Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 61 Mysterious Gifts

Chapter 61 Mysterious Gifts


Well, add more and ask for rewards~~

Although I'm a little embarrassed

But it is said that rewards can increase the total points of the book~~

So, please everyone!!


"Nalan? Oh, you're talking about Ye Tian's stinky woman, right? Why did I rob her? She is not my woman! Didn't you say that she was arrested by the spirit clan? Robbed? It's not that the spiritual people are lying, right?

Looking at the old man's serious words, Wu Linger was also depressed: "It's not you, it's not us. Who else will rob Sister Nalan?"

The old man shrugged his shoulders: "You don't know, how do I know? I don't know that Nalan well!" After saying that, he glanced at other places and said, "Woman, I have something else to do. I won't talk to you anymore. I'll let you know when I hear from that woman later!" However, don't care too much about others, so that you will be the one who will be hurt in the end!"

As the video went dark, Wu Linger struggled again: "If it's not a stinky old man, who else could it be?"

Just when Wu Linger had a headache, her mobile phone rang. Xiaohua took a look and handed it over: "It's your uncle!"

Wu Linger answered the phone angrily: "What are you doing?!"

"Linger, I'm in Switzerland now, and your father has also been sent here! We chose a good place. The aura is relatively full, which should be more suitable for your father to wake up. After you gather the spiritual beads, come to Switzerland to meet me!!" On the other end of the phone was Li Tianzuo's voice, which was rare. This time he didn't make such a crazy cry again.

Wu Linger was stunned for a moment before saying, "I know! I will contact you again after hearing the spirit beads!" After saying that, she hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Wu Linger looked at the people around her: "I'm not surprised that he knows that I have returned to F City. Why does he know that there are no spiritual beads in my hand now?" With Xiao Tuo at home, it is absolutely impossible for Li Tianzuo's people to spy on anything. As for the spiritual clan, if there is a person who has the strength to compete with Xiao Tuo, then the matter of gathering spiritual beads will never be revealed.

So, who told Li Tianzuo about Ju Lingzhu? Is it possible that among the people around you who know about gathering spiritual beads, there is Li Tianzuo?

Just as everyone looked at each other, Wu Linger shook her head: "You all appeared after I met Li Tianzuo, and among your group, Xiao Tuo doesn't know the existence of Ju Lingzhu, let alone others, so you don't have to look at each other. There will never be any stinky old man among you! We can't mess ourselves up because of others.

Ye Tian smiled bitterly: "Sometimes I really think, where does your unconditional trust in others come from?" In this society, it is a miracle that you can live until now!"

"There is never a lack of miracles in the world! Look at my experience in the past year and you will know!" Wu Linger smiled and winked at Ye Tian, and Ye Tian suddenly looked defeated.

Brother Win thought for a moment and said, "Why go to Switzerland? China does not lack aura. Why did he choose Switzerland? At the beginning, Wu Xiaoxuan and Wu Ningfeng had to go to Switzerland because of the power of the witch people in China, which was indeed suitable for recuperation, but I don't think the aura there is really sufficient than most parts of China.

Brother Ying said this, and Xiao Lv frowned: "You mean there is a trap?"

Brother Win nodded: "It's very likely!" Those Xiuzhen families always have this and such things, which may limit the actions of the witch pets. If the killers can't interfere in the affairs of the Li family, as long as they control Wu Linger's witch pets, then Wu Linger can only obediently be captured.

Qin Xiaojing also frowned: "Ling Er, I am against you going to Switzerland!" Switzerland seems to be a neutral and powerful country, but relatively, the surveillance of people like them is also relatively strict. If you go to Switzerland, you don't need Li Tianzuo to speak, everyone's actions are not as comfortable as in other places, not to mention Li Tianzuo and him. The Lee family.

Wu Linger raised her mobile phone: "My father has been sent to Switzerland. Do you think I have a choice?"

Wu Linger's words made everyone shut up obediently. Yes, Wu Linger's father has been sent to Switzerland. She has no choice. After experiencing this year's pain, after knowing Li Tianyou's feelings for Wu Linger, it is absolutely impossible for Wu Linger to give up her father.

While everyone was silent, the doorbell suddenly rang: "Hello, FedEx! Is there anyone at home? Please come out and sign for it!"

Xiaohua was stunned for a moment and walked over to open the door. After a while, he came in with a box in his arms: "Ling Er, your package. I didn't write the recipient or the address.

"Who is so nagging?" Wu Linger looked at the box with dissatisfaction: "Coffee, help me open it!"

It's good to have a violent person in the family. Although he usually likes to be coquettish, if there is anything that needs violence, it's the happiest for him to do it!

Sure enough, the coffee opened the box. Strangely, it contained a baby's belly pocket, a letter, a very light-looking gauze, and a lovely green jade pendant.

Seeing that there was nothing interesting, the coffee picked it up and put it on the table: "What the hell? It's not fun at all!"

Wu Linger reached out and opened the fire paint on the mailbox, and a letter written in calligraphy appeared in front of her. Looking at the flying dragon and phoenix's calligraphy, Wu Linger sighed: "You...who knows the word mad grass? It's okay to recognize a small regular script. How can there be a cursive script? Show off?"

Qin Xiaojing took the letter and took a look at it and handed it back to Wu Linger: "Linger, only you can read this letter!"

Ye Tian looked at Qin Xiaojing: "Are you hurt?"

Qin Xiaojing took a deep breath and shook his head: "It's okay! I was just shocked. I think the other party just warned others not to read this letter, so it didn't cause much harm.

Wu Linger took a look at Xiaohua, and Xiaohua immediately helped Qin Xiaojing up: "Brother Qin, go and have a rest first!"

Knowing that Wu Linger was worried about her, Qin Xiaojing didn't say much and let Xiaohua help herself into the room.

Wu Linger helplessly picked up the rice paper again. After looking at it for a while, Wu Linger found that something was wrong: "I'll go back to the room to study it. If anything is researched, I will tell you!" After saying that, she took all the things on the table and rushed to the second floor.

Looking at Wu Linger's appearance, everyone smiled bitterly and dispersed.

When he came to the garden, Xiaolu looked at the garden that had been remodeled by Xiaohua and Luo Zhili and sighed: "Mung beans, can't we really help? Can she only carry everything on her back and rush forward alone?

"It doesn't matter. When she rushes forward, we will always stand by her side! If...the reality really makes her so painful, I will help her end the pain!" Mung Bean's words made Xiao Lv smile bitterly: "Mung Bean, kill the person you love with your own hands. I don't want you to experience that feeling once! If there is really such a need, let me do it!"

After a faint glance at the little green, the mung bean reached out and picked up a kettle and began to water the plants in the garden: "Do you think I will let you experience that pain for the second time?"

"You two, that's enough!" Coffee suddenly appeared in the garden: "I began to respect you because you are the most stable one of the four holy beasts. Now it seems that you are the most cowardly and fearful of the four holy beasts, so you can live until now!"