Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 26 Are you willing to accept it

Chapter 26 Are you willing to accept it

"The people in the orphanage have nothing to do with you. Why do you want to interfere in this matter?" Hearing the anger in Wu Linger's voice, the person on the other end of the phone was stunned.

Wu Linger rolled her eyes at the sky: "I have always had a good relationship with the orphanage. Don't you know? These children are all my brothers and sisters, and a few handsome men are members of my Zhengtai's cultivation plan. How dare you attack them? You are really bold!"

"..." After a moment of silence on the other end of the phone, he said, "Miss Wu, we don't know that you have such a close relationship with the orphanage. The reason why you took action against the orphanage is not aimed at you, but for other purposes!"

Although the other party said so, Wu Linger didn't believe it: "What's the purpose? You'd better give me a reasonable statement, otherwise... I can't guarantee that my witch pets will do anything because of my unhappiness! Of course, you can also continue to threaten me with Sister Nalan's life, but what I want to tell you is that I also have strong spiritual power in my body, and Zhili taught me the cultivation method of spiritual power as early as a few months ago. Now the spiritual power in my body is not weaker than you, and it is very simple to sense you, even without me to take action, there will be People will get rid of you!!"

"Is this a threat, Miss Wu?"

"I will interpret it as a warning of goodwill!" Wu Linger smiled faintly: "Give me a reason to attack the orphanage. If it is reasonable, then after you cure the child, we will continue our previous promise. Within half a month, I will find Xiaobei and exchange Julingzhu for Sister Nalan. Otherwise... Even if the spirit clan has fought against the witch clan for more than 2,000 years, I still have a way to erase you from the whole China. Do you want to gamble?

After being silent again on the other end of the phone, he said, "A few months ago, the peripheral members of our spiritual clan began to be attacked by death, which also caused a lot of damage. This time, we found that the leader of the murder was hiding in the orphanage, so we took action against the orphanage. The children were just a little painful and would not be life-threatening! We just want to use this to attract the leader hiding in the orphanage.

The words of the spirit clan stunned Wu Linger, and she looked at Xiao Tuo with incredible eyes. Xiao Tuo, who had been monitoring Wu Linger's mobile phone, was also stunned. He shook his head gently: "Keep listening!"

Wu Linger nodded and said, "So do you have a suspicious target? I have a good relationship with everyone in the orphanage. You give me a general range and I will help you find him, but on the condition that you don't embarras the children anymore!"

"That's why we didn't do this! He hides in the orphanage. As long as everything happens to the children, his tail will definitely be exposed! I promise not to hurt the children in the orphanage! So Miss Wu, please don't interfere in this matter again!"

"No!" Hearing that the other party refused to let go of the children, Wu Linger was also angry: "Based on what you did in Luojia Village, I don't have confidence in the guarantee of your spiritual clan!" Get the children's hypnosis immediately! Otherwise, my witch pets will always come to play with you! Let me think about it, Xichan Temple, West Lake Park, and the community where I live... Why don't you clean up these three places first!"

Wu Linger's words made the other party's heart colder and colder. Finally, he had to say, "Children in the orphanage, we will untie their hypnosis, but I hope Miss Wu will give us the traitor Luo Zhili!"

Looking at Luo Zhili, who was still resting in ** with his eyes closed, Wu Linger smiled faintly: "It's late! I just recognized Zhili as my younger brother, and he will be from my witch family! Will you give your brother to your enemy?"

"Miss Wu refused to give in half a step?"

Wu Linger sneered and said, "Please don't be aggressive, or we will have to see the real chapter!" In addition, your elder, Shan Junjie is my younger brother! Don't force me to move him and his master out! Otherwise, it will only make it harder for you to do it!"

He had to say that Wu Linger's words made the other party hesitate, but he did not want to easily accept Wu Linger's unyield attitude: "Then let's try to see who has delayed for a long time!"

"So... First, you should pray that none of these children will have an accident, second, you should pray that my handsome men will not come to your door, and third, you should pray that Sister Nalan won't have any accident in your hands, otherwise..."

Before Wu Linger finished her words, the other party had hung up the phone in anger. Wu Linger couldn't help flattening her mouth: "It's so rude to hang up before others finish speaking! Really, what can such a person do!"

Xiao Tuo looked at Wu Linger: "The person who killed recently has not received any task! It can't be that the murderer is looking for trouble for the spiritual clan!"

Wu Linger just wanted to say something, but Luo Zhili, who was lying in **, looked sideways at Wu Linger: "Why don't you exchange me for the children's health? Don't you care much about them? Besides, I'm not your brother, am I?"

Wu Linger turned her head and nodded: "That's right!" After taking a look at Luo Zhili, Wu Linger suddenly smiled evilly: "Xiaohua is my precious son. If you become my brother, won't your generation be higher than him?"

Originally, I thought that Wu Linger regretted saying that she was her younger brother, but she didn't think that she was entangled in this matter. Luo Zhili suddenly looked at Wu Linger with a black line and didn't know what to say. Xiaohua smiled: "Don't pay attention to her. If you stay with her for a long time, you will get used to it!!" After saying that, he looked at Wu Linger: "Anyway, no one believes that your son. In the future, I will also be your brother!"

Ah? I don't want it. I wanted you to bring me a daughter-in-law back, so won't you bring me a sister-in-law next time? It's much worse!!" Wu Linger fell down and rolled on **. She looked unremitable. When she negotiated with the Ling clan just now, she was completely two people. Luo Zhili sweated coldly: "Well... Is she usually like this?" Last time we were in Luojia Village, we didn't see Wu Linger like this. Isn't she... too exaggerated?

Brother Win looked at Luo Zhili and said, "She is a type of frequent and occasional convulsions. Don't worry about her!"

Frequently...occasionally...wclip. Why can't these two words be used together? Looking at Wu Linger and thinking about her usual behavior, Luo Zhili suddenly felt very admiring Brother Win. Such a contradictory sentence to describe Wu Linger was really vivid.

Looking back at Xiaohua, he found that he also looked indifferent. It seemed that they had been used to Wu Linger's behavior for a long time! Luo Zhili shook his head. The way he got along like this was really different from the world he used to live in. For a while, he couldn't accept it, but... it seemed that the feeling of getting along with everyone was not annoying!

After Wu Linger rolled for a while, Brother Ying looked at Wu Linger coldly: "Is it possible that you really want to be the mother of Xiaohua?"

"But... Xiaohua has called her mother for more than half a year, and she is already used to it!" Although there are many times when she is called sister, but... Wu Linger can't give birth to a lovely son like Xiaohua in her life. If she gives up... Thinking of this, Wu Linger is sad: "Okay, don't do it! My son! Why did you fly? Whoo-hoo..."

"Woman, can you be normal? Will you be happy if you make everyone in the hospital cry later? Seeing that Wu Linger made trouble again, Brother Win really lost his good temper.

Seeing that Brother Win was angry, Wu Linger flattened her mouth: "You can't make a joke. Brother Win is so annoying!" After saying that, she sat up and looked at Xiaohua: "Xiaohua, although you have been calling me mother before, I have told you when I was in Japan that I am only 20 years old, not enough to become a woman who can protect and take care of my children. In my heart, you are my most important family and my brother. In the future, please continue to stay with me and take care of me, okay?"

It's rare to see Wu Linger so serious. After Xiaohua was stunned, she nodded with a smile: "Hmm!" This smile only felt that the room was full of spring light, as if there was no more haze in the world.

After getting Xiaohua's promise, Wu Linger did not become a nymphomaniac as usual, but turned her head and looked at Luo Zhili: "Zhi, I admit that I don't know much about you. I don't know your past or your preferences, but I know that you are not a bad person. Many people in my family are very noisy. Everyone has different personalities. I am also very noisy. As far as human beings are concerned, my life is very short, and I may not have much time to spend with you. Are you willing to accept such a family?