Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 14 Stay up late and hurt your skin

Chapter 14 Staying up late hurts your skin

Coffee smiled and said, "Amao is really important to Ji Zai, but there are more important things in his life than appearance! For example, it turned out that he could give up his appearance for me. In order to protect me, he was beaten like that by others. But he has never blamed me for this. Now, for him, maybe you will become a past tense in the future, but he is willing to abandon his original appearance and become the current Ji Zai for you. Do you know what this means?

"Don't beat around the bush if you know I'm stupid!" Wu Linger poked the coffee with dissatisfaction and forced him to say the answer quickly.

Coffee grabbed Wu Linger's hand and said, "It means that he is willing to continue to live as a member of this family!" Even if we go back to that world, Brother Win, Jizai, me, Little Green and Mung Bean will not be separated, and we will live together as family! Although the strength of Jizai, Xiaolu and mung beans has been slightly damaged, do you think that once our copycat four holy beasts stay together, who else will dare to provoke us?

Wu Linger looked at the coffee in disbelief and seemed to not believe that his words were true: "Coffee, are you true? Didn't you lie to me?"

Coffee smiled and said, "Little Green agreed, saying that after many years, everyone will move together after returning to that world! Let's see who dares not open their eyes!" Perhaps thinking of that kind of happy life, Coffee smiled particularly proudly: "At that time, I think it's okay to walk sideways and hit whoever you don't like!"

Wu Linger patted the coffee's head angrily: "Don't be complacent! Among all the people, except me, you are the most troublesome! Next time I dare to mess up, I will directly ask Ji Zai to divorce you! What do you do by yourself!"

Coffee immediately became pitiful: "Linger, are you willing to let Ji Zai abandon me? He listens to you now. If you say so, he definitely doesn't want me! How can you do this to me!"

Wu Linger directly pushed the coffee face away: "Don't pretend to be pitiful. I just thought you were a little handsome, and you immediately changed back to this appearance! You really don't have a moment of normality!" After saying that, Wu Linger looked at the coffee seriously: "Coffee, I don't know if your original personality is like this, or if you have deliberately become the current personality for me. At least, I don't think you would have been so clingy! After all, you are the king of beasts!" Speaking of the King of Beasts, Wu Linger couldn't help smiling, but made the coffee stare at her very sadly.

Wu Linger directly ignored the sad eyes of coffee: "In fact, do you know coffee in your heart? Ji Zai has been taking good care of you all the time! Tolerating you! Take care of your carelessness and tolerate your waywardness! If Ji Zai's strength really can't be restored in the future, then it will be yours to protect him! I hope that at least you can become a reliable and safe partner for coffee! You can't let such a good boy worry about you and hurt you again, can you?"

After hearing Wu Linger say this, Coffee nodded depressedly: "Linger knows this even if you don't tell me! Things like last time won't happen again!" After saying that, Coffee suddenly became depressed: "We seemed to be talking about you just now. Why did you preach again?"

Wu Linger smiled: "After hearing you say that, I feel much more relieved. Maybe I worry too much! Maybe... I'm really tired! I hope that after these things are over, I can really have a good rest. Otherwise, if it goes on like this, even if there is no demon, my nerves will collapse!"

"Will Ling'er's nerves also be unbearable? It's really strange! We always thought that your famous rough nerve would never feel tired! Even Brother Win gave you..." Coffee suddenly closed his mouth and joked. The dead earthworm didn't say anything, so he didn't want to be a good person to say it!

Wu Linger looked at the coffee strangely: "What did Brother Win give me?"

"None! Nothing!" Coffee smiled and said, "Would you like to take a break? Or shall we go out to see if Ji Zai and the others have come back?

After angrily white coffee, Wu Linger fell on **: "They are my witch pets. If they come back, do you think I may not know?"

Coffee turned his head and thought about it, and suddenly said, "Ling Er, have you practiced the witchcraft that recalls the witch pet to your side?"

Wu Linger nodded and hit a formula with both hands. Brother Win immediately appeared by the bedside. He looked blankly: "What are you doing?"

"It's okay. Coffee asked me if I would drag you to my side, so I tried it, and it seemed to be very clever!" After saying that, Wu Linger lay down a little in the bed and gave up his seat to let Brother Win sit down and look at the coffee: "Why do you ask so?"

Finding that Brother Win looked at himself unhappily, Coffee shrank his neck and said, "I'm thinking, in fact, we have a way to cheat!" Ling Er, you just need to pay attention to the movements of Ji Zai and Xiao Lv. If you find that they are injured or in danger, you can directly use the witchcraft to recall them, so that they can even save their strength to run away!"

Wu Linger and Brother Win were stunned for a moment. Obviously, what coffee said was something they didn't expect before. Wu Linger sat up and grabbed the face of the coffee: "Are you the coffee himself? Or is it easy for others? The evil spirit retreats! Give me back my coffee!!"

"It hurts!! Linger, let go! It really hurts!" His face was hurt by Wu Linger, and the coffee looked at Wu Linger with tears in his eyes. Not to mention how cute she was. Wu Linger smiled and let go: "Coffee is still quite smart! Don't be lazy in the future! Tell me all the good ideas!"

The coffee rubbed his painful face and said, "I also suddenly thought of it!" No one thought of this before, probably never thought of letting the witch pet leave him so far away to fight alone! So no one noticed this!"

Wu Linger turned her head and thought for a moment: "No! It should be that no one would summon so many witch pets like me before. If there is only one witch pet, of course, I won't let him be too far away from me for the sake of safety. Like I have so many witch pets, some people go out to perform missions, and others stay at home to protect me. Only I can do such a luxurious thing!"

Irmenting Wu Linger's stinky fart, Brother Win said, "Linger, have you ever thought that this may be a strange trick for us! If everyone is very scattered when fighting, and you are in danger and don't have time to rescue, as long as you summon us back, we can protect you immediately, and nothing like the last time in Luojia Village will happen again!" At that time, if Wu Linger had summoned Brother Win to her side, she would not have been bitten and dragged away by the dragon, and she would not have been so seriously injured.

Wu Linger thought for a moment and nodded and said, "That's right, but can you guarantee that as soon as I do this, you will understand and be ready to face a new battle? Don't make trouble for me after being called here, so that I have to protect you!"

Knocking on Wu Linger's head, Brother Ying said disdainfully, "If you are not facing ordinary human beings, what else can you do besides hypnotizing with witch power? Oh, by the way, I forgot that Xiaobei taught you the five elements of escape. You can use this to slip away!"

She was despised by Brother Win. Wu Linger was suddenly furious. When she was about to fight back, her face suddenly changed. She jumped up from ** and rushed outside.

At the door, Ji Zai and Xiao Lv were helping a bloody man in: "Xiaohua!!"

Xiaohua quickly went over and helped Ji Zai and Xiaolu help the blood man to the sofa and began to check his injury.

Seeing the people on the sofa, Wu Linger frowned gently: "Five years ago, couldn't he deal with those three people? How did it become like this?"

Ji Zai and Xiao Lv shook their heads: "We don't know how he defeated those three people five years ago, but today, he was obviously repaired very badly. If we hadn't taken action in time, I guess he would have become one of the sun's leaders!"

Mung Bean was stunned for a moment and looked at Xiao Lv: "Is the fourth array done?"

Little Green smiled evilly: "With me and coffee here, do you think it's possible for them to do it? It's just that the three people moved very fast, twice as fast as we met. While protecting Liu Pengfei and destroying the array, we couldn't deal with three people, so we let them escape!"

Wu Linger nodded and looked at Xiao Lv: "I don't believe you left anything!"

Ji Zai smiled faintly and looked at the busy flower: "I threw a flower seed that Xiaohua gave me before on one of them. I think that seed will sprout and grow well!"

Xiaohua paused for a moment and immediately continued to do what he was doing. After a while, he breathed a sigh of relief: "For good, two ribs were broken, and the upper arm of his right hand was fractured. Except for this, the rest were some skin injuries! I'll bandage him first and then take him to the hospital!"

He coughed gently twice, and Liu Pengfei, who had woken up, shook his head: "No, I'll be fine after a night's rest!" I..."

"I, I'm a big head! Do you still think you are invincible? I warn you that you have broken three bones now. If you make me angry again, I will let you break three more bones!" Wu Linger interrupted Liu Pengfei angrily: "Didn't you say you can do it? Why did you become so embarrassed!"

After drinking a few mouthfuls of water fed by small flowers, Liu Pengfei felt a little better: "These three people were just caught by me at the beginning. Later, a special department asked them away, saying that they would never let them come out to harm our compatriots again. Because of this, I didn't kill these three people but let the special department take them away. I just didn't expect that five years later, they not only came out to kill again, but also became stronger than before! And I..." At this point, Liu Pengfei smiled bitterly and said nothing more.

Hearing Liu Pengfei's last sentence, Wu Linger realized that Liu Pengfei had sealed his own power for five years. No matter how powerful the power is, if it is not used for five years, the coordination of the body will be much worse, not to mention the use of the power. In contrast, those three people do not seem to have slacken in the past five years. With such a gap, it seems that it is not difficult for them to defeat Liu Pengfei!

After thinking about this, Wu Linger sighed: "Well, it's already like this. It's useless for you to think about it!" Leave the rest to us!"

"No!" Hearing that Wu Linger was going to intervene, Liu Pengfei immediately objected. He even forgot that he was injured and wanted to sit up, but he didn't want to make this move. He immediately involved the wound and suddenly fell into the sofa in pain.

Seeing Liu Pengfei like this, Wu Linger made a face at him: "You deserve it. Who told you to move! Now you stay here and rest, and we will take care of it! Don't worry, it's not just for you, those guys hurt people who are important to me! I want to settle this account with them! Don't you know that my biggest problem is to protect my shortcomings?

Wu Linger's angry appearance made Liu Pengfei a little helpless: "What are you going to do?"

"Find them, then cut them down and put them in that shape!" Wu Linger couldn't help laughing when she saw Liu Pengfei's surprised expression: "Of course it's impossible!" Stupid! However, this time, we won't let them do this nonsense again! Moreover, the person behind the scenes will also be found out!"

Hearing Wu Linger's words, Liu Pengfei was a little surprised: "Behind the scenes?"

Wu Linger nodded: "Just now, I asked my friend to check it for me. This head and sun array also appeared more than 500 years ago. At that time, there were also three people, but behind the three people, there was another person controlling them. At that time, the information showed that two of the three people were killed, and the people who killed them also suffered heavy losses due to the sneak attack by the people behind the scenes. Since then, this formation has disappeared and did not reappear until five years ago.

Liu Pengfei lay on the sofa, but frowned: "You mean, these three people are not the most powerful. There is a more powerful person behind them?"

Wu Linger shrugged her shoulders: "500 years ago, but now, I don't know!" After all, when you defeated them five years ago, no one took action against you. If the power of the country had not taken a fancy to them, the three of them would have died in your hands five years ago. Therefore, not necessarily this time, but for the sake of safety, we should prepare for the worst!"

After hearing Wu Linger say this, Liu Pengfei struggled to sit up, but was held down by Xiaohua: "If you are injured, lie down obediently. Please don't cause us any more trouble! We don't have more energy to take care of the injured now!"

Liu Pengfei, who was stunned by Xiaohua's powerful shouting, became embarrassed: "I'm sorry, this matter..."

"It doesn't matter, I didn't intend to interfere in this matter! Anyway, if you deal with it and you can't handle it well, there must be someone from that special department to deal with them! But they are unlucky and have provoked people who should not be provoked! If you dare to hurt me, they will have to pay the price!" Although Wu Linger still had a smile on her face at this time, the smile seemed a little uncomfortable in Liu Pengfei's eyes. He never knew that the Wu Linger in the information would also have this side. Maybe she is not a person who needs the personal protection of others!

Because Liu Pengfei refused to go to the hospital, everyone had to carefully carry him back to his room. Once again, Wu Linger carefully told Liu Pengfei to stay in the hotel at ease and not to run around.

After returning to the room, Xiaolu looked at Wu Linger: "I said, will you care too much about the Liu?"

Wu Linger smiled faintly: "Is there?"

After rolling his eyes at the sky, Xiao Lv sat on the sofa. Wu Linger didn't say much, but turned her head and looked at Xiaohua: "Xiaohua, can you find where those three people are?"

Xiaohua closed her eyes and felt it for a moment and nodded: "In the west of the city! Are we going to get there now?"

Wu Linger nodded: "Let's go! If you stay up too late, it will affect your skin! At that time, Jizai is going to make trouble with me again!"

"Idiot woman!" Jizai stared at Wu Linger angrily, but this time, Brother Win, Xiaolu and Mung Bean did not teach him a lesson because he said so. Maybe they also know that this is a way for Jizai to express his feelings, right?

After driving near the west of the city, everyone parked their car in a remote parking lot. When she got out of the car, Wu Linger looked at the distance and said, "As I said before, Ji Zai, Xiao Lv and Mung Bean, you three will deal with those three people. Brother Win, Coffee and Xiaohua will protect me. Well, considering that the strength of these three people may be slightly stronger, you can be ready to receive the coffee at any time. In addition, if you feel unbearable, call me and I will recall you back to your side immediately! Do you understand?"

Knowing that this is not a joke. Although the other party is not very powerful, everyone has to deal with the old fox Li Tianzuo, so no one can damage it, and it is also necessary to know the whereabouts of Xiaobei from them. Based on these days, everyone has also cleaned up the usual joke mood. .

After feeling it, Xiaohua reached out and handed two plant seeds, the little green and mung bean: "Find a way to hit the seeds on their bodies. As long as it smells a little blood, this kind of seed will sprout, which can also provide you with some help.

Understand the means of Xiaohua, and Xiaolu and Mung Bean will not delay: "You really want to minimize the risk!"

"I took care of a lot of the injured today, and I don't want to be tired anymore!" Xiaohua smiled faintly.

Hearing Xiaohua's words, everyone couldn't help laughing, and Wu Linger hugged Xiaohua: "Xiaohua, have I told you that you are becoming more and more like our family!!"

Xiaohua immediately looked at Wu Linger with a pitiful expression: "Didn't I look like it before?"

Seeing Xiaohua's expression that was about to cry, Wu Linger quickly hugged him hard: "Like! It must be like that. Who said that Xiaohua is not like our family? I will be the first to spare him!!"

Seeing Wu Linger's naughty appearance, Xiaohua broke away from her arms with a smile: "Okay, I'm going back to make trouble! Let's get to business first!"

"Really, they want to hold it a little longer! Xiaohua, your face has become more and more cute recently! It feels so good to pinch!! You are not allowed to lose weight in the future, this is the best! I like it the most!!" As she spoke, Wu Linger stuck to the flowers like cowhide candy.

Little Green rolled his eyes unbearablely, and then said to Ji Zai and mung beans, "Let's go!" The three men rushed to the already locked target like a meteor.