Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 96 Repair the Flowers Together

Chapter 96 Repairing Small Flowers Together

Seeing that Brother Win is leaving, Ji Zai also stood up: "Are you going to find Xiaohua?"

Brother Win nodded: "If you want to come, just follow!"

"I'll go with you too! It's not one of you. Maybe Xiaohua is not so defensive about me. I can also explain to him what happened!" Xiaobei also stood up: "I'll take Huang Xinger with me. Xiaohua has always had a good impression on Xing'er. When he sees her, his defensiveness can also be greatly reduced!"

Brother Win nodded: "Please!"

"I..." As soon as Luo Zhili opened his mouth, Brother Ying stopped him: "Now most of the people of the spiritual clan don't like you, and then because of Ling'er's affairs, Xiaohua is also very wary of you. You'd better stay at home and help me stare at that woman by the way! The plants you control staring at him may be more useful than those two people!!"

Luo Zhili thought for a moment and thought so: "I know. Don't worry. If she wants to escape, I will trap her!!"

After thinking about what Luo Zhili said, Brother Win only felt a black line, but... This is the best way to deal with Wu Linger: "Then please!" After saying that, he turned around and left the house.

After leaving the community, Brother Ying dialed Amber's mobile phone: "Zha Bai Lao! Ling Er suspected that he had something to do with that curse!"

Brother Win's words obviously stunned Amber: "What?"

"Anyway, you can check him! Also, if the performer dies, the hypnosis will be solved?

Obviously, this sentence made Amber more worried: "Who was hypnotized?" It's not a good thing for anyone to be hypnotized in that room! I guess Wu Linger will definitely go crazy!

Brother Win's next answer made Amber even more headache: "Xiaohua seems to have been hypnotized by Bai! Today, he came back from injury, but he thought it was me and Ling Er who injured him!"

"How is that possible?"

"But that's the truth!" Brother Win said as he walked, "Also, help me check it. I always feel that it's not right. It seems that the witches and spirits have been secretly manipulated in this matter. If so, get that person out! Otherwise, you are too faceless, aren't you?"

Amber does not seem to be surprised by what Brother Win said: "No matter how powerful a person is, as long as he concentrates too much on one thing, he will easily be taken advantage of by others. Just like hypnosis, as long as there is a gap, you will be caught by the hypnotist! The witches are like this, and the spirits are the same! Maybe this opportunity can make the spiritual people a little clearer!"

Brother Win, who was walking, suddenly stopped: "If you want to use Linger to solve your own problems! I will make you regret it!!"

"How come? Even if there is no Ling Er's case, we plan to deal with it!!" Amber felt Brother Win's anger and said, "Don't worry, I'll tell you some things I found out later! At least, I absolutely have no malice towards you, otherwise I would not have helped Wu Xiaoxuan restore her witch power!"

"Okay, I'll wait for your explanation!" After saying that, Brother Win hung up the phone and stopped: "Ji Zai, go that way, Xiaobei, go that way!" I went this way, and we acted separately. If you find Xiaohua, don't act recklessly. He may be hypnotized by the other party, or there may be some misunderstanding between us. Anyway, try to comfort him first and take him back!"

"I don't think it's a good idea to take Xiaohua home before he recovers! Ling'er can't stand Xiaohua treating her as an enemy!" Although he didn't see what happened with his own eyes, Ji Zai also heard about the situation after Xiaohua came back: "Take him back to the original apartment. Everyone will be more relieved there!"

Brother Win thought about it and thought so. After telling Xiaobei the address, everyone began to act separately.

After a short sleep, Wu Linger opened her eyes and saw the little green and coffee in the room. She sat up with a smile: "What's wrong? What happened, so it began to be on first-level alert? When did I have to sleep with two people?"

Xiao Lv looked at Wu Linger angrily: "Don't be a nymphomaniac there. Just like you, it's still far from wanting me to sleep with you!" Exercise your chest muscles more one day, maybe I will think about it!!"

Wu Linger angrily smashed a pillow on Xiaolu's face: "It's so hot. I'm going to take a shower. Won't you follow me?"

"Ah, coffee wants to come in, okay? Coffee..." Before the coffee finished, it was slapped by Xiao Lv**: "Go and wash it, we stay outside! Call us if you need anything! Don't worry, I'm not interested in your body, so it doesn't matter if you wear clothes or not!"

"Oh, coffee is interested, coffee wants..." The protest of coffee was submerged under the pillow, while Wu Linger grabbed a book and hit Xiao Lv. After successfully shut him up, she walked into the bathroom.

After opening the faucet and starting to release water, Wu Linger pressed the record player, and the soft music slowly sounded. Xiaolu shook her head with a smile: "This girl really enjoys it."

"So many things have happened, it's good to relax!!" Coffee lowered her head from the pillow and said, "It's rare for her to have such a relaxing time. It seems that the dead earthworm is still very persuasive!"

Gently opened the window, Wu Linger smiled and said softly outside the door, "I'm sorry, little green, coffee!" After saying that, she jumped out of the window, and just as she landed, she dived into the land and disappeared.

After sneaking out for a distance, Wu Linger got out of the earth, but as soon as she got out of the ground, she saw a cute Chihuahua-like face: "Hi! Are you going out for a walk? But this method doesn't seem to be too easy to walk!"

"Knowledge! I..."

Luo Zhili stretched out his hand to Wu Linger: "If you want to take a walk, let's go together!" I also want to beat the awkward boy who left home now!"

Wu Linger was stunned for a moment, reached out and held Luo Zhili's hand, and pulled herself out of the ground by him: "Thank you! But how did you know I was here?"

"Only your simple guys will believe that you will believe such idiotic reasons and excuses. Although that may be part of the truth, that guy is a person who will never give up for the past. Let's go and get that awkward guy back!!" Luo Zhili smiled and showed two cute rabbit teeth, which made Wu Linger start to calm down again: "Okay! Get Xiaohua back and we will fix him together!!"

Seeing that Wu Linger recovered, Luo Zhili smiled and took him in one direction: "Do you know where he is?"

"Just kidding, Xiaohua is my precious son. If it hadn't been for warning the stinky old man surnamed Bai yesterday, I would have picked up Xiaohua back yesterday, so that Xiaohua would not have been hurt!" Wu Linger sighed, "Maybe I think too much! If Xiaohua is the priority rather than dealing with the white old man, Xiaohua may..."

Luo Zhili patted Wu Linger's head angrily and patted Wu Linger's six-meter-high head with his height of 1.56 meters. It looked really awkward: "No wonder those witch pets in your family are so stupid. It turns out that they were all damaged by you!"

If Wu Linger chooses to save Xiaohua directly instead of suppressing Elder Bai's power like last night, Elder Bai may also attack others. If Wu Linger can feel Xiaohua, she can also know whether she is safe or not. In order to ensure Xiaohua's safety, she naturally chooses a method that can be used once and for all. I just didn't expect that Xiaohua would be hypnotized by Elder Bai, which is unexpected, but as long as people are fine, hypnosis and so on can all be solved: "Don't worry, Xiaohua will be fine! However, Xiaohua is like this now. I don't really agree with you going to find him. Maybe you will start fighting next time you meet! Are you willing to take action against him?"

After hesitating for a moment, Wu Linger looked at Zhili: "No matter what, I still want to see Xiaohua with my own eyes!" It's a big deal. I'll just stay far away and have a look! If he is hypnotized, we will knock him out and bring him back! If he really has any misunderstanding about me, I want to talk to him!"

In the face of Wu Linger's persistence, Luo Zhili shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "Then go quickly! Don't forget that coffee is in the wind, and your feet are definitely not as strong as him!"