good job! I want to be proud of you when your father wakes up and knows what you have done for him!"

After taking a deep breath, Wu Linger reached out and wiped the tears from her face, raised her head and smiled at everyone: "I'm sorry to make everyone sad with me! I'm all right! If my winning brother is there, he will definitely scold me again! Hee, I often do this. It's good for everyone to get used to it!"

"Uh... I guess it's more difficult to get used to this?" Wu Qing lying on the window sill provoked everyone's anger, and he muttered aggrievedly, "I just saw... Ling Er crying, so... Well, I'll continue to run!" You continue! When I don't exist!"

Facing such a Wu Qing, Wu Shu touched his forehead and sighed, "Who on earth selected him as a close guard at the beginning?"

The handsome man who just took Wu Qing out to practice also sighed: "It's Miss Xiaoxian! She thought Wu Qing was fun, so she chose him from the reserve team!"

With this sentence, everyone calmed down and dared not complain any more.

After drinking the tea in the cup, Wu Linger put down the cup and stood up: "Well, it's getting late. I have to go back to prepare for tomorrow! It's really nice to see everyone today! I think my mother, who is with everyone, must have been very happy every day at the beginning! Thank you for taking care of my mother!"

Wu Linger, who had been laughing and making trouble, suddenly became so serious. Everyone was really a little unaccustomed to it and stunned, but Wu Shu put on his coat again and picked up Wu Linger: "It's getting late, go back! It's not good to stay outside for a while and catch a cold!"

"Hmm!" After Wu Linger smiled at everyone, she shrank in the arms of Wu Shu and stopped talking.

After Wu Linger left, the people near the bodyguard gradually became silent. Although they didn't know anything about Wu Linger, they had vaguely guessed something in their hearts. Everyone looked at each other, hesitating and struggling.